View Full Version : help needed to induct my 1200i quik...

09-10-02, 05:35 PM
right im gettin a ninduction kit 4 me bda y2moro and my old dear wants to order it now so its comes in time,,
my cars a 1200i so iv got the spi corsa airbox that i need t oput on, wat i was wondering is wat k+n 57i kit do i order?

shall i order the one 4 the spi corsa?

beacse in the ad it says it replaces the whoel airbox? so wat do i do?

if it sits onthe injector surly the nek of this filter is far to big to b jubilee clippd onto the pipe comin from the corsa airbox???

i kno theres 2 boxs on the corsa spi does evyone runnin 57i kits only use the top box and pipe and disregard the bottom box ordo they do away with it altogtehr?
hlep i got 20 mins to oder!!

Ric 16v
09-10-02, 05:54 PM
you would have to order the k+n for the corsa spi airbox so it will be the right size for it !!! have u got a 1.2 single point injection ??? I'v got the same and have heard about this corsa airbox thing u can do to it but don't know what parts I need for it !!! what did u get to do your's ????

09-10-02, 06:09 PM
jus found out that the spi corsa 57i kit replaces the airbox in thw wing notthe other so im ok iv jus orderd mine,

m8 i can get hold of al lthe parts needed to induct a 1.2 spi nova, mail me at

and ill get hold of the airbox and giv u a run down of wat to do / wat u need etc ok m8?

hope it helpd.

10-10-02, 03:39 PM
do all the pipes off a nova engine fit into the corsa airbox alright? cos its nearly the same engine isnt it?