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View Full Version : Wheres my post gone?

01-10-02, 11:00 PM
I put a post up last nite seeing what ppl thought of personalised novaload stickers, with username under the website address, but i think maybe its been deleted? I Dont see how theres anything wrong with trying to get novaload known....... is there......?


02-10-02, 12:14 AM
maybe its been moved to styling?

Or got deleted coz of possible tampering with the novaload brand. Brands are big business and messing with a company/sites identity big no no... I know helped rebrand T-Mobile from One 2 One - if u want to rake the cash in work in a brand identity company!

Sites also copyrighted so maybe the stickers are too?

Ask Kev - unless he's pm'd ya already...


02-10-02, 09:38 AM
I havent seen your post, but dont worry the stickers will be sorted soon, I think Dan still has some left...

02-10-02, 05:06 PM
think some1 musta deleted it then. Just thought it wud be a nice idea to have stickers with usernames underneath cos i can make them (as im a signwriter) and cos i saw a FIT bird driving a car the other day with a webaddress on the back but i didnt know who she was on the site.
Just an idea, maybe i shud keep them to myself in future :roll:


02-10-02, 05:20 PM
it is a good idea... until you sell the car and someone else drives around with your username :D

02-10-02, 05:45 PM
this is troo, but, but, but, its the thought that counts

(Fuckin hell Rev, im trying to make sum money here lol)


02-10-02, 06:36 PM
well i like the idea - so how much we talkin for a rear window banner with www.novaload.net and aragorn placed underneath??


02-10-02, 09:32 PM
yeh il buy one.
jus do it n worry bout copyright later heheheheh[/u]

02-10-02, 10:16 PM
If it goes ahead, il av 1! it'd look good at the meets we go 2 as well!
full window width would look good, but would it look crap? i got my novaload sticker in the front window, it looks ok ther, doesnt look "out of place"

02-10-02, 11:59 PM
ive already got my username on mine, on the front quarters

03-10-02, 01:30 AM
Jeeeeeeesues Chriiiiiist! What's wrong with you people?
Get a fuckin novaload sticker, stick it on your window. Then go buy a sticker with your friggin user name (any sign-writer will make one, in any style of writing, in any size) and stick it under the novaload one. It's not difficult! A friggin monkey could do it!

03-10-02, 02:49 AM

I think Marty's in a bad mood! Basd day at the office m8?


03-10-02, 09:32 AM
Yep anyone can get them made...

The reason we get batches of them done is to offer you lot them cheaper.
Most signwriters will try and charge you ?4 + for a sticker like what we offer you for ?1

See we are good after all...

03-10-02, 10:11 AM
Ah, but i do it for love, not money :D
?4 is a bit silly. Thought id offer my services as ive got ?2500 worth of signmaking equipment looking at me funny doin pretty much nothing all day.

03-10-02, 03:14 PM
Make me a great big 'fishermen say it's not the size of the worm, it's how you wiggle it' sticker. Please. Thanks.

Ben (lurk75)
03-10-02, 05:49 PM
Ah, but i do it for love, not money :D
?4 is a bit silly. Thought id offer my services as ive got ?2500 worth of signmaking equipment looking at me funny doin pretty much nothing all day.

In your original post you wanted a fiver for them :!:

03-10-02, 10:26 PM
erm..... no, i wanted a fiver for the sticker with a username underneath cos that makes them custom made. I just quoted kev for a run of them without the username underneath.


04-10-02, 12:32 AM
ive got ?2500 worth of signmaking equipment looking at me funny doin pretty much nothing all day

Shouldn't you be doing some work then? :lol: