View Full Version : Damage Status

01-10-02, 08:51 PM
ok, after my post in general comments i'm gonna start another post here, the damaged done is listed below (what the engineer said) :-
New Rear Bumper (Custom)
New Boot (+ Flushing)
New Boot Floor
New Offside Rear Quarter Panel
New Offside Chassis leg
New Near Side Chassis Leg
Jig the car straight!
New Clear Rear Cluster (drivers side, if u have one please tell me!)

so then fellas what do ya recon this little lot will cost me to have done, lol. i've gotta get it repaired, too much hasle to transfer it all onto a new car etc!!

oh and i've been totally ripped off by the insurance etc! as usual, just my luck! only ?950 - ?25 to salvage it back!

also, after havin it repaired, do u recon it will still drive the same etc??

Chris LR
01-10-02, 09:29 PM
My experience is definatly NOT in bodywork but,

1. Salvage what u can.
2. Leave it by a scrappy.
3. Don't look back.

I didn't see your other post, so I don't know what spec the car is, so forgive me if my idea sounds a bit far fetched.

Ben (lurk75)
01-10-02, 09:33 PM
In all fairness i wouldnt say you done to bad out the insurance company as they have offered a lot worse than that,

Thats a lot of work that needs doing, good luck steve

02-10-02, 12:43 AM
DONT ACCEPT 1ST QUOTE - GO BACK AND GET MORE! Do what sheep dip did and compare prices in auto mags for similar specced cars then send to insurance co..

As for body shop work - a pretty long list - I guess the list also includes a respray and prep work - if so just hand over the whole insurance money (?1000) and ask them to do the best job they can for cash! They'll do a very good job for the price. Ask them ghow much before hand then haggle for cash!

Alternatively, strip car right down to nothing, get a ?500 GSi, transplant new stuff inc engine from old one if better and with change from new car purchase get resprayed in same colour as old car as a "reminder"
With bits taken from GSi that have been replaced, flog them on novaload and make more cash

Thats what I'd do - but then Its not my baby thats currently sitting battered in the garage :(

U have the capital to rebuild her - u need to weigh up pros and cons m8 - not easy.


Ben (lurk75)
02-10-02, 04:07 PM
that is what i would do ade but steve is only 17-18 and cant afford the insurance :!:

02-10-02, 06:30 PM
a new shell would be what id go for. salvage what ya can of course.

02-10-02, 10:36 PM
thanks for replies, i don't wanna start on another shell, i don't have the time or the money etc! looks like its repairs here i come :)
