View Full Version : slammed FAO wise and whoever else wants to know....

04-10-02, 12:56 PM
as u lot might of known i was planning on getting my car lowered,
well i got it done, looks wicked, its dropped it alot and will go lower more, needs to settle in, i had a strut brace put in aswell, nice red shiny one! getting a read anti-roll bar fitted for ?20, not bad!
Ill put some pics on soon, aswell as my colour coded dash.

04-10-02, 01:07 PM
you car really could turn out to be very nice neil... it is decent enough condition to start with... you jsut need to ditch the missus and spend all your time and money on the car :D

lmao - kidding mate...

04-10-02, 01:49 PM
i have spent all my money on the car, i think ive spent about ?150 so far on it.
I got rid of my jet washers, might take sunstrip off aswell, make it original. alloys looks nice now cars sat lower, im well happy with it.
i did summit funny yesterday, went to drake house retail park, racing a mate and theres 2 lanes, one on either side of the retail park along front of the shops, now i forgot that half way along my lane was a FUCKING SPEED BUMP! think i hit it at 30-40MPH. bloody felt it!
just want car to settle quick. im just worring about front arches, should be alright tho. i can sit at rotherham with pride now, knowing i aint got a crapy car!
Ill show u my car next time ur free or at weekend.

04-10-02, 02:12 PM
you spent a whole ?150 on it... WOW!!!

lmfao - i think you mean 1500 dont you - your wheels cost more than that.

04-10-02, 02:36 PM
lol yeah, ?150,000
ok ?1500.
could list em all but it'll take to long.
going driving tonight, think ill go to rotherham about 9.30pm for a drive, get my car settled bit more, long drive will do it good.
Ive spent too much time on here today, got shit loads of typing to do, ive started doing typing, moved up from office skivvy!
See u soon wise.

04-10-02, 02:49 PM
let me know if you are in rotherham mate and if i have not already been drinking i will come down...

04-10-02, 04:08 PM
ill text u if and when im in rotherham, depends if gf wants to, she'll prob wanna stay in.