View Full Version : Rev. Wisewood's Wednesday School

09-10-02, 12:02 PM
Welcome to Rev. Wisewood's Wednesday School.
This week I will be teaching you about the history and correct method of igniting anal gas leakage (farts).

For as long as man has been around, he has had a problem with anal gas leakage (farting). This vile stench has plagued or species for generation after generation.

However, making this problem a little more light hearted one man, many years ago discovered that this leaking gas was actually flamable, so now in our times of safety matches and Zippo lighters the young male finds the urge to ignite his leaking anal gases too much to control.
This causes many of us a problem as there is a right way and a wrong way to do this... Many people find themselves in casualty with a badly scorched sphincter or worse!

By following these instructions we here at The Church of TUNA hope to make this a pleasurable and safe pass time for all.

Preperation is the key - although there is often little time to prepare as the key to the whole thing is being spontaneous. Firstly you must make sure you are not needing to pass feaceas in order ot ensure you do not end up with slippage marks within your under garments...
Next, once you are sure of this, quickly take note of your clothing. Are you wearing any man made fibres such as polyester? These can be highly flamable and could spell disaster. The ideal situation is for you to be wearing denim... this is very robust but is also "airy" enough to allow your gas leakage to pass through quickly.

Just as you feel you are about to "leak", lift your legs into the air in front of you, place a naked flame in front of your anus and as the gas leaks, this will ignite on the flame and cause much hilarity for all those priveledged enough to watch.

09-10-02, 12:04 PM
How about that then - i actually remembered it was wednesday today this week... lmfao.

09-10-02, 12:10 PM
Is it Wednesday already?????
I've never tried this, i saw it in a film once as a child, but didn't think it was actually real.
Thank you reverend for this enlightenment

09-10-02, 12:18 PM

09-10-02, 02:45 PM
ROFLMFAO , FanFcukinTastic !

09-10-02, 02:48 PM
LMAO :lol:

09-10-02, 03:27 PM
LMFAO - cheers Rev! Knew you would honour my request!!!


Ah - many a fun day lighting farts when I was a teenager!

Many a fun day watch my m8 get a back draft and see the agonising pain on his face as after farting, his arse wuld suck back air and the hot flame with it!!!


Do not lift yer legs too high this caused sphincter suck back - not nice!



09-10-02, 03:30 PM
LMFAO - cheers Rev! Knew you would honour my request!!!

This was actually intended for last week - but i forgot all about it, was already written out and everything. Also didn't realise it was wednseday last week either... lmfao... how dozy am i.

09-10-02, 07:22 PM
I forgot it was wednesday too! My mate tried this once, but he got back draft and also he did it without any trousers on and he burnt a few hairs off :cry:

09-10-02, 08:34 PM
Very funny but how do u get both legs in the air without falling over???

10-10-02, 09:50 AM
Very funny but how do u get both legs in the air without falling over???

err... sit down ??!

10-10-02, 10:34 AM
lmao - it is quite obvious when you think about it Tilly.

10-10-02, 01:43 PM
no its not obvious if it was i wouldnt of asked......ok i si t down how do i then get light my anus if im sat on it :twisted:

10-10-02, 01:47 PM
lmfao - you follow the instruction i gave above... not that hard to follow really - everyone else has managed it so far!!! :wisewood:

12-10-02, 01:06 AM
LOL Tilly!

sit on yer arse but roll back slightly - best if u have a sofa behind you!

Just make sure you light the rear bottom!


I have a m8 whos farts are so powerful he can -

1 - blow the flame out!
2 - make the flame jet out blue!
3 - can cock his leg like a dog or put it on a chair and blast a jet of flame flart

I actually have a picture somewhere!

I'll try n dig it out!

12-10-02, 10:20 AM
maybe its because im a woman that i can't do it then :roll: