View Full Version : scars n stuff

29-07-08, 02:10 PM
scar... as discussed with Dod.


29-07-08, 02:12 PM
Sweeeet!!! And respect due after hearing the story. Well done!!

29-07-08, 02:32 PM
OK, so this is now like christmas when you walk into an uncomfy silence room
You just got to know what happened???? :D
Gather round children, its story time :thumb:

29-07-08, 02:34 PM
He was dressing up for Halloween as a child and got a little carried away.

29-07-08, 02:35 PM
ok children, are you sitting comfortably?

29-07-08, 02:35 PM
lol Aye, for the moment anyway.

29-07-08, 02:35 PM
LMAO what kind of child? an EMO child? :wtf:

29-07-08, 02:36 PM
ok children, are you sitting comfortably?

Can we bring our milk to the carpet? :D

29-07-08, 02:39 PM
dont be stupid, you know your not allowed milk on the carpet

29-07-08, 02:42 PM
Thats not fair :(
Mr P Dowe lets us, says he likes to see us enjoying ourselfs :confused:

29-07-08, 02:52 PM
bet he tells you to take your tops off when your sweating aswell
i would be carefull around Mr P Dowe. the milk will be getting thicked if you know what i mean

29-07-08, 02:53 PM
It was an industrial accident when i was 17. I shall set the scene...

I'm 17. Bumming around a bit not knowing what to do with my life so took some temp labouring work from an agency that my mum worked for. They phone me at 9am one morning and say "can you start work at 3pm this afternoon? Its a 17 hour shift in a warehouse until 8am the next day". I say yes and immediately go back to bed until 1pm.

Start work at 3pm, basically layering some heavy pipe lining stuff into a very big industrial skip. There was only me, two other temps and two full time staff in the whole building all night.

At 7am there was nobody operating the fork lift truck we were using to gently pull the pipe lining stuff to the far end of the skip after it came up the conveyor belt into the skip. They told me to get on it. I did.

Later, approximately 7:45, just before finishing, i brought the forklift truck inside, and then someone shouted and said "dont leave it over there, just park it back in here by the door. This required turning round and negotiating quite a tight gap between the wall and the afore mentioned industrial skip.

I misjudged it - having never driven a rear wheel steer vehicle before - and smashed the indicators on the skip. I tried to hit the brake, but missed and stomped on the gas instead. The truck lurched forward, leaving my right arm sticking out of the cabin.

There was a very loud THUD and i thought i had crashed the truck even worse. So turned it off and got down to go and tell someone. Then realised my arm was hurting. I stopped, and looked. it was a f*cked up mess, and was, essentially, bent.

I trapped my wrist, at speed, between the skip and the roof bar of the forklift truck, and the truck bounced back off it again, as i wasnt stuck there when i switched it off and climbed down.

The result was that both wrist bones were snapped clean, and had remained inside my skin, but had overlapped at the break point by about half an inch. An inch closer to my hand i had badly fractured both bones. And then both socket joints of my wrist had been completed dislocated and my hand had rotated 90 degrees so you couldnt just "pop" them back in again.

A 30 mile ride in a mk1 fiesta later i arrived at A&E just in time to have pain relief pumped into me and my wrist relocated with minutes to spare before i would have spent the rest of my days with a hook instead of a hand (which would be quite cool anyway).

The scar is the result of the surgery required to rebuild my wrist.

It was such a severe break that the doctors hadnt seen anything so severe, and they asked me to sign forms to release photographs taken during surgery, and my xrays taken before during and after the operation, for educational purposes.

Description really doesnt do it justice. If camera phones were around in 1997 there would definately be pictures of it, but at the time the last thing i fancied was stopping at the corner shop to pick up a disposable camera... and if i had, i'd be known as stumpy, not wisewood.

29-07-08, 05:05 PM
*sob* omg thats emotional

29-07-08, 05:10 PM

i know a guy who has a simular scar on his elbow, he tattood a zipper over it lol

29-07-08, 05:53 PM
but you are still known as stumpy ;)

29-07-08, 06:11 PM
LMAO what kind of child? an EMO child? :wtf:


WW, that's some bad craic mate! Lucky lad :) Did you get finished for smashing the indicators? lol

The phrase 'bumming around' doesn't conjure up in the UK what it does in the country that invented it imo. Maybe I am just warped. :wtf:

29-07-08, 06:53 PM
It was a temp job (which i believe is explained at the start of the story) so no, i didnt get finished for smashing te indicator. it was a one off shift. 17 hours.

They did ask us at 7:30 to stay until about lunch time and they would arrange double pay for the whole shift. I agreed. Which is when we decided to have a break and i fetched the fork lift inside... if i had said i didnt want to stay, i wouldnt have been having that break, wouldnt have broken my wrist and would probably still work in a factory somewhere now.

29-07-08, 06:56 PM
LOL yeah you said, but I thought even though it was a temp. position it may have been for more than one shift mate.
I assume you have full mobility and your arm is just as strong as it was before? If so, then all good. You escaped the factory life and got a cool scar.

29-07-08, 07:02 PM
They warned me at the time that i should expect at least 50% reduction in mobility because there was a lot of damage etc. But upon hearing that i did about 4 times the physio i was meant to do and its at least as good, if not slightly better than the other wrist now.

Its not as strong though, if i hold equal weights in both hands, out flat in front of me with palms up so the weight is on my wrists, the left wrist gives me pain quite quickly. But then i do have a metal plate and 6 pins in there holding it together. There was actually a few millimetres of space between the bone when it was put in, but it grew back to fill the gap.

I'm not supposed to ride a bike or anything like that which could risk me falling onto it with greater force than usual because if i put my left arm down to stop myself it would probably buckle the plate and shatter the bone completely... which is nice.

It aches sometimes too. especially when we get thunder or freezing cold. They said if this ever gets too much they can operate again and remove the plate.

And no. It doesnt set airport scanners off. I tested it by pushing my arm through first the first time i went abroad after the operation.

29-07-08, 07:36 PM
You still got paid i hope. lol

29-07-08, 07:38 PM
i did. but not the double time they said we would get... as i didnt complete the additional work. b*stards.

29-07-08, 07:54 PM
Ive got 2 scars one on each foot/leg from my big toes to my knees.

I was born with no muscle in the lower part of my legs and the inside of my feet touching my inside leg (calf)

I had 2 operations to remove my tendans to stretch them and put them back so my feet could be straight.

29-07-08, 08:03 PM
Fook. I feel very lucky now!

I have a scar on the front of my head where I was fighting with my bro when we were younger, I fell off the sofa and banged my head off a toy train track. Don't know what the treatment was.

And one on the back of my head where I fell down the stairs and banged my head off the edge of a table. Got metal staples so the hair doesn't grow back in that spot. Hardy, yO!

I've never broken a bone in my body that I know of.

29-07-08, 08:08 PM
lol you would know about it, unless you were under the age of about 3.

I have others - general life type scars. One on my cheek, fell onto a stick poking out of the ground when i was a baby. Another above my eyebrow, no idea where that came from - only noticed it was there last year lol

a couple of others - burning on the iron and stuff.

29-07-08, 08:21 PM
a scar on my knee from barbed wire, a 10cm long scar on my head (luckely just on the hairline) from a metal pipe.
a 5cm scar in my handpalm, i wanted to clinb over a spiked fence.

and the usual small stuff :P

29-07-08, 08:23 PM
Pah that's not a scar you wimp! lol

I've got a 14" one on my stomach from an operation that should never have been done :(

For more gruesomeness I have this at the moment.... doesn't hurt at all, honest lol


29-07-08, 08:25 PM
It's going to hurt when you pull that tape off. lol

29-07-08, 08:29 PM
It comes off every 3/4 days :\ This thing is gonna stay in for about 6 months so I've got a while to get used to it lol

29-07-08, 08:40 PM
Want to share the story?

29-07-08, 08:41 PM
I chopped my finger off when was 16, had over 250 stitches in my hand/wrist, had a vein and nerve transplant. will get some pics later.

29-07-08, 09:10 PM
Want to share the story?

Erm not really but seeing as I was stupid enough to put the picture up in the first place... :wtf:

I have Lymphoma which is a type of cancer of the Lymphatics system. It's in my digestive system so that thing (called hickman line) is used to give me nutrition, used to take blood and used for the chemo.

29-07-08, 09:45 PM
My entire body is littered with scars. Shame most have long since gone :(

Best (worst) was defiently the aftermath of getting my finger trapped in a moving alternator and the 4ft blood fountain that ensued :(

29-07-08, 10:03 PM

WW, that's some bad craic mate! Lucky lad :)

People saying this after horrific accidents still makes me chuckle lol

29-07-08, 10:08 PM
Yeah i had people telling how lucky i was that i had my finger sewn back on, i thought i was really lucky!

29-07-08, 10:18 PM
lol lucky in the sense that you're still here, all limbs intact to tell the tale.

Like my mate who ploughed his Charade GTTi into a lamppost at 90mph, got a lap dance from the engine and the steering wheel knocked his teeth out/broke jaw etc. Given the carnage he created he is lucky to have only lost one leg.

29-07-08, 10:21 PM
Erm not really but seeing as I was stupid enough to put the picture up in the first place... :wtf:

I have Lymphoma which is a type of cancer of the Lymphatics system. It's in my digestive system so that thing (called hickman line) is used to give me nutrition, used to take blood and used for the chemo.

F*ck breeny i never knew this. Hows the treatment going mate?

29-07-08, 10:23 PM
That is a raw deal for you Breeny. Hope everything is going as well as is possible for you bud.

30-07-08, 12:09 AM
Ouch! indeed, the only industrial injury ive had was also a trapage, but it was only my finger in a small conveyor belt thingy, still bloody hurt and had to ride the 10 miles home in the winter on my moped with no glove lol the cold wind made it hurt much more, couldnt put my glove on because it was slightly dangling off

Got about 30 different scars from my crash though, and other mis-haps :roll:

30-07-08, 09:52 AM
I chopped the cop off my thumb in school once too on an electric saw in the woodwork class... luckily i only sliced through flesh on the end and didnt take out any bone so it grew back.

31-07-08, 12:02 AM
Breeny - that looks feckin freaky! Although from the chin down your pic instantly reminded me of Lord Voldermort! No idea why...


Anyway - I'm about as clumsy as it gets. I have a "killer" scar on my back. Was about 7 and me mum used to go to yoga with one of her mates. Me n me sister used to stay over at the friends house with their kids.

the dad used to make home brew wine...(the clue)

The bottles were stashed at the bottom of the bed...(not in the bed cos that'd be silly)

I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bog - didnt know where I was - got disorientated and fell out of bed - landing back 1st in the bottles.

One smashed - the bottom went jaggy end 1st into my back - deep. right in the middle of my back

Rushed to hospital - had bottle extracted - blood transfusion and told I was lucky not to be paralised.

Had 100 stitches (the proper needle and thread ones) and 3 weeks of school (result).

Since then Ive been thrown off my bike and run over by a bus (collapsed eye socket and ripped top lip) clipped the ends of various fingers off with a scalpel, car bonnet (the other week) and scrap metal.

Never broken any arms or legs though - touch wood (not wisewood - that would be wrong).

31-07-08, 12:32 AM
WiseWood, I've got a similar scar to you. I ran full pelt into a door that I thought was open the small square window above the handle I hit a little too hard and punched though it. My wrist was ok until I decided to pull it out.... downwards, cutting half my hand off. I remember sticking it under the tap and water ran straight through it. I cut two tendons and a load of nerves, unfortunately they nicked my main artery in the repair op and didn't notice so after they stitched me back up the artery bled into my arm causing the stitches to rip open. And back for a second op, 48 stitches later no feeling in two of my finger, I’m kind of fixed.

31-07-08, 09:42 AM

I knew this would be a good thread. Injuries makes awesome conversation lol

31-07-08, 09:53 AM
Well its a common fact that Walsh C can top all of you.

Although a mate of mine was paralised in a crash a few years ago when he was thrown from his car at speed. Always wear your seatbelt kids.

31-07-08, 07:11 PM
few pics of my hand, they have faded loads now, have got some old pics somewhere in the uk.

Please appreciate very hard to take pics with your weak hand with a slr camera lol...

Took it off clean through the knuckle and had wire wrapped around it to hold it to very small piece of bone left.

The scar running along my finger is where they done a nerve transplant from the inside of the finger to the outside as the one on the outside was destroyed, so now have no feeling on inside of the index finger.
and inside of the finger.

Wrist where they took vein out to put into finger as veins in finger were destroyed.

Scar from they cut across the palm of my hand to repair one tendon, other tendon was beyond repair and they couldnt steal one from anywhere lol

31-07-08, 07:23 PM
i cant find the pic of my nose :(. i had 13 stitches in it from when i walked into a patio door lol

01-08-08, 07:10 AM
walked into a patio door lol lol lol

01-08-08, 02:20 PM
i have a 7" scar on my left elbow from a mountain bike accident, shattered my elbow and had to have it rebuilt with pins, spent a year and a half in outpatients then 6weeks later broke my other arm

ive also broke the knuckle on my little finger, caught it in a fan while having my hands in an engine bay

01-08-08, 05:38 PM
walked into a patio door lol lol lolthe door was very rarely closed so i just got used to coming round the door and walking in. obviously this time it had been closed for some reason and i still tried to walk in lol

01-08-08, 05:39 PM
i have a 7" scar on my left elbow from a mountain bike accident, shattered my elbow and had to have it rebuilt with pins, spent a year and a half in outpatients then 6weeks later broke my other arm

ive also broke the knuckle on my little finger, caught it in a fan while having my hands in an engine bayive broke my little finger knuckle as well but i did it by punching a door lol. hurt like a bastid

01-08-08, 06:09 PM
mines set now tho so if i go and get sorted they'll have to re-break it and that will hurt

01-08-08, 08:36 PM
F*ck breeny i never knew this. Hows the treatment going mate?

Been in hospital for nearly 7 weeks now but the treatment is going well, I'm slowly getting there! :D

I haven't really shouted about it so theres still some people that don't know, luckily I don't really know anyone on here anymore!! lol

Ade, yeh I've lost quite a bit of weight so my chin is a bit funny at the mo! My cheek bones stick out too! I look well wierd!! LOL