View Full Version : Batman Baddies

04-08-08, 02:14 PM

Speculation: Johnny Depp to play The Riddler in the next batman installment.

Discuss. :thumb:

04-08-08, 02:26 PM
hate johnny depp.
theres my 2 pence

04-08-08, 02:29 PM
not so much a discussion of the subject of batman baddies as an unsubstantiated comment on your dislike of one of the best character actors of his generation. Thanks for your contribution.

04-08-08, 03:14 PM
not so much a discussion of the subject of batman baddies as an unsubstantiated comment on your dislike of one of the best character actors of his generation. Thanks for your contribution.

well said! *claps* lol

04-08-08, 03:16 PM
*takes a bow*

04-08-08, 03:41 PM

If it's true of course. Depp makes a good baddie as he's very good at getting himself into "the zone", apparently.

04-08-08, 03:43 PM
If they ever did a remake of The Crow, Depp would be great for the brandon lee role... though he would have to bulk up a bit or just wouldnt look menacing at all.

04-08-08, 03:45 PM
Yeah, Depp for the wein.

Although the Penguin will be difficult to re-do to outdo DeVito's performance imo

04-08-08, 03:47 PM
awwww i want that bandana!

04-08-08, 03:51 PM
He is my perfect man :p

04-08-08, 03:57 PM
Thanks. Oh, no, hang on, thats the other thread.

04-08-08, 06:46 PM
Hmm.... everyone would expect it to just be another incarnation of Jack Sparrow but in green spandex.

If the Joker needs to make a reappearance I vote Paul Bettany to surpass Heath Ledger's role

04-08-08, 07:00 PM
I never thought the Penguin was a good baddie, in the commicks he was still a bit poo. Bain is a baddie they need to prople bring to life in a evil dark killthem all way.

04-08-08, 07:02 PM
The Penguin was my favourite. You felt sorry for him, but at the same time he was so repulsive that you didn't like him! DeVito plays the Penguin man so well, that at one point, can't remember what it was, one of the characteristics he portrayed made me feel physically sick. Probably something to do with a bucket of fish.
And he had a motive, which always makes a character more interesting imo because it gives them some background.

04-08-08, 07:05 PM


Its a dude.

Dressed up like a penguin.

04-08-08, 07:32 PM
And the Joker is some guy that wears make up. And the Riddler is a guy in a giant green stocking. lol
If anything 2-faced is the only decent realistic one who deserves to have a grudge. lol

04-08-08, 08:21 PM
In fairness the riddler has also worn a green suit

04-08-08, 08:28 PM
In fairness the riddler has also worn a green suit

Which is how he should have been.

04-08-08, 08:48 PM

04-08-08, 09:44 PM
the films wide open - I still reckon we'll see cat woman (in the guise of the supposed dead Rachel who who never actually saw get blown up) - also Morgan Freeman makes reference to cats when Bruce asks him about whether the new suit will withstand a dog attach.

Two Face is also gotta come back - they've sent him off to show his real side but they spent a fair amount of time building up his character

Scarecrows still floating about and so's the joker (although ledger was genuis in the film).

For those that care heres a full list of the top 10 bestworst baddies -


04-08-08, 10:24 PM

04-08-08, 11:11 PM
Two Face is also gotta come back - they've sent him off to show his real side but they spent a fair amount of time building up his character

Scarecrows still floating about and so's the joker (although ledger was genuis in the film).
Thats two things that funked me off about the movie. Two Face, built him up to be a top class baddie, then just killed him at the drop of a hat. GAY. The "main" baddie, joker, didn't really get his comeuppance, whilst two face did.

Scarecrow, supposedly the big bad guy of the last movie has a two-bit part at the start of this one to tie it into the last one.

04-08-08, 11:29 PM
/\ Agree, You cannot kill off one of Batmans greatest enemies at the drop of a hat. My personall opinion, it would be nice to see one of the not so well know villans like Reaper, pulling a gore factor to it. Or maybe Lynx. They cannot redo another catwoman or Riddler, its the third film it needs a different direction. And for the die hard fan maybe a reference to the Kent family.

05-08-08, 07:44 AM
also Morgan Freeman makes reference to cats when Bruce asks him about whether the new suit will withstand a dog attach.

oOo...didn't even think about that!!

They can't kill off two-faced. Because the second film is obviously going to be about him, and another character. Possibly the Catwoman.

The thing I find scary about any comic book character is that fact that they can come to life through films. And I know that sounds silly, but it's like, you only expect this type of "weird" person in a comic book. But to see that it can come to life through a normal human being is odd. If anyone understands that! lol

05-08-08, 08:12 AM
saw this film last night, loved it

05-08-08, 09:16 AM
I think we will definately see some less familiar nemesis' in the next film. The Scarecrow maybe.

05-08-08, 11:16 AM
Scarecrow was bad guy of the first movie, IMO if they made him back into #1 for the third that would just be a complete turd. Rehashing people who have already been in the spotlight and all that.

05-08-08, 11:53 AM
They have to be real careful with this one. Problem with the film industry is that they tend to flog a good film to death ie Shrek, Alien/s, the first Batman films.

05-08-08, 11:58 AM
They have to be real careful with this one. Problem with the film industry is that they tend to flog a good film to death ie Shrek, Alien/s, the first Batman films.

The Terminator, Hellraiser, Rocky...

05-08-08, 12:05 PM
The Matrix... should have been left as a single movie. Ruined by the trilogy.

Star Wars. Indiana Jones. oi - George Lucas - stop!!!

05-08-08, 01:15 PM
And the list goes on...... Next up Transformers 2. And is the new Teminator salvation going to be any good? And of course a remake of Conan.

05-08-08, 01:19 PM
Transformers 2 will be awesome. I loved the first one. More transformers, more explosions, more smashing stuff to bits. Can only be better.

Terminator could go either way. Arguably should have stopped at the original, but T2 and T3 were reasonably entertaining. Another incarnation of it could be good, especially if it deals with the fallout of skynet coming to power and the rise of the machines.

Conon - just wrong.

05-08-08, 01:49 PM
Transformers should be brillant, I loved the first one, and they should still have enough of a storyline to make it look like they aren't clutching at straws.

Terminator - difficult one. Number 2 was brilliant, possibly even better than the first, but I though 3 was poo. But then, this one hasn't got Arnie in it (so i've heard) so that might stop it looking like an old idea.

05-08-08, 01:58 PM
I still think Terminator was better than T2. Darker. If it was done again now, set in 2008, without all the dodgy 80's hair and stuff, it would be brilliant.

Was just about to use Die Hard as another example, but i actually like them all lol

05-08-08, 02:22 PM
The die hards are pretty good. Transformers 2 plays the john connor story with Christian Bale playing John.
Theres nothing much new coming out, the comic scene has dominated the last few years, it seems like 2009 will be the year or remakes, ie Friday the 13th, The A Team and Top gun. Mind you we have got Dragon Ball, X-men Wolverine, Fast and Furious 4, Spy Hunter and the Hanna Montana movie.

05-08-08, 02:25 PM
Top Gun. They had better f*cking not try and remake Top Gun or i am off to Hollywood with an A-10 Tankbuster to put a stop to it right now!!!

Seriously, thats a ridiculous idea. Top Gun is brilliant. They will ruin it. They cant make it better. All they can do is use different faces to tell the same story, using F-18's instead of F-14's lol

05-08-08, 02:33 PM
I'm afraid so. Tom Cruise as the teacher, and a girl as the rebel fighter pilot.

05-08-08, 02:35 PM
Oh for gods sake. This is going to be CRAP!!!!!!!!

Before making this movie he should rub Goose's dog tags in his hand and whisper "talk to me goose talk to me" and realise its a **** idea.

05-08-08, 02:45 PM
Hollywood riding the moneyboat train. The problem is I would still go and see it, knowing that its going to be crap.

05-08-08, 02:47 PM
I would wait for the rental. Or the £5 dvd in asda. I couldnt soil the memory of the original by paying to watch it at the cinema.

Might as well do Days of Thunder II and Cocktail II while he's at it. Pr*ck.

05-08-08, 03:42 PM
It will be a shame, nearly as bad as Ice Cube in A team.

05-08-08, 03:46 PM
I cant stand that idea either. Ridiculous!!

and if they dare do any cameo appearances from the original cast i will explode. That **** does my head in. Like starsky and hutch, perfectly good remake till they threw the original guys in at the end.

05-08-08, 03:49 PM
Yeah I know. Why. They also put Stan Lee in all the Marvel films.

05-08-08, 03:51 PM
Obviously seems like a good idea at the end of a 14 hour meeting at the studios.

05-08-08, 06:13 PM
The original transformers movie was ace, the one from 2007 was a bunch of ****. Usual Hollywood steamrollering over the original ideas and story and generally making a weak plot with intensely annoying characters and "funny" bits that just weren't funny. Plus, Shia Lebouf is annoying and Megan Fox is just plain skanky in it.

Terminator 3 was **** as well. Good idea, bad execution. Should have gotten Edward Furlong back, Nick Stahl was just completely wrong - you're telling me some pokey little streetwise kid who gets taught all this stuff by his mum and generally has a quite turbulent upbringing becomes this woofterish sap after about 15 years? The returns to being badass leader figure in the future? Pah.

Having said that... I do actually think a Top Gun sequel could work, although if it has Shia Lebouf in it I will personally visit the director's house and take a dump on his TV.

[edit] Apparently, Tom Cruise's agent has said he won't be reappearing in any sequel. I reiterate my previous statement about Shia Lebouf.

06-08-08, 11:15 AM
/\ Nice. I completly agree with your T3 comments, Nick Stahl... What a girl, completely wrong for the part. Did'nt he ruin His part in Sin City IIRC.

06-08-08, 11:43 AM
Good point, I forgot he was in that. My mind must have blanked him out lol

If you want more durge, try Tarantino's Death Proof. I appreciate what he tried to do with it, but why give up halfway through and change the whole style? Its like he got bored of it. Even Kurt Russell looked a bit tired in most of his scenes, and seemed even more pained when his character just randomely changed from being quite a tough, intense on screen presence, to a complete wimp - a guy who crashed a stunt Nova head on into another car, yet screams like a baby when he suffers a minor bullet wound to his arm? Not to mention there's about an hour or so that could easily be chopped out - do I really want to see 3 characters of whom I have no idea who they are, talking about completely random sh!t (as appears to be Tarantino's trademark. That and his ever increasing on screen foot fetish which is getting quite rediculous now) for what feels like an age? Before anything really happens? No. Yawn. In fact, no don't try it. I didn't expect it to be good (saw most of it before, but not the whole thing), only really got it for the cars and to give it a try in full. Mistake.

Oh, and he smashed up a 440 Magnum-engined '70 Challenger AND a Charger. Yet left the gayhat Mach 1 Mustang intact.


06-08-08, 02:31 PM
Not seen Death Proof, I'm not a huge fan of Tarantino. His early stuf was great. I may however watch it just to see how crap it is.
I am however a massive fan of John Hughes, yes I know there not great films but its my era. And the 80's were the best.

06-08-08, 02:33 PM
the 80's were the best.

Not very many people would agree with that mate lol

I think even those members old enough to live through the bulk of the 80's would struggle to agree with you.

06-08-08, 02:35 PM
Everything was crap in the 80's thats why it was good, never really figured out why dog poo was white though.

06-08-08, 02:36 PM
There is a reason for this. Something to do with an ingredient in dog food that is no longer used IIRC. I will check.


The disappearence of white dog poo is down to what dogs eat these days.

White **** is the calcium left behind as the water evaporates, and the 'organic' components of the crap are consumed (in various ways) leaving the inorganic stuff behind.

Historically, before BSE came along, butchers used to dish out bones for dogs to munch on.

But nowadays dogs don't eat as much bone as they used to, including bone meal. This all got the lid shoved on it due to the BSE crisis. Also, tighter regulation on dogs crapping on pavements means that turds don't hang around for years in public places like they used to, giving them less opportunity to dry out and turn white.

06-08-08, 02:41 PM
Arhh you remember. You also loved the 80's, admit it.

06-08-08, 02:45 PM
I was born on the 14th day of the 1980's. As such i cannot remember the whole decade.

06-08-08, 05:40 PM
80s movies are cool :cool:

Actually, no, 80's kids movies were cool.

06-08-08, 07:05 PM
I loved the 80's - especially the music (just spent the last year collecting my fav 80's tracks for the ipod). Movies wise there were classics but looking back now - they'd NEVER survive remakes -

Maniquin - ah the thighs of Kim Catterill...
Policy Academy (only the 1st one) - Catterill again - meow...
Terminator - the rest were crap - too cheesey (and less violence)
Top Gun (and perhaps Days of Thunder - top gun in cars)
Cocktain - Tom Cruise wasnt bad in the 80's (wisewood: or Cocktail, eh ade?? lol)
Roadhouse - Swayzies classic bouncer film!
The Karate Kid - wax on - wax off - but not the follow ups...
Iron Eagle - BRILLIANT!
The original Return of the Jedi before Lucas messed with it

06-08-08, 07:09 PM
Any TV series made into a film is sh1te with the exception of a verty small few. They just dont translate - the shows were continuations of existing storylines bulding more into the characters - you cant get that in a film - unless you make the film as one of the standard episodes...

Examples - starskey and hutch & sex in the city

Even Star Trek sort of flopped on the big screen...the trekkies slated most of the films!

Although remaking old 80's tv shows into new ones or even taking films and making them into tv shows seems to work - such as Battle Star Gallactica and Stargate...

Just my 10 pence worth...

06-08-08, 07:11 PM
oh - and making comic books into films only works if you stick to the original comic book style and use the right special effects...

The Dark Knight for example has some stunning special effects - Two Faces skeleton side for example - the eyes were freaky!

06-08-08, 07:13 PM
Maniquin - ah the thighs of Kim Catterill...

Top Gun (and perhaps Days of Thunder - top gun in cars)
Cocktain - Tom Cruise wasnt bad in the 80's
Roadhouse - Swayzies classic bouncer film!

Iron Eagle - BRILLIANT!

Oh dear.

06-08-08, 07:14 PM
what? they were classic!


06-08-08, 07:16 PM
Classic ****e.

06-08-08, 10:25 PM
what? they were classic!

A man with good taste. My new best friend.

06-08-08, 11:47 PM

07-08-08, 08:59 AM
Iron Eagle - BRILLIANT!

"Chappieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!"

absolute classic film!!

I love the bit where he takes the F-16 up for some target practice, misses the lot and then gives it "God damn it chappie i'm doing it my way" pops on a bit of queen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJvNvBYTsGw) and tries again and does a perfect strike run. Fantastic!!

07-08-08, 10:05 AM
Brill, nothing like borrowing a couple of F-16's to save your Dad. Iron Eagles II was'nt that bad either. That was 87 or 88 if i remember.

07-08-08, 10:08 AM
Wasnt so keen on Iron Eagle II but the original was awesome!

USAF base security was frankly quite shoddy in the 80's if a bunch of kids can plan an entire mission and borrow F-16's and arrange refuelling en-route etc.

07-08-08, 10:12 AM
Ha ha, agree. Mind you I was allowed to stay out after the street light came on in the early 80's. So everything was pretty slack. If my boy does'nt check in every hour (with his mobile strapped to his head) when hes out I panic.

07-08-08, 10:23 AM
LMFAO yeah i'll be like that too. BUt the 80's were safer. Peadophiles were just "strangers" back then so it was ok.

07-08-08, 10:33 AM
Peadophiles were just "strangers" back then so it was ok. LOL, Reminds me of the 'Charlie says' adverts.

07-08-08, 10:35 AM
Ahhhhhh back in the day when a peadophile could abduct your kids just by saying "i'm steve, since we're not strangers anymore, do you want some sweeties while you look at my puppies?"

07-08-08, 10:42 AM
LMFAO, We had a spastics society school down the road and there was a guy named Steve, Asked my sister if he could stroke her cat. Really freaked her out.

07-08-08, 10:47 AM
Are you allowed to say spastic these days? I thought it had been out-lawed now. Ridiculous if you ask me.