View Full Version : Corsa drivers!

06-08-08, 06:39 PM
What is it with feckin chavvy neds driving Corsas!

(This isnt aimed at thise sensible corsa drivers that come on here by the way...)

Since owning my SR as my daily runner I pootle about minding my own business and seem to attract feckin idiots (all so far have been in Corsa's) that think it's great to drive RIGHT UP MY SPHINCTER (that's ar$e for those non biology types).

Tonight for instance - driving home - in a 30 zone, pull out of a side junction road is clear - see a Corsa coming along miles away. I pootle along up the road and the Corsa accelerates hard until he's right up my bum. We come to a long straight - renouned for accidents due to a turn off for a sports club calles Esporta so the council several years ago painted double white lines and stick a speed camera at the spot by the turning - it's facing towards me as I drove home but I always stickto 30.

The CORSA A-HOLE decides to overtake me. Double white lines - 30 zone camera pointing at us - couldnt believe it! Slamm my horn for ages as the guy behind me flashes him and does the same. He's literally about 17 and his dolly tart is about 12 - looks across and she sinks down into her seat!

He sh1tes himself as I drop a gear and put my foot down (road rage central!) (he even has the classic chav baseball cap). Quite clearly its his mums car and is only 1.2 - all black. I let him overtake me and flash him a few times. 100 meters up the road he turns right and I carry on!

What's the fecking point for 100 meters!


Plus what really did my box in was it was p1ssing it down!

Was seriously tempted to follow him - at a distance and then tell him mum!

feckin c0ck!

06-08-08, 06:42 PM
Neds in Corsa's, exactly the same round here Ade.

When in driving about in my daily (A corsa aswell!) i just lamp the brakes on hoping they'll run into the back of me so i claim on there insurance for a new car :D

06-08-08, 06:43 PM
lol We get it all the time when we're out in the Nova

Corsa Sport's race up behind us - But my dad egg's them on by ragging the Nova and its out of steam about 95 / 100 lol

06-08-08, 06:49 PM

mike I've just spent ages welding her up - the last thing I want is a sh1tey corsa planted in my rear end.

Might doo what breeney did and fit a false brake light...basically a switch that when flicked lights up the brake lights so the "gay" behind slows down - allowing you to peel away!

06-08-08, 06:51 PM
Good idea Ade lol

What one of my mates did - Pull the handbrake on ever so slightly so he was slowing down but no brake lights were showing

It did shake the person off but a wee bit dangerous

06-08-08, 06:55 PM
When im driving about in my daily (A corsa aswell!) i just lamp the brakes on hoping they'll run into the back of me so i claim on there insurance for a new car :D

thats the same as me :thumb:

06-08-08, 06:58 PM
mike I've just spent ages welding her up - the last thing I want is a sh1tey corsa planted in my rear end.

lol lol lies!! Buy a £200 run around, get it valued by your insurance for £1500+, let some plum plough into its boot, everyones a winner lol

General Baxter
06-08-08, 07:05 PM
lol lol lies!! Buy a £200 run around, get it valued by your insurance for £1500+, let some plum plough into its boot, everyones a winner lol

Dont be a knock off Nigel lol

06-08-08, 07:06 PM
i agree mike :D

General Baxter
06-08-08, 07:07 PM
or just buy a big 4x4, and drive at them lol

06-08-08, 07:13 PM
Tonight for instance - driving home - in a 30 zone, pull out of a side junction road is clear - see a Corsa coming along miles away. I pootle along up the road and the Corsa accelerates hard until he's right up my bum. We come to a long straight - renouned for accidents due to a turn off for a sports club calles Esporta so the council several years ago painted double white lines and stick a speed camera at the spot by the turning - it's facing towards me as I drove home but I always stickto 30.

The CORSA A-HOLE decides to overtake me. Double white lines - 30 zone camera pointing at us - couldnt believe it! Slamm my horn for ages as the guy behind me flashes him and does the same. He's literally about 17 and his dolly tart is about 12 - looks across and she sinks down into her seat!

Wouldn't worry about it, with driving like that it won't be long till he learn his lesson the hard way. The only worrying thing is who he'll take out when he does..

06-08-08, 08:10 PM
Yeah thats very true unfortunatley he will be one of those that bins it in a big way and takes some poor innocent sod with them!

Had a similar experience myself a few years back in my old fiesta, i got soo mad with the fcuker as he kept flooring it up behind me and backing off trying to push me faster (clear 60mph zone so he easily couldve overtaken) i was doing about 65mph as it was so i waited till he booted it behind me again and whipped my handbrake full on, kept the button down so as not to lock the handbrake on lol how he managed to not hit me i was gutted, was hopin the claim woulda bought me my first nova a few months earlier lmao.

He kept a safe distance after that too, lesson learnt!

hc coupe
06-08-08, 08:20 PM
Yeah i don't normaly gat to fussed. I just stop and shake my arm around out the window.Does the trick :roll:

edit* when I say shake its not the rude sign.I just throw it around like a freak.job done

06-08-08, 09:00 PM
Same round here, although they usually drive Imprezas.

I did embarrass one the other day in the Novargh when he tried to overtake me. Teehee lol

06-08-08, 09:18 PM
I might try just slowing right down to crawl speed then booting it.

See what they do then


06-08-08, 09:18 PM
I've got a daily drive corsa too and always get some eejit driving on my ar$e. I usually floor it and cover them in dirty derv smoke hehe. Usually does the trick. Failing that just tap the brakes. 9/10 they shat themselves

06-08-08, 09:46 PM
It's not been so bad round here for the past few years, I seem to get more sales rep types driving close than chavs lol

06-08-08, 09:58 PM
haha , yeah we have the ned's aswell , although i got a suited prick in a tiger try it when i had the nova out last , joining a motorway down the slip road aswell ,

oh how he wasnt impressed when he finally caught up lol

06-08-08, 10:13 PM
i love it when people do that!! when i used to drive my 1.poo i tried to go as slow as i could legally!! but in the xe just plant it and feck off little ****ers! i had a chap whos always ragging round here in a fiat cinquento ( it was a fast 1 though with the flames down the rear windows you know the 1?!?) tried to overtake me on a single road barriers in the middle etc he got along side me so i put my foot down so he was in the **** then he had to brake hard as fook just to get back in and not hit the barrier - ****!!

06-08-08, 10:18 PM
ha ha!! that happens too me in my astra too!! im gettin strobes too see how much they **** it when i flick em on!! lol

07-08-08, 03:40 PM
I've got a daily drive corsa too and always get some eejit driving on my ar$e. I usually floor it and cover them in dirty derv smoke hehe. Usually does the trick. Failing that just tap the brakes. 9/10 they shat themselves

haha yep thats like my corsa, but when I floor it and cover them in smoke my speed doesnt alter. I driving mine like a tool though, I have to hit roundabouts at 50mph+ as it has so little power it wont see 50mph again for another few miles.

07-08-08, 04:51 PM
haha yep thats like my corsa, but when I floor it and cover them in smoke my speed doesnt alter. I driving mine like a tool though, I have to hit roundabouts at 50mph+ as it has so little power it wont see 50mph again for another few miles.

lol Im not the only one then

08-08-08, 02:28 PM
im gettin strobes too see how much they **** it when i flick em on!! lol
:thumb: They are funny as funk if you get good ones, i had some small led panels about 30mm high by 70mm wide and they were very bright blue. I got over taken so i pulled them over..... left em sitting there thinking wtf lol

Illegal tho mate :eek: