View Full Version : Fancy an Evo 10...

02-08-08, 09:43 PM
yep im fancying an evo 10,priced one up £27.000 which over 5 years is £500 per month.Its like another morgage!

Second hand isnt realy an option either,

Also priced the service cost up.they do a service plan at £400 which covers 3 years unlimited mileage.

Its a bit of a gamble with the state of the intrest rates these days as my morgage is due in 3 years!

Welsh Dan
02-08-08, 11:43 PM
House > car.

03-08-08, 12:33 AM
how does it go... you can live in your car, but you can't race your house.

Don't do it, your much better off with a house.

03-08-08, 12:36 AM
My advice is buy a house with garage or drive way then spend 27k on a car

03-08-08, 06:12 AM
ive got a house but the morgage is up for renewal in 3 years,thats the thing i can afford it now but what about in 3 years when they stick £150 on it

03-08-08, 10:45 AM
At least your house won't halve in value as soon as you buy it.

03-08-08, 10:51 AM
At least when you wake up in the morning you know your house will (should!) still be where you left it :thumb:

03-08-08, 10:55 AM
And then there is the risk of being jack jacked etc from nobbers want the car etc etc etc...

Persnally, I would settle with a evo 8 same fun half the price :D let some other fool suffer the value loss.

03-08-08, 10:57 AM
wait a year and pick one up for half the price due to silly tax etc.

General Baxter
03-08-08, 11:02 AM
At least your house won't halve in value as soon as you buy it.

it might do lol

03-08-08, 02:46 PM
evo 8 FTW evo 10 looks horrible imo

03-08-08, 02:51 PM
i do like the evo 8 and 9 but second hand evo's are most likely to be trashed to death

03-08-08, 02:57 PM
you can find a decent unabused evo 9 fq360 if you look around,plus they look better imo,not all would have been thrashed as most buyer's dont know how to take them to the limits!a hpi check is essential if buying "second hand"evo or any other car on the matter:) .

03-08-08, 03:59 PM
if your worried that over the next 3 yrs it might go up £150 a month then you cant afford the evo, you need to have much more dispoable income than that to run the evo.

03-08-08, 11:18 PM
Fuel bills will probably go up more than that tbh lol

04-08-08, 07:19 AM
if your worried that over the next 3 yrs it might go up £150 a month then you cant afford the evo, you need to have much more dispoable income than that to run the evo.

To true! The service costs alone are astronomical!! New clutch will set you back £900+, tyres £400 +, you can eat brakes in them £300 + a time etc etc