View Full Version : angle griding tips

31-07-08, 06:29 AM
make sure u wear eye protection:
woke up early this morn with pain in one of my eyes, upon closer inspection it appears ive got a spec of metal embedded in my iris.. nice eh.

and while your there wear some ear defenders :
also woke up with a headache and partially deaf.

i know weve all been told this before, but we never listen untill something bad happens. dont be stupid like me

== ppe act: 1992 ==

General Baxter
31-07-08, 07:25 AM

31-07-08, 10:25 AM
mate of mine was grinding an exhaust off once without safety specs on, couple days later his eye started to react, went to hospital and he had a hot rusty bit of metal sink down into his eye. Has to be flicked out with a needle or something. Ive always had a phobia of eyes so **** doing that!

31-07-08, 10:34 AM
Yeah PPE is a must - I should practice what I preach. Although I only ever get owned when I bother to wear safety glasses lol Hot underseal on the eye smarts a touch.

paul james
31-07-08, 11:46 AM
wear googles that sit totally flush against your face, I've had a bit of metal stuck in my eye from grinding, very painful, it cut into my eye, couldn't sleep for a couple of nights because it was so irritating.

Also if grinding inside a wheel arch, don't stick your head right in the arch too, and then loose control of the grinder so that it flies into your head, was a scary moment that.

And if the switch on the grinder gets stuck in the ON position, don't plug it in while the grinder is resting on your leg, how I got away with that one I don't know.

Angle Grinders and clumsy people don't mix well!

31-07-08, 11:51 AM
Also if grinding inside a wheel arch, don't stick your head right in the arch too, and then loose control of the grinder so that it flies into your head, was a scary moment that.

been there lol

31-07-08, 12:11 PM
Yep, i got metal in my eye when i was drilling out a snapped manifold stud. Got the metal removed but it left a rust ring on the surface of my eye. HAd a fat ass nurse dig it out with a needle. Its not nice being able to see the floor and the ceiling at the same time :(

31-07-08, 01:28 PM
I had a facefull of metal shards when my dad was chopping the lug off the gearbox on the novargh. Was poking around underneath looking for oil leaks and a slight breeze blew it all in my face. My contact lenses saved me there, had to drop them out and clean all the metal bits off them lol

31-07-08, 03:39 PM
Aye, shards in your eyes is a big no no.
Usually results in A&E visit, head strapped down and some minor needle work to your eye ball,Lol

31-07-08, 04:40 PM
go and have it removed with the magnetic needle but tell them to funk off with the dremel for the rust ring!! you'll see what i mean :P

31-07-08, 05:48 PM
mate of mine was grinding an exhaust off once without safety specs on, couple days later his eye started to react, went to hospital and he had a hot rusty bit of metal sink down into his eye. Has to be flicked out with a needle or something. Ive always had a phobia of eyes so **** doing that!

dont say that u *******, you got me worried now... should i go to hospital to get it needled out.. 'needled out'.. omg

31-07-08, 05:53 PM
its no where near as bad as it sounds and you honestly dont feel a thing. and this is from someone who has a thing about his eyes.

31-07-08, 05:55 PM
I think everyone on here has had shards of flying steel or something in there eye/face at some point!

I had a spec of stainless steel in my eye for about 18months. Thats what happens when you use an industrial lathe with no specs on :(

31-07-08, 05:56 PM
spark in the ear or up the nose brings a tear to the eye

31-07-08, 05:57 PM
spark in the ear or up the nose brings a tear to the eye

FCUK YES!!! In the ear is funknig painful!

31-07-08, 06:05 PM
Oh yes
You hear it before you feel it too lol lol

31-07-08, 06:36 PM
right.. im of to a&e in that case then.. i dont wanna take any chances and end up with a glass eye or anything.

31-07-08, 06:50 PM
Weld spatter getting up the nose or in the ear when spot welding floors stings like nothing else lol Nastynova will know what I mean as he does the same job as I used too :(

31-07-08, 06:57 PM
My dad is pretty much blind in one eye as a result of a metal shard to the eye, so of course i always put on goggles.... :tard:

31-07-08, 07:00 PM
I always wear glasses/goggles (bits still get past) but if you have a dust mask on also the goggles tend to steam up. Visor FTW usually (when grinding anyway)
Always ear defenders too, the noise of an angle grinder resonating through the shell is horrific. Tell that to me mate though, who calls me a pussy for protecting my ears :S

31-07-08, 07:41 PM

Knew my ops gear would come in handy lol

General Baxter
31-07-08, 07:42 PM
full on arc eye kicks ass lol

like a bit of string from the bed to the bog, as you can see **** all :p

31-07-08, 09:12 PM
yesterday i spent an hour in sunderland eye infirmrey due to a piece of metal going under my welding screen and under my glasses whilst grinding a tack at work by the time i got sunderland i was told that it had already gone rusty and that was within half an hour lol

31-07-08, 09:26 PM
was angle grinding something other day and a metal narrowly missed my eye! It just touched my eyelash and i felt it, was so lucky!

And yes I had a googles on!

31-07-08, 10:49 PM
i got a flake of paint on my eye wehn i was using a blow gun at work to clean the filler dust off f****** well hurt i used a mirror and a piece of carboard to get it out lol

31-07-08, 11:01 PM
i got a flake of paint on my eye wehn i was using a blow gun at work to clean the filler dust off f****** well hurt i used a mirror and a piece of carboard to get it out lol

DIY sergury ftw :thumb:

31-07-08, 11:04 PM
surgeon was top class, squirted some dye into my eye then some tetrocaine which sounds like medical grade cocaine lol happy days, then got me on this opticians style eye zoomer-inner jobby thing and dug 2 bits out of the lower half of my iris with needles, not magnetic he said, but they did the job a treat, i could hear the pick, pick noise of the needle on my eyeball lol
gave me some stuff to stick on to prevent possible infection too, top man.
you wouldnt believe it.. but i was seen to within half an hour.. record speed for a&e :thumb:

31-07-08, 11:14 PM
LOL, sounds like most of you would get on well at our work. Ask CP about his Health & Safety procedures, lol ;)

01-08-08, 10:28 AM
I still have metal in my eyes, not big bits but its there and I can see it every day lol. Real men dont wear protection they just close their eyes an go for it.

01-08-08, 10:31 AM
Real men dont wear protection they just close their eyes an go for it.

lol so true! I dont even close my eyes mind lol

01-08-08, 10:45 AM
I've had loads of close shaves with angle grinders over the years..

I've had metal in my eyes.

Ringing ears.


Metal Splinters.

I cut off about 1/2 inch from the end of my shoe missing my toes by milimeters!

And the best one yet; I was using my 9" grinder at head height and it got jammed sending the whole thing flying at me, luckilly I always setup the guard and it hit me square in the head! It bloody hurt!

I always wear goggles these days and I always wear thick gauntlets when using big grinders.. And I never 'stand on things' to cut them anymore lol :D

I've had some serious arc eye and burns in the past from welding too.. Arc eye is AWEFUL :(

01-08-08, 05:33 PM
i just close one eye. does that count as protection ?

1.6 8v turbo nova
01-08-08, 05:40 PM
Real men dont wear protection they just close their eyes an go for it.[/quote]

Got many kids? :cool:


1.6 8v turbo nova
01-08-08, 05:42 PM
On a serious note.. I was using a 9" grinder at work to cut out a door hole in a wall, stood on a home made bench.. slipped landed on my ****(backside), but luckily the lead came out of the extension :)!