View Full Version : steering column bolt

17-08-08, 08:22 PM
having probs gettin my steering column out, one of the 2 bolts at the top side has no head, its domed, tried for a while with the hammer and chisel trick, and mole grips both ends, but no luck.
is there a knack to getting these undone or am i gonna have to drill it/grind it out.

17-08-08, 09:10 PM
drilling is the quickest as its an anti-tamper bolt that the head shears off when first fitted

17-08-08, 09:31 PM
u used a very small chizel on mine and whacked it evry hard with a hammer, its quite easy tor emove tbh aslong as youve got a "dip " in the bolt and are hitting it round rather than hamemring inwards

17-08-08, 09:41 PM
You need better quality vise grips!

17-08-08, 10:24 PM
I always used a thin sharp chisel, they come out easily enough.

17-08-08, 11:49 PM
yeh i was hittin in a good spot to get some turn on it, but no joy.
wanted to try a smaller sharper chisel ideally, but cant get the steering wheel off and theres not much room as it is. i could try duct taping a long punch to a better chisel and try that.
i think next time, ill probably hit it with the grinder from underneath if ive got room to get in there, then drop the column out from under and if im lucky ill be able to turn the remaining bolt from above as ive not got any suitable drill bits to get the leftovers out, then replace with a nut and bolt.
cheers guys.

18-08-08, 06:40 AM
As said, hammer + chisel = turney turney.

I used a 110v disc cutter and ground a slot into it and literally unscrewed it out. A 2 min job.

18-08-08, 11:25 AM
oo mike that is a plan mate, yeh if all fails ill grind a slot into it and get a beefy screwdriver on it :thumb:

18-08-08, 11:33 AM
these work pretty well

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:YD767INv-rfiCM:http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4121YRM8XWL._SL500_AA280_.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4121YRM8XWL._SL500_AA280_.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.amazon.co.uk/RECord-300-Stillson-Wrench-12In/dp/B0001IX9JK&h=280&w=280&sz=9&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=YD767INv-rfiCM:&tbnh=114&tbnw=114&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dstillson%2Bwrench%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den )

18-08-08, 11:34 AM
good ol' stilson :D

18-08-08, 11:38 AM
I had to remove a load of security fencing with 'shear' nuts that had been wizzed on with a windy gun. the old stillsons did it easy, makes you feel secure knowing how quick it is to take the stuff down. 1 panel in under 2 minutes with enough room to get a car out & no noise.....

18-08-08, 11:42 AM
heh, you been doing a bit of moonlighting have you mowgli ? lol

18-08-08, 11:51 AM
no, I am a groundworker, & when we turn up on site, there are always things that need removing to gain access with the diggers. You'd be amazed just how lacking most people's idea of security actually is............
I get to do the climbing over walls, popping open doors & windows type stuff, & regularly have to break into our own vehicles cos someone has locked the keys in.....I am actually very legal.........

18-08-08, 11:54 AM
sounds like a fun job

18-08-08, 03:35 PM
On my white GSi the sheer nuts had the bolts still attached, felt like trying to sue vauxhall lol.

18-08-08, 04:18 PM
sounds like a fun job

99% boredom, 1% yippee....