View Full Version : My cars just been stolen :(

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 01:31 AM
Cant believe it,was still up watching telly when I thought,that exhaust sounds familiar,stuck my head out of the window to see my car being driven out of my estate!!!Funking chavs,we live in a tiny village where there was no crime whatsoever til a few years ago,in the space of 6 months a person got stabbed,someone got mugged the other week and now this!!Im so fuming!!!

Anyone want to place bets now on it being smashed up(wet roads),or gone for dust and in some dodge scrappy 2moz?????

14-08-08, 01:33 AM
go out and find the scum and take it back of them

14-08-08, 01:34 AM
i cant imagine what it feels like to see your car drive off. i assume you have foned the police

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 01:34 AM
my stepdads on his way out the door as we speak!!rather him not as he will commit murders if he finds them!

edit:i feel like crying to be honest burgo,id have rather not see my pride and joy be redlined out the estate!!wouldnt have been as bad if i hadnt

edit 2:phoned them literally the second after it happened,so got my fingers,eyes,toes and everything crossed they catch the b@stards

14-08-08, 01:45 AM
Is it a nova?

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 01:46 AM
yeah mk2 white,one of the only ones for miles......beyond gutted

14-08-08, 01:53 AM
Thats another one gone then... :(

Novas are too easy to rob. Didnt realise quite how easy it actually is til porter showed me.

Hope you get it back in one piece.

14-08-08, 01:55 AM
iam sorry to hear about your loss :(

i hope the car is recovered with minimal damage.

best wishes,


14-08-08, 01:56 AM
thats just horrid news. but lookin on the good side as its a small place you probley get it back. and being a mk2 hopefully they know the hazzard switch trick so nothing is broke inside

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 02:00 AM
Im more p!ssed off about the fact i was going to get an alarm fitted,even though my mum said "oh it doesnt need one,not in our estate"......bit wrong on that one!!

cheers guys for all the kind words,its chilling me out a bit,only a bit though!

14-08-08, 02:12 AM
if you stayed closer id fit your alarm for free since its a nova

14-08-08, 05:28 AM
if you stayed closer to my i'd guard it with my life

14-08-08, 07:34 AM
rotten luck, hope you get it back.

14-08-08, 08:18 AM
:( I have chavs eyeing up my nova all the time... but i dont live in a live in some chavfest estate.

Good luck getting it back tho... it takes less than 5 mins to actually steal a nova, but same goes for a lot of old cars.

Welsh Dan
14-08-08, 08:21 AM
What does it look like? I'll keep an eye out.

14-08-08, 08:29 AM
Novas are far to easy to steal as said. You can get into and drive away with on in under a minute with no tools.

Something all of you should be doing (as an alarm on a nova is a complete waste of money) is to at least remove the king lead, or something similiar. I say this everytime, but its saved my cars no end of times. Little chavs have tried to steal my novas / corsa lots of times but its hard for them to drive it away when it wont start up.

14-08-08, 08:32 AM
Gutted for your loss, I've had the same thing happen twice.
As Phil said take the king lead or ECU or something.
Think taking the ECU out saved Ste's car.
I wanted to make my own 'alarm' which consisted of many batteries all wired together with bare metal strips under the door handles but I think thats illegal lol

14-08-08, 09:44 AM
Never thats awful i hope its returned with minimal/no damage, ill keep fingers crossed for ya!

As hendrix said was taking the ecu out stopped thieves bumping off ste`s valver was very lucky on that one.

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 10:21 AM
Well as to be expected the police have done balls all!Dont think they have even started looking for it yet.Got my fingers crossed its as minimal damage as possible but wont be able to keep it as it will get stolen again.We are positive we know who did it,but guaranteed they will get away with it as they do with everything else they do in the village.Still cant believe our little village has turned into this,just shows the state of the whole country I guess

Welsh Dan,ive got a project thread somewhere with pics,doubt it will end up your end as we think we already know the area it will be in,but thanks for keeping an eye out :)

14-08-08, 10:28 AM
If you know who did it, steal their car and drive it through the front of their house.

I know who "tried" to steal mine but its not worth doing anything until they actually steal it.

14-08-08, 10:54 AM
Sorry to hear about your mk2 Princess JJ it seems to be all the white Novas goin walk abouts these days hope you get it back with minimum damage.

14-08-08, 01:41 PM
mine was stolen about 2 years ago , had fallen asleep and not put steering lock etc on , was well gutted lol , but it was found after 4 days with minimal damage , then 2 days later ste's was nicked , but as said his ecu was out so they left it in middle of street , the police then moved it to there compound lol

14-08-08, 01:45 PM
sorry to hear that..hope you get it back...

14-08-08, 01:50 PM
Hope you get it back.Catch them yourselves,deal with it your own way;)

14-08-08, 01:58 PM
I had mine stolen 2003 i think found it theyd knicked it just to get a lift home so i stole it back

14-08-08, 02:04 PM
sorry for your news hope you get it back. T**ts need there fingers choping off with a blunt axe.

14-08-08, 02:06 PM
I had mine stolen 2003 i think found it theyd knicked it just to get a lift home so i stole it back

14-08-08, 02:17 PM
Am sorry to hear your news like i couldnt find any pics of it in projects i live on the wirral so i can keep my eyes out for you;)

14-08-08, 02:25 PM
terrible new jj hope you get her back

14-08-08, 02:30 PM
Yeah defo, fingers crossed!

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 02:43 PM
I had mine stolen 2003 i think found it theyd knicked it just to get a lift home so i stole it back

Just had a phonecall to say they have found it dumped exactly where we told the police it would be last night!So we know for definate who did it and that it was the same as your case Tilly,needing a lift home from the pub.Bloody idiots!!

My stepdads just been to take a look at it at the recovery place,its had the door prised but for some reason thats the only damage,they said they thought it had been started with a spare key which is impossible as I have the only 2 keys,how the hell have they managed to start it without damaging anything??!!CD players still there too,Id of thought they would have at least taken that but hey,cant complain!

Whats everyones advice for the next step,go through my insurance and if they right it off buy it back?And then if I do that should I keep it or get rid?Not sure what to do,but I know I feel bloody lucky!

14-08-08, 02:45 PM
just bend door back / replace door abd get alarm ,

they will have snapped steering lock aswell and used the hazzard switch to start it

14-08-08, 02:47 PM
Police are thick arent they,they must have used a spare key? fcuks sake dont they know anything.Pleased to hear you have got it back.You are very lucky

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 02:53 PM
just got my fingers crossed that they dont rite it off now,which they blatantly will due to the age of it,no idea why considering all thats wrong is a slightly bent door!is a broken steering lock an easy fix?

Welsh Dan
14-08-08, 03:04 PM
I wouldnt claim, just stump up the recovery fees.

14-08-08, 03:11 PM
they will write it off if you claim , and you dont always have the option to buy back ,

as said dont even bother claiming just get it fixed yourself ,

14-08-08, 03:12 PM
You can use any nova key for any nova lock sadly, you just have to be a little rough.

Shows how retarded they are if they have to bend a door to get in. They arent even very good at nicking things.

14-08-08, 03:16 PM
If they had a spare key, why did they bend the door to get in? Police are just numptys sometimes.

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 03:21 PM
The guys from the recovery place said i had to get intouch with my insurance and they get someone out to assess it,sorry to be a girl about all this and ask so many questions but do i still have to go through the insurance or just go and pay the recovery fee and pick it up when forensics are finished with it??

14-08-08, 03:24 PM
no you dont have too thats just normal procedures , but like said it will be wrtten of for such minor damage it ant worth it ,

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 03:26 PM
Cheers riggy,you just saved me a load of mither!!!!

14-08-08, 03:28 PM
lol i got to mine before the recovery people did haha , police guy was waiting with it ,

says to me how are you goin to start it ,

i replyed , the same way they did and stuck a screw driver in the cap lol

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 03:34 PM
Lol!Just spoke to insurance and the recovery lot,all sorted but still going to leave me £165 out of pocket......I get my car stolen and I have to pay for the privilege!!How tight is that!

14-08-08, 03:50 PM
Tis fcukin ****e aint it that yore the one who ends up out of pocket, but make sure in future you remove the kinglead, the plug lead from the coil to the distributor not being nasty but if you dont know which it is then someone will show you im sure or ask someone to post a pic, and if you pull the cap/horn from your steering wheel on a night and plug the two horn wires together then replace, if someone does try to steal her agian it will make a right row as soon as ignition comes on.
As for culprits if you def know who it is go round or get someone to go round and explain to them that messing with your car is not a good idea and not to do it again if you get me!

14-08-08, 03:50 PM
Unfortunately thats the problem with old cars, either have it written off or have to pay to retrieve it.

At least you got it back and the twerps didnt burn it out etc... stupid question but have you told the police you know who did it> Maybe if you can prove it then have the costs recovered.

14-08-08, 04:48 PM
a happy ending, glad you got your car back...

14-08-08, 04:59 PM
The guys from the recovery place said i had to get intouch with my insurance and they get someone out to assess it,sorry to be a girl about all this and ask so many questions but do i still have to go through the insurance or just go and pay the recovery fee and pick it up when forensics are finished with it??

i work at one of these places

you dont have to involve your insurance atall.. just p[ay the £105 and the £12 per day storage charge and you cna take it away

if they wont elt you then id be very suspicious as of why they wont let you :wtf:

14-08-08, 05:00 PM
Lol!Just spoke to insurance and the recovery lot,all sorted but still going to leave me £165 out of pocket......I get my car stolen and I have to pay for the privilege!!How tight is that!

everyone moans at that.. but you cante xpect a man to get out of bed at 3 in the mornin or whatever pick your car up spend an hour booking it in in the rain and expect to say "dont worry theres no charge"

craig green
14-08-08, 05:19 PM
Glad its turned up. However, you made a big mistake telling the insurance company. They will now load your next premium as you have had a car stolen. Not that you claimed, but they will charge you more for being so dodgy....... sadly.

So my advice is to claim now, full whack prices for anything that needs replacing or is marked etc, ie new locks, keys, door, glass paintwork etc.

14-08-08, 06:18 PM
A 50 pence rocker switch saved a GSi i had when someone tried to nick it, just fit a cut off in the fuel pump wiring somewhere in the car, simple and very effective.

14-08-08, 06:29 PM
The merits of living in the hood i see!!

Ive had two Nova's stolen in the last 5 years, one of which i was milliseconds from pulling the pikey little **** out the drivers door and stamping on his face at 6am one Sunday morning!!

As Phil Sutton said, find out who did and drive there car through there house!!

I was involved in a "little" lol RTA years ago, some months later after the other vehicle had been repaiared and re-sprayed some little toe rag set fire to it :D

14-08-08, 07:22 PM
glad you got it back :thumb: but still chop there fingures off!

14-08-08, 07:38 PM
ive just read most of the thread/comments and so glad you got your motor back.like craig says,your insurance will go up now because of the stolen car bit,so id be claiming for a top nothch job getting your car back on the road,imo leave it for around 6 month,then go pay a visit to the scum on a dark night.

Princess JJ
14-08-08, 08:12 PM
Not an option to be honest,if I did pay them a visit id find my house fire bombed the day after,they are a dodgy family constantly in and out of prison and its exactly why they get away with everything!Got my fingers crossed forensics comes up with something,they have only just got out of prison anyway so they will be going straight back in!

Im selling the car as soon as its back and repaired and changing insurance providers with my new car so I wont be affected.

14-08-08, 10:27 PM
glad you got it back in one piece and i hope the b@stards get what they deserve.

had my first car nicked 3 years ago, a 1.2 corsa. police found it same day about 40 miles away out of fuel. it cost me a days wages and £155 to get it back.
they got the lads that did it and apparently the stole approx 30 novas/corsas and got sent down for about 18 months iirc.

they must have thrashed the living daylights out of the poor little thing as it never ran right after i got it back..........

14-08-08, 10:31 PM
Who was that staggy and where were they from? ive heard summat about a group like that before

14-08-08, 10:35 PM

well i was up from 4am trying to find it,m found it on a drive way nearsome flats so informed the police it was stolen but i wasnt leaving it there for them to nick. so stole it back

14-08-08, 10:36 PM
Ah lol was that a Nova?

14-08-08, 10:37 PM
Hmmmm makes ya blood boil dont it the amount of sh1t you HAVE to put up with and go through just to have a good car it sucks sooo badly.......
Thumbscrews, candlewax to the eyes and concentrated nitric acid to somewhere really personal are just a few things i would so love to do to anyone i ever caught at my baby lol

14-08-08, 10:38 PM
Ah lol was that a Nova?

it was my little baby casa yup

14-08-08, 11:54 PM
glad you got it back. As said above re insurance make sure you withdraw the theft claim otherwise it'll sit on your file and follow you about when you change insurers and it may hike your premium. (they use a system called cue wich is linked to all insurers to stop fraud).

Bend the door back, repair the steering lock and get it alarmed.

Hope the CSI boys catch the little feckers!

14-08-08, 11:59 PM
i had my 1litre brown beast of a nova stolen from me ages ago, i only had it for spares aswell, they stole a car to get to mine, burnt it out and drove mine away later to be caught by the police. i had to pay the recovery back plus the storage and then the fees to get it scrapped as they hit a wall in it, no good is it, wheres the justice there? and all they got for punishment was community service! pah!

15-08-08, 12:55 AM
wheres the justice there? and all they got for punishment was community service! pah!

See my last post, last page iirc:thumb:

Princess JJ
15-08-08, 07:13 PM
Ade,i phoned the insurers back as soon as i heard from the police,said it had been found,there was no damage(not worth telling them about the door that i can fix myself) and i was going to pay the recovery fee as I didnt want to loose my no claims,will this be the end of it or will my premium go up?

Welsh Dan
15-08-08, 07:19 PM
You'll keep your NCB, but obviously you've got to answer when they ask about any thefts or incidents etc.. during the last 5 years.

15-08-08, 07:34 PM
you have to wait and see about insurance.
when you get your renewal you'll know then.
but you have to tell them that you never made a claim in the end as it was not worth it.
is the car in the recovery place on the a41 by backford?

Princess JJ
15-08-08, 07:45 PM
it is srs1,forensics still havent sorted it so cant pick it up til monday unfortunately.the good thing is my uncle is good mates with the bloke who owns it so hes going to see if he can call in a favour and maybe get the fee reduced,its £105 for the towing and apparently they had to winch it or something so its an extra £60 on top!!!really annoyed cos it didnt even need towing,they could have called me,id have been in the place the car was dumped in 10 mins and could have drove it to the recovery place myself as there was no ignition/steering lock damage!

just vaux trev
15-08-08, 07:50 PM
Lol!Just spoke to insurance and the recovery lot,all sorted but still going to leave me £165 out of pocket......I get my car stolen and I have to pay for the privilege!!How tight is that!

this still had to be paid for too after it was stolen it was outside my garage for 5 hours usually locked up in garage>
i know who did it but same story they are idiots and will do anything to get back at you,police knew who took it the guy had just done 2 years inside and was on bail he got nothing not enough actual proof even with witnesses who heard him bragging to his mates

Princess JJ
15-08-08, 08:00 PM
christ trev,i thought i was annoyed,dread to think how you must of felt!After the past couple of days ive decided if i come into any money im setting up a recovery business!

just vaux trev
15-08-08, 08:01 PM
christ trev,i thought i was annoyed,dread to think how you must of felt!After the past couple of days ive decided if i come into any money im setting up a recovery business!

if you do charge less for stolen recovery

15-08-08, 08:05 PM
:cry: :cry:

Princess JJ
15-08-08, 08:08 PM
if you do charge less for stolen recovery

PNG members get a discount too lol!But i agree with that,it should be less as its not the persons fault whatsoever

Princess JJ
18-08-08, 09:49 PM
So I finally picked the nova up today and its looking so sorry for itself!!They had taken it for a spin in a field so it was covered in mud,mud all inside,so much blood that it looks like there was a murder in the car,handbrake snapped from handbrake turns,steering cowling snapped to get to the ignition and the door bent.Got it to the garage and the fella we use for bodywork was there so he fixed the door,took 2 seconds.They reckon we need a new ignition but theres no damage to the wires so cant the black thing be put back in somehow?(I know I sound like a total girl,be nice lol!)Its also booked for a major valet!!!
Definately decided to sell it as looking at it now,it doesnt feel like mine.If anyone on here is interested I would like it to go to someone who knows what they are getting and doesnt think its "only a nova"

18-08-08, 09:54 PM
may be cause the steering lock is broken the black connector should clip on :thumb:

18-08-08, 10:17 PM
why is there blood inside? wasnt crashed was it?

get pcis up lol

Princess JJ
18-08-08, 10:26 PM
Will go and take some pics 2moz and get them up.Still not sure on exact details,police have been crap but have managed to put two and two together from a report of a robbery the same night,they robbed beer and wine which was found in the car and the beer fridge had been punched through,hence the blood loss.I still cant believe its in practically the same condition bodywork wise as it was when it left,its a miracle it wasnt burnt out with all the evidence they found

18-08-08, 11:11 PM
Personally, as the police wont do bugger all a bit it I'd take the law into my own hands and settle it that way. :thumb:

18-08-08, 11:55 PM
Will go and take some pics 2moz and get them up.Still not sure on exact details,police have been crap but have managed to put two and two together from a report of a robbery the same night,they robbed beer and wine which was found in the car and the beer fridge had been punched through,hence the blood loss.I still cant believe its in practically the same condition bodywork wise as it was when it left,its a miracle it wasnt burnt out with all the evidence they found

very lucky i agree

also.. do they know them doors slide open? lol.. thick chavs :D

18-08-08, 11:57 PM
nobody knows the name behind a molotov coctail under their car..

glad it came back in a 'good' shape. most of them are found worse.

19-08-08, 09:54 AM
Ok, your ignition barrel may need changing (probably best under the circumstances) Try to get one from a Cavalier, they have a different type of Key which is harder to replicate, fit a kill switch in the Glove Box or somewhere out of sight and dont sell the car. I know you've probably lost all faith in the car, having it stolen will dishearten you but look at it this way, you got it back with very little damage, you're lucky. Get some pics up and let us Professionals assess the situation. :thumb:

19-08-08, 10:27 AM
dirty little filthy mc'nasty's, sorry to hear about that, pure darkness, but atleast youve got the car back now, and it could be alot worse off. they musta been drugged outta there eyeballs to punch in the fridge door for that booze or on a total sick one.

Personally, as the police wont do bugger all a bit it I'd take the law into my own hands and settle it that way. :thumb:

^ heheh steve the punisher lol

ive got an ignition barrel and key, and the 2 plastic halves that wrap round the column that you can have for nowt if u need em (mk.2)
handbrake cables are fairly cheap too, can be a pain to fit if there rusted, but as yours is snapped, shouldnt be too bad to just chop out and replace.

Princess JJ
19-08-08, 06:44 PM
Got someone interested in buying it,one of his mates works at the garage its at.Think he wants it in the state its in now so depending on how much he offers he can have it.It seems such a shame as,before this happened,it was my baby,my first car as well.I have totally lost faith in it but after a hopefully short spell away I will have another nova!
Its so hard to not want to go and kick the living sh!t out of these guys but until its been proven we cant really do anything just based on suspicion,even tho we are about 90% sure.My stepdad trains JKD so he knows a couple of sly tricks that will cause lasting damage and a lengthy hospital stay,so as soon as they have served time I might let him loose on them lol!Looks like its going to be a good 3 or 4 years tho cos of all the things they have done since getting out of prison a few months ago,but it shall be worth the wait!
Jimbob,I will let you know about the parts,thats really nice of you :)

20-08-08, 06:38 PM
no worries, i was just gonna throw em away, so if u wannem, there yours.
jeet kune do :eek: ... wouldnt wanna mess with him.
out of curiosity, did daniel inosanto train him ?

Princess JJ
20-08-08, 08:34 PM
danny trained his sifu so hes off the same line,its one of the only ones in the country.go on youtube and search gagnon martial arts,his sifu has uploaded some videos and they are immense!
just done an insurance quote for my new corsa sport(yes i know,i have strayed to the dark side!),churchill flat out refused to insure me based on the engine size which is a massive 1.4!good old sheilas wheels came out top at 550 fully comp with 2 years no claims and 9 months driving,made up with that and cant wait to phone churchill and tell them how crap they are!

Princess JJ
23-08-08, 09:46 AM
Just wondering what you think of this,the bloke came to look at my car at the garage that its at,took it for a test drive without my knowledge(not sure if im happy about that but hey!)and said he would take it as it is and offered me 300 quid.I know its in a bit of a state but if hes just going to rip the lot out for a rally car,which i think he is,he will make about 100 quid in bits so he will have paid a grand total of 200!Just thought id see what you guys thought,I wanted around 400 as its just got a full 12 month mot with no advisorys,47k on the clock,no rot underneath,taken all the surface rust back to metal so there isnt any of that to deal with,full sr interior(which the bloke will most likely sell after a clean) and sr tailgate.

23-08-08, 09:58 AM
its worth more than that novas are going for silly money now! If there tidy?? dont let it go for that, by the sounds of it it would cost you a lot more to find one as good!:thumb:

Princess JJ
23-08-08, 10:02 AM
thats what im thinking olie,but my parents are complaining cos i owe them all the money for the recovery and thats coming out of the sale of the nova,plus the alarm for my new corsa is being payed for with it.unless anyone off here can come look at it over the weekend or monday think its going to have to go to him :(

Welsh Dan
23-08-08, 10:53 AM
danny trained his sifu so hes off the same line,its one of the only ones in the country.go on youtube and search gagnon martial arts,his sifu has uploaded some videos and they are immense!
just done an insurance quote for my new corsa sport(yes i know,i have strayed to the dark side!),churchill flat out refused to insure me based on the engine size which is a massive 1.4!good old sheilas wheels came out top at 550 fully comp with 2 years no claims and 9 months driving,made up with that and cant wait to phone churchill and tell them how crap they are!

How do you get 2 years NCB from 9 months driving?

Princess JJ
23-08-08, 10:56 AM
it was from when i was learning,insured it from day one in my name and the 9 months driving is from when I passed

23-08-08, 11:21 AM
Does that count though? i thought they didnt recognise it? Dont let it go for that,thats insane

Princess JJ
23-08-08, 11:32 AM
Just put it up in the for sale section,hope someone off here can give her a good home