View Full Version : shit uni computers

04-10-02, 04:31 PM
can any1 tell me why a university that prides itself on being so good etc etc can have such pants internet connections??? its taken me 12 minutes so far to get to post this message and roughly the same to read a post. the bunch of fucks. its time to take a break from novaload for now cos its fucking me off waiting for it to load up. but as the great arnie once said.......i'll be back! lol (thats how shit they are....i wanted to put a smilie on the end but would it let me....would it fuck!)


(ps, cheers to mike sri for the harnesses never got round to email him)

04-10-02, 04:56 PM
lol m8! when I was at uni the internet didnt exist for home users! :o

You'll prob find that its really fast but they have so many security screens and anti porn download devices that it slows it to a snails pace.

Either that or theres some old admin geek in some dark office vetting everything!

Get a student loan and buy a decent pc from some cash generator pawn shop place!