View Full Version : finance props! help!!!!

08-10-02, 02:51 PM
ok i wana get sum aloys but on finance, and i tryed ro get a PC on finance a while back , i filled out all of the details and i know that il be earning enough every month to pay for it, but the company jsut says that im not on the electoral roll! wich basically means they wont let me do it!! why is this !! in the past i had a bit of a debt problyem with my car ibnsurance and Orange, but i payed them off eventually, when i had the money to, would this have sumthin to do with it?

08-10-02, 03:07 PM
your previous problems could have affected your credit rating score (which they use to determine if you are worth the risk) but normally they would say you did not pass the credit rating test if this wwas the case.

Them saying you are not on the electoral roll probably means you are not on the electoral roll... lmao... you need to nip down to the council offices and register to vote... you don't have to vote if you don't want.. but just register to vote and a few days later you should show up on the electoral roll - which should then solve your problem.

Hope this helps.

(used to work for local council :D)

08-10-02, 03:27 PM
most companies that rely on HP forms use 2 credit houses called Equifax and Experian. They usually look at the address as well as the individual.

Electoral register indicates that you are living somewhere and wont do a midnight flit (weird) - usually takes most councils 6 months to update you!
(in my experience anyway!)

You can get copies of your credit history from the above credit houses by writing to them enclosing a ?2.00 checqu/postal order. Check it out its scary stuff!

You just tell them anything thats wrong and they upate it.

Take a bit of time though.


08-10-02, 03:33 PM
When i was working for council I was doing a bit of everything all over the place in all departments and saw the electoral roll stuff being processed, it is really simple and straight forward.

If it is taking them more than a week, you got some seriously lazy council staff around where you been mate... they are taking the mess.

08-10-02, 11:38 PM
ok this maybe stupid.
do you really need alloys????coz in my opion dont get yaself into debt unless u need to

09-10-02, 02:23 PM
debt is good!!! debt lets you have things you want now but cant afford to pay fore in one go.

Personally I think it is better to borrow money and pay it back then have lots of money sitting idly in your account whilst you save up. Interest rates are that low these days you aint even paying ?50 on a ?1000 loan over 2 years!!!! id rather payback and extra ?50 and get what I want now, then wait a 2 years (and maybe earn 3p in interest) saving ?50 a month or whatever to pay for alloys.

obviously common sense is needed so you dont borrow what you cant afford to pay back but even then, you could still borrow more to pay that off. @:)

11-10-02, 02:00 PM
BUT when you are young its not that easy to forsee the probs.

We've all heard stories but here's a true one about 1 of my sons m8's

He's now 21 and he owns a Clio. Although he's not stoopid he decided that getting GCE's was a waste of time cos he wanted to get out earning. Fair enuff.
So he's now in a run of the mill job that will pay about ?15K a year tops cos he's got no qualifications. This also means there is little hope of significant progression up thru the firm or anywhere else.
As soon as he could he took on as much debt as he could afford and spent it mainly on his Clio. He decided after having had loans out for wheels etc to get his engine done big time. It was so big that he had to share the debt with his g/f. In the meantime he's decided to rent a house cos he wanted to move out from home and live with her.
There's nothing wrong this BUT now in the prime of his life he's well and truly stuck in a rut.
-If he falls out with his g/f or wotever he's in shit cos she co owns the car plus lots of other stuff.
-He's got enuff to live on but every month a large chunk of his wages goes straight to the finance firm so he can't afford to go out a lot
-He can't just on whim decide to go off travelling or wotever as you want to do when you are young and living life to the full.
-The car will be old and worth next to fuck all by the time the debt is paid off.

Jam today can turn real shitty tomorrow.

11-10-02, 02:19 PM
very true CP.

imagine it this way lads...
you go out and get a loan for 2k so you can modify your car...
paying it back at 60 a month for 5 years.
then in 2.5 years itme you want to get something else - what do you do?
you acn't save up and buy it as you are already 60 quidf a month short on your wages, so you have to get another loan to get whatever else it is you are after- which then means you are paying out about 100 per month..

Getting credit cards and loans is a slippery slope - i know i have done it.
costs a fortune to pay it all off.

11-10-02, 09:06 PM
my god was that ppl agree wiv me?thats a first,
imay b old fashion etc but i like the way i live,
as in nowing that once the momey comes i have control and it doesnt dissapear.
in some respect i am lucky,when my parents died i got the house. no debts and did gain alot of money(me and family wernt known 4 being nice 2 each other).
so the only debts i have been in is like 50quid wiv m8s.
see banks etc want u to borrow money,yeh the rates my be low now,but will they 2morw?
id wait if nothing else jus go get sum 3spokes for 50quid!
unlike wisewood im lucky enuf neva to been in debt,and im gonna try and keep out of it.
try n keep outa debt,best way

12-10-02, 12:58 AM
lol - credit cards are bastar*s. I got a barclay card and every month the "minimum" amount comes out and 1/2 of that is on interest. Worked out it will take me 7 years to pay back! I aint used it in ages!

Thats were I fall on my feet as my gorgeous fiance come bank manager gets a windfall of cash and desides shes gonna clear my debts for me so we can start afresh when we get married - All I gotta do is pay back ?100 a month into high interest "if we have kids nest egg" fund - which is cool - I'd rather pay interest to my kids than some credit company!

Although there is a benefit of having a credit card - if you buy nothing on credit you WILL find it next to impossible to get a mortgage overdraft etc simply because they know nothing about you! No credit history!

Catch 22!
