View Full Version : North Yorkshire Drug takers!

28-09-02, 12:04 AM
Get this man its insane!

Clubbeers in North Yorkshire have taken to an extreme form of drug taking.

There are reports that they are using dental syringes to inject ecstasy directly into their mouths!


Doctors have dubbed it - "E BY GUM!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Almost pished me pants when I read that - 3 of me m8's didnt get it and took it seriously!


28-09-02, 10:33 AM
well if you don't know how us yorkshire folk speak - it would be convinsing wouldn't it... although i can honestly say i have never actually said E by Gum.

28-09-02, 05:15 PM
Nah u call everyone duck

28-09-02, 08:38 PM
actually I don't... I call everyone mate.
alreight mate, hows it goooin mate... what thy up too mate?

29-09-02, 01:45 AM
lol - from that u sound almost north eastern - and thats Micky Territory!

I have to say I dont actually know anyone who ever said e by gum either! My dad lived just notth of York and hes a broad Yorkshireman - - never heard him say it once!

He says "bloody foreign piece of sh1te" lots though! and "bag a sh1te!" a fair bit.

doesnt even own a wippit, wear a flat cap or eat hovis.

Cant ever recall him working down pit till cows came home either!

the usual cliches you understand

However get this - a friend of mine just came back from America - been on some summer camp looking after posh brats (one of them was the daughter to VP of CNN network channel) and these kids actually believed that Scotland didnt have electricity and they were stunned that Scots spoke English (well a form of it!) - they laughed when they found out we had TV!

Stuck up little tossers!

29-09-02, 12:11 PM
No mate - South Yorkshire... :D and common as sh1te. lmao.

01-10-02, 12:40 AM
nothing - we apparantly live in caves!


nowt changed there then!