View Full Version : THE CHURCH OF TUNA!!!

05-10-02, 01:10 AM
Following an informal chat with an administrator yesterday I must politely ask all follows of the church of TUNA to respect the wishes of other users of the site and keep discussion about TUNA to within the bounds of posts about this subject.

Several complaints have been had, and with good cause too in most cases. So if you could please leave out comments about TUNA unless the subject of the post is in keeping.


Rev. Wisewood / Andy.

05-10-02, 09:12 PM
I trust I can rely on your support in this matter ladies and gentlemen.


05-10-02, 10:41 PM
Does this mean in any of the forums or just stuff outside Muppet Corner??

06-10-02, 11:10 PM
basically... if the subject of the post is to do with TUNA or the church, it is fine... but if someone posts, even in muppet corner and the subject is not anything to with TUNA or related topics... do not say anything about TUNA.

07-10-02, 11:14 AM
Thats Fair enough i Suppose, Hows the stickers, website etc. goin?? any news

07-10-02, 12:15 PM
I will be ordering the stickers on pay day (25th) of this month.
I should then have them in my posession 10 days later :D
Once I have them i will let those who want them know about it.

As for the web site - i have the design sorted, and working as it should - I just ahve to go through it filling in the content. SHould not be too much longer now really.

07-10-02, 10:30 PM
So... does that mean we cant say For TUNAS sake instead of GODS sake in any other post except a TUNA related one?

I'd just got used to saying TUNA - less blasphimous (as far as my work m8's are concerned anyway!)


07-10-02, 10:42 PM
Ade - if you wanna say TUNA instead of god, i don't have a problem with it mate - but the admin may comment - i have posted this simply to take the flack away from me... if people choose not to listen, it is their decision.

Saying TUNA instead of god is hardly ban worthy behaviour... but there have been several instances where TUNA has taken over the topic entirely, which is ban worthy in the eyes of the administrators on here.

They have done us a favour letting us "set up camp" here, so lets try not to abuse it eh...

That is all i am saying. When the official site is launched in a month or so there will be a forum on there anyway... along with many other "extra's" which i think most of you will enjoy!

Be patient kiddies...

The beginning is nigh... TUNA IS COMING :D :D :D

07-10-02, 10:48 PM
I'm a Fairy, my names Nuff

Fairy nuff

(not literally you understand)


08-10-02, 12:15 PM
to be honest mate you look more like darth vader in his rave gear on your avatar. :D

08-10-02, 12:20 PM
So what are the benefits in joining ' The Church of Tuna ' ?


08-10-02, 12:27 PM

This is the first post. which converted most of the members.
My opening post gives all the info you should need, however read on as there are several questions and answers later on. :D

08-10-02, 12:46 PM
Converted !!!!

08-10-02, 12:59 PM
you see, it makes more sense than people give it credit for if you bother to read it doesn't it. :D