View Full Version : do you like to washpolish your car??

19-08-08, 01:11 AM

Check THIS out!

19-08-08, 03:01 AM
Its just taken me over a hour to read through that, but 100% worth it! the attention to detail is unreal. Makes me want to rip the car apart now and start cleaning lol

19-08-08, 07:39 AM
I can appreciate the effort gone it to this and the results are awesome etc. The level of standard finish is and isnt surprising also.

However how ghey are some of the pictures like them standing behind each other? Also 'we celebrated with a large pizza' WTF.

The guy needs to come out the closset and get out a bit more IMO lol

19-08-08, 08:21 AM
there is giving your car a good flat polish and making it look nice there there is these guys who take things wayyyyyy toooo far...

I'd love to have the spare time to go that far with my car lol

19-08-08, 09:13 AM
Read this a few days ago, I love how he calls the pen mark under the carpets 'utter vandalism' lol And how he contemplated returning the car because of the 0.5mm paint spec.

19-08-08, 09:32 AM
I can see why people would go to this level on a car, but maybe a real classic, or a supercar, I'd question how perfect you would want / expect a mass produced repmobile/family car to be......

Nothing against it tho - just dont see the point......

craig green
19-08-08, 09:46 AM
True dedication & the end results are stunning, but for most of us in the real world, you have to ask why.

I love looking at my car but love driving it even more. Whats the point of owning a performance car if you woukd be scared of getting it dirty or covered in flies/stone chips.

19-08-08, 09:57 AM
its jsut a poxy astra at the end of the day... if it was something worth more than £50K then yeah lavish attention on it, but for a shopping car on steriods.. NO!

19-08-08, 10:10 AM
I wonder what his neighbours think when they see him every 3 days washing his car :S

19-08-08, 10:29 AM
He washes every other day. . .

19-08-08, 10:54 AM
Finished result is stunning, but I dont see the point, yes get it clean but 3 months? He must be scared to use it,

Dec I think we've found your new best friend

19-08-08, 11:32 AM
He washes every other day. . .

19-08-08, 11:48 AM
what a penis lol , thats just too far haha

19-08-08, 02:18 PM
I love to give my car a good clean, and i can understand people correcting older cars covered in film and swirl marks. I an even see why people are willing to pay that other guy on D/world hundreds and thousands to wash, correct and polsih there 100k super cars and classics. But on a 'normal' car..?? He must wrap the whole thing up in bubble wrap in every car park, and never go over 10 mph in case it gets a stone chip. I think hes forgotten that a car like that is ment to be driven.. fast and often, and washed slowly and occasionally. Not the other way around!

19-08-08, 02:21 PM
is it just me that'd love to see a photo of the mountainbike against the side of the car after falling off the hooks and bouncing off the roof?

20-08-08, 10:50 PM
I really do like cleaning my car and i always keep it nice (even in the winter lol) But this guy has gone ever so slightly over the top! as i said i like a clean car but there is a line, yeh it looks good but you'd be scared to use the thing! i sometimes spend a whole sunday from 9 till 6 cleaning my car and everyone thinks i'm crazy!