View Full Version : Problems r.e. SR seats

04-10-02, 12:56 PM
The passenger seat back rest keeps falling down a little, anyone had a similar problem? Probably down the hard suspension but there must be something to tighten up?

Also how do you fit those fappin plastic things to the seat runners, ripped all mine off when i had the bucket seats and now i can't fit the new ones! DOH

04-10-02, 01:00 PM
The seats falling down (reeclining of their own accord) is a general fault with nova seats.

There isnt really anything you can do about it (my old 1.2 passenger seat would fully recline in a matter of weeks!)

As for the black plastic runners I smashed mine trying to get them off. The clip on and then slide back - once in place they are designed not to be removed and usually break when trying.

I didnt bother putting back on - too much hastle!


04-10-02, 03:27 PM
Doh! looks like i'm gonna have to get some different seats then! :roll:

04-10-02, 04:22 PM
Yeah, my SR seats keep doing the same. The passenger back has some movement when you drive it, especially over bumps. Probably due to stiffer suspension. Not a problem if someone is sat in the seat as they are keeping pressure on the back. It's the constant movement that causes it to go back. I don't know how to cure this, it's a pain. I just keep winding it back up every once in a while. If someone knows how to sort this let us know. :wink:

05-10-02, 12:11 PM
apparenly the plastic bits r rare,

rob spider came to get mine from my old sr. sold him both front seats and runners and plastic bits for ?20

Manta Mad
05-10-02, 04:26 PM
Yep, my seats do that as well, thought I was imagining it until I read this.

05-10-02, 06:54 PM
thank fuck for that, i think thats the first recurring problem with SR's that my SR hasnt got :D