View Full Version : drugs

08-07-08, 06:07 PM
is it ok to talk about drugs on here, i dont want any agro from admin coming from all directions?

08-07-08, 06:08 PM
I heard asprin is good for headaches

08-07-08, 06:08 PM
Depends on the subject matter. if you want to big them up, thats a big no no im afraid.

08-07-08, 06:09 PM
well it wasnt bigging them up lol.... no matter, i best leave it.

08-07-08, 06:38 PM

08-07-08, 06:40 PM
I deal with drugs all day :D

Prescription ones obviously lol

08-07-08, 06:42 PM
Might as well ask/talk now? Sure admins wont mind if its asking opinions etc

08-07-08, 06:42 PM

08-07-08, 06:45 PM
Technically, Alcohol is a drug, and people talk about that freely.

Although I suppose that is a legal one lol

08-07-08, 06:46 PM
I dont see an issue with an adult conversation about it.

But any comments like 'I was whizzing my tits off last night, it was amazing' will get the thread locked.

08-07-08, 06:49 PM
and if your looking for advice/help i cant see the problem

08-07-08, 06:54 PM
winners dont use drugs!!!drugs are seriously bad for your health,now what do you wanna knowlol

08-07-08, 06:56 PM
Apparently theirs a cool blue pill drug which keeps you on it all night.


08-07-08, 06:57 PM
Hmmm, so allergy tablets are bad for your health?????

"Drugs" covers a wide range of things :)

08-07-08, 06:57 PM
Apparently theirs a cool blue pill drug which keeps you on it all night.


also comes in a white powder form LOL :eek:

08-07-08, 07:02 PM
I was whizzing my tits off last night, it was amazing!

I wizzed in the garden, behind the shed of love. I wizzed in the house and then back in the garden again. Ace night! I must drink too much water more often!

Jim Mcrae
08-07-08, 07:31 PM
lol in all seriousness what do you want to say??

08-07-08, 09:11 PM
it really doesnt matter now as i really dont think admin would approve.

08-07-08, 09:22 PM
it really doesnt matter now as i really dont think admin would approve.

Going off them pics you had up of you and your missus, i can imagine where the conversation would go !!
Rave on !! :eek:


08-07-08, 09:22 PM
Going from the name above his avatar it wasn't to discourage us from the use I don't think lol

LOL Aye, I remember those pics! Bet they weren't coloured contacts lol

08-07-08, 09:23 PM
Going off them pics you had up of you and your missus, i can imagine where the conversation would go !!
Rave on !! :eek:


haha lol lol them where contact lenses (hiding the 'ravers' eyes) lol

08-07-08, 09:26 PM
heres another of the contacts


08-07-08, 09:28 PM

08-07-08, 09:51 PM
Has someone bitten some of your left ear off?
Not had Mike Tyson around for dinner or anything?

08-07-08, 10:00 PM
haha ya fcuker, you're not supposed to notice things like that lol

08-07-08, 10:01 PM
and it aint as bad as it looks in that picture

08-07-08, 10:05 PM
lol:D Just been looking at the site for those contact lenses. There cool :cool:

08-07-08, 10:07 PM
they're the dogs nuts if you love the attention, when i get in uv light my eyes glow purple (really bright) i get people asking to have pics taken with me lol

08-07-08, 10:11 PM
My mate wears bright blue ones, they look mad cos she's dark skinned. Cool but scary!

08-07-08, 10:12 PM
iv made someone clack a whitey wearing mine lol

08-07-08, 10:23 PM
I would love these if they weren't so god damn expensive!

08-07-08, 10:33 PM
I would love these if they weren't so god damn expensive!

just scrape a lot underseal off without any goggles on

08-07-08, 10:36 PM
Apparently theirs a cool blue pill drug which keeps you on it all night.


I think these are what you mean

08-07-08, 10:38 PM
I know someone who had a dabble with a bit of weed while at uni...
All his house mates smoked it so he gave it a whirl for a month. Suffice to say he didnt really dig it since he prefered to go out to pubs/clubs and oggle women, than stay in talk shoite and lose the feeling in his legs lol

08-07-08, 10:43 PM
I know someone who had a dabble with a bit of weed while at uni...
All his house mates smoked it so he gave it a whirl for a month. Suffice to say he didnt really dig it since he prefered to go out to pubs/clubs and oggle women, than stay in talk shoite and lose the feeling in his legs lol

well i smoke weed, regularly, yet i still manage to regain the feeling in my legs and go out to pubs/clubs :thumb:

08-07-08, 10:44 PM
iv made someone clack a whitey wearing mine lol

Not suprised, i'm sure they'd baffle me if i saw someone with eyes like that ... f*ck knows what i'd think it was with them eyes !!

'Clack' a whitey !! ha, still laughing at that. lol

08-07-08, 10:45 PM
still he wasnt impressed with it.... but atleast he tried it to form a legit opinion :D

08-07-08, 10:49 PM
still he wasnt impressed with it.... but atleast he tried it to form a legit opinion :D

it aint some peoples thing, each to their own i supose.

hc coupe
08-07-08, 10:51 PM
I don't see the point really. Much rather get a bit drunk with a group of mates than croud round a micro~wave waiting for a rustler burger to cook thinking 70sec its too long.

08-07-08, 10:54 PM
stoners are far more advanced these days. ^^
its nice to chill out with ur mates, blaze up and maybe session the xbox for a few hours. (or days lol).

08-07-08, 10:55 PM
i used to smoke "copious" amounts of herb between 60 - 80 quids worth every week and i **** you not when i say i smoked that alone all on my todd (ounce of erb and a 1/4 of green prebooked every friday night) i havent done it in about a year now and my life is soooooooooooo much better for it .

although dont get me wrong im still partial to a few lines n swedge on a weekend !!

08-07-08, 11:17 PM
Lets keep the 'I once smoked a warehouse full of skunks' sort of comments to a minimum.
There are loads of things that everyone does that we don't want to get made public........
I have only smoked twice, & and only when drunk because I don't smoke ciggys anyway, & I am no expert but I think the bloke making them was shoving the stuff in at the top so he had it & passed a plain rollup round because we left him having a heated debate with a swiss cheese plant & we went to the pub.

The Simps
08-07-08, 11:41 PM
I've never been into the whole weed culture personally. I'm hungey & tired most of the time as it is without any help! Have seen it fcuk a lot of mates lives up tho.

I used to do a lot of drinking but its just so god dam expensive these days for a long night out, especially clubbing.

I got back into my dance scene quite heavilly a year or so back and used to go once a month to a hard dance night 400yds from my house by myself, drop a smiley and shake out all the demons. Having the break from my mates and really letting rip on the dancefloor I found was a great de-stress.

Havn't done it for ages tho as since I started DJing I frustratingly spend more time listening to the DJs ability rather than the tunage so don't dance as much. Tends to be a few beers and help everyone else talk cod shlte all nite now!

08-07-08, 11:47 PM
Smoking isnt big and it isnt clever,funks your mind up anybody that says its good for them and its harmless is in denial,you will realise when you eventually stop trust me

09-07-08, 01:24 AM
if you want to talk about drugs, talk to Frank

09-07-08, 02:03 AM
i have never done drugs in the sence we are talking here as i have never seen the point. all my friends do them and to me it makes no difference to how they are so surely its a waste of money!!

09-07-08, 07:16 AM
They are a waste of money. They funk a person up. They are bad for your body. They turn you into the lowest form of human being possible (Amy Winehouse/Pete Doherty). I don't get why people say "Oh, Heroin is much worse then Weed". No they're all the same! It's just that lower class drugs take longer to funk you up. And Heroin is more likely to kill someone within the first few times. Which I think should happen to anyone who thinks they are kool taking drugs.:mad:

I don't like drugs :D

09-07-08, 08:33 AM
LMFAO Amy Whingehouse should be employed by drug abuse agencies to tour schools and scare kids into not doing drugs. Hey kids, want to end up looking like this? lol

It would be about all she's good for, as lets face it she can't sing or dance or "entertain" to save her life :p

09-07-08, 09:52 AM
My mate used to smoke a serious amount of Grass in a week. He'd never manage to string a proper sentance together, do things and then forget 1/2 way through and forget what and why and he'd see things. He never could explain what but it caused him to flip his lovely Yellow Mk1 Golf once because of it. And this is when he wasnt high.

I'm dead set against drugs and I have tried them in the past so I know what I'm talking about. New Years day a lad I know very well, a gifted mechanic and car fanatic died from taking a cocktail of drugs, in a car park, in the pissing rain as Docotrs tried to revive him to no avail.

RIP David Orr.

The Simps
09-07-08, 11:29 AM
Sorry about your mate Dod.

I'd never really known nothing about the world of drugs and was very naive on the subject until about a couple of years ago.

When it comes to the recreational drugs - ecstacy, coke being the main ones I think price becomes a big factor these days. You can get 4 pills for a tenner, only need to drink water all night and have the best time of your life for the best part of 12hrs nearly! People moan about the comedown but its not much different to a hangover, in fact I'd say less harsh. A lot of it is your body is just exhausted from being up so long.

With respect to drugs leading to depression, it is true. But a lot of people take drugs because they are depressed. I was going through a rough patch and got fed up going out and getting drunk and getting really depressed and emotional. With drugs, your focused is moved to having a good time and you don't even think about how crap your life is. However, when you come down you're obviously run down and if you are suffering depression it can just compound it. No different to alcohol.

Sadly, I think the biggest thing is cost comparison to alcohol. If booze was dramatically reduced in price I would hedge a bet that recreational drug use would reduce.

nova nick
09-07-08, 11:40 AM
very bad by lookin at himlol

09-07-08, 11:47 AM
I got back into my dance scene quite heavilly a year or so back and used to go once a month to a hard dance night 400yds from my house by myself, drop a smiley and shake out all the demons. Having the break from my mates and really letting rip on the dancefloor I found was a great de-stress.

Havn't done it for ages tho as since I started DJing I frustratingly spend more time listening to the DJs ability rather than the tunage so don't dance as much. Tends to be a few beers and help everyone else talk cod shlte all nite now!

Someones been watching human traffic lol

Im going to be honest i tryed E's and never again will i do that!

Smoke weed regularly as a sort of social drug i spose, chill with mates during the week have a couple of joints and chill out, make some music, it even makes it a bit more bearable to work on the car lol and i dont mean absolutly wasted!

Simps i agree i used to go out and just dance but the last 2 times ive been out (Judge jules and The Wideboys) ive found myself watching/chatting to the DJ(s) instead. All my mates do class A's but i refuse to. Thinking about a little barry white for global tho lol other wise im going to mis half of it :roll:

The Simps
09-07-08, 11:51 AM
Someones been watching human traffic lol

We used to watch it all the time before a night out! lol

Simps i agree i used to go out and just dance but the last 2 times ive been out (Judge jules and The Wideboys) ive found myself watching/chatting to the DJ(s) instead. All my mates do class A's but i refuse to. Thinking about a little barry white for global tho lol other wise im going to mis half of it :roll:

Its very rare I do anything now. The occasional something to keep me awake along side my mates but thats usually red bull & pro-plus!

I still go to the hard dance night once a month as I've met some great mates but I don't to go on a snakey B mission now until the point my legs start to fail! lol

nova nick
09-07-08, 12:01 PM
beer is worse than weed how many people a year die from alcahol abuse and how many from weed?

i smoke weed and have done for several years. 1 or 2 joints a night.
alot of people say it starts of with weed then you go onto bigger things.
that isn't true hand on heart ive never touch another drug and never will.

weed a plant, chemicals and manmade drugs kill even in the first hit

The Simps
09-07-08, 12:12 PM
beer is worse than weed how many people a year die from alcahol abuse and how many from weed?

Key word there mate is "abuse". You abuse alcohol it will kill you. You do enough weed it will kill.

How much the weed effects you tends to depend on personality. I havn't seen a mate yet who is on a daily smoking basis and it hasn't had a negative effect on there life. They become lazy, forgetful, unreliable and pretty useless.

End of the day, whether its an upper or downer in any form (weed, pills, alcohol, coke, heroin), doing it regularly in large quantities WILL effect you.

One thing that worries me is how recreational GHB has become as a drug. Are people mad!? I know a lot of girls who do it as it makes them feel horny. Get the dose wrong tho and you're literally fcuked!

nova nick
09-07-08, 12:19 PM
its the same as that s**t MDMA.

09-07-08, 12:26 PM
Its scary isnt it? Coke's becoming part of a night out and a slap on the wrist if you're caught with it. Its sickening.

09-07-08, 12:27 PM
Snakey B mission lol

MDMA! Its all i hear down here! ****ing terible stuff, heard some lad the other day say i licked the rock and straight away i felt all stretchy lol wtfs up with that!

Alot of people think coke is "clean" aswell wich piss's me off! CLEAN, ITS A DRUG lol

nova nick
09-07-08, 12:29 PM
lads i complely out of control and the goverment don't give two F**ks about it.

09-07-08, 12:35 PM
Nick your completly out of control?? How you mean?

nova nick
09-07-08, 12:44 PM
the amout of drugs coming into england.

The Simps
09-07-08, 12:44 PM
its the same as that s**t MDMA.

Agreed! I'm not defending MDMA by any means and sorry if it came across that way. Hence my previous posts saying that all drugs effect you if done in quantities.

I think the tough thing with weed as that there is so many occasions where you can do it. Wake up - lets have a spliff. I enjoyed that lunch, thick I might chill and have a spliff. Thats where it can get people.

I think I'm right in saying that it is illegal to possess drugs but not illegal to be on them. So you can have a nightclub full of coke heads off there face trying to pull every burd and flash their peacock feathers but if they're not carrying there's nowt the law can do.

Also, from a policing perspective, you get far less hassle from House nights than you would from say a normal drinking atmos club or rnb/hip hop nites. So its tollerated.

09-07-08, 12:50 PM
Also, from a policing perspective, you get far less hassle from House nights than you would from say a normal drinking atmos club or rnb/hip hop nites. So its tollerated.

This guy talks sense, i agree (once again lol) that when clubs/venues hold specialist nights there is much less trouble as there all there for the same reason.

Man i love clubbing and the whole house music scene but there does seem to be more MDMA and E's now because the price, my mate does it every weekend, 5 pills (£10) and water for the night while i spend £30-40 on drink, still id rather not have to sleep for a week after lol

The Simps
09-07-08, 12:59 PM
Man i love clubbing and the whole house music scene but there does seem to be more MDMA and E's now because the price, my mate does it every weekend, 5 pills (£10) and water for the night while i spend £30-40 on drink, still id rather not have to sleep for a week after lol

Its just so cheap! Even coke is reasonable, so you can sling some pilss down your neck and a cheeky line of charlie and there's still more rub in your pocket than ur mate who's desperately knecking vodka redbulls to stay awake and get drunk so he's on everyones level! lol

Doing it every weekend does fcuk you up tho and like drinking, can get boring.

The reason everyone is doing MDMA pure now is because of the poor pill quality.

nova nick
09-07-08, 01:07 PM
yep, plenty more heart attacks were coke and pills are, top night out!!!!

The Simps
09-07-08, 01:12 PM
yep, plenty more heart attacks were coke and pills are, top night out!!!!

wtf??? u serious?

09-07-08, 01:13 PM
I think watching people on pills is so funny when your sober. eejits!
I've got a job with a zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy so any of that scene is out of the question for me.
all the pill heads will end up depresive mongs eventually when the serotonin in the brain can't be released or some malarkey

09-07-08, 01:15 PM
yep, plenty more heart attacks were coke and pills are, top night out!!!!

Thought i was going to have one once! 2nd time id tryed pills and i was at home it was about 8 am and my heart was beating so fast i thought i wasa gonner, well i woke up with a head ache and i will never touch them again! :eek:

09-07-08, 01:20 PM
beer is worse than weed how many people a year die from alcahol abuse and how many from weed?
Can you buy Marijuana over the counter (hippy natural remedy shops aside)? Does your local supermarket or corner shop have a "buy one crate of weed, get another one half price" deal every weekend? Are there special buildings set up which people flock to most nights to purchase said substance and consume on the premesis (actually...) for a couple quid a time?

IMO Alcohol and marijuana are pretty much on a par, the only difference being one is illegal whilst the other is legal, and thus more prevalent - hence why you see the effects of it more often, i.e. drunken chavs stumbling around in the street and honking up in your garden.

The effects of both are also the same - some like it, some don't. Some can only handle a little, whilst some can spend all day on it. In small quantities, both can be beneficial (a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart, whilst small amounts of marijuana are known to be an excellent natural pain reliever). In large quantities, or continual "over-use", both can cause irrepairable damage and even death.

Should it be legal? Depends how easy it is to tax I suppose.

nova nick
09-07-08, 01:36 PM
you lot are to easy to wind up!! enough of my mates take pill phet and coke, acids ket ect. tax all drugs there would be plenty of money for everyone then.

The Simps
09-07-08, 01:36 PM
I think watching people on pills is so funny when your sober. eejits!
I've got a job with a zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy so any of that scene is out of the question for me.
all the pill heads will end up depresive mongs eventually when the serotonin in the brain can't be released or some malarkey

It is funny watching someone who is really off it! donkey jaw is dead funny.

reference the depressive malarkey in the future there was an excellent article about a chap who was doing something like 40 a day. I'll try and find it.

The Simps
09-07-08, 01:45 PM
here's an interesting read:- http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2007/mar/23/constitution.drugsandalcohol

09-07-08, 01:51 PM
you lot are to easy to wind up!! enough of my mates take pill phet and coke, acids ket ect. tax all drugs there would be plenty of money for everyone then.
This isn't a thread for winding people up, its already walking a very fine line.

In seriousness, if all drugs became legal overnight (but regulated and taxed in the same way as alcohol is) yes it would raise more funds for the government (who will no doubt spooge the money on senior civil servant bonuses and giving houses to immigrants), but think of the burden on the already wobbly NHS - alcohol abuse already fills a lot of hospital schedules. Besides, it wouldn't work out as existing users already have a network of supply; why would they give that up to pay more for the same product from a "legit" source?

The Simps
09-07-08, 01:54 PM
here it is:- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/martin_samuel/article3128991.ece

nova nick
09-07-08, 01:56 PM
it time to keep my mouth shut:D

09-07-08, 02:01 PM
Also the legalistaion of it all would push people who cant afford but are hooked to buy form less scrupulous suppliers and they would get worse product than now (or even you could draw a consipiricy line from the gvot supplying bad stuff to the black market in order to ease the addict burden....

I do agree with Simps's idea that if alcohol was cheaper then less people would be pushed into the "better value" option of drugs. Similar to the concept of "why should I eat healthily when bad food is cheaper"

The Simps
09-07-08, 02:06 PM
Similar to the concept of "why should I eat healthily when bad food is cheaper"

I know its another issue but its so true!!

The Simps
09-07-08, 02:06 PM
I think in summary, the difference is between recreational use and abuse, no matter what substance it is.

09-07-08, 02:09 PM
I disagree there if alcohol was free you would still have people taking drugs simply because its a different feeling altogether and that alot of smokers who i have met actually dont drink alcohol either at all or not very often,you would still have bagheads hooked on heroin and crack because they are dependent.No matter whether they are free/legal people will always buy them,and while people will always buy them-people will always sell them

The Simps
09-07-08, 02:25 PM
I disagree there if alcohol was free you would still have people taking drugs simply because its a different feeling altogether and that alot of smokers who i have met actually dont drink alcohol either at all or not very often,you would still have bagheads hooked on heroin and crack because they are dependent.No matter whether they are free/legal people will always buy them,and while people will always buy them-people will always sell them

Oh agreed, those who are addicts/abusing it won't change. But on a recreational level which is a majority it would change.

Heroin & crack are a different kettle of fish tbh.

09-07-08, 02:31 PM
Interesting reads.

Three of these related to physical harm, three to the likelihood of addiction and three to social harms such as healthcare costs
Consider that the prevalence of alcohol is the main contributory to ratings under those categories. Stopping people from binge drinking on a saturday night would relieve some pressure on hospitals, for example; however as said above the George Bests out there would still need to find their fix.

Yet with recent estimates running at 730,000 users in the United Kingdom ... Since 1994 there have been approximately 400 deaths in which Ecstasy has been a contributory factor. In 2005 alone 8,836 deaths were alcohol-related
True, ecstacy kills less people than alcohol as a whole, even when you consider there are vastly more alcohol "users" (people who drink probably outnumber ecstacy users by 50:1, and some double up). But thats a bit like saying "less jack daniels drinkers die than people who drive cars" - you're comparing one variety of drug (ecstacy) against a whole range of drugs (i.e. alcohol - which, just like illegal drugs, comes in a variety of forms and strengths). A fairer comparison would be, for example, ecstacy users against whiskey drinkers. When you compare deaths amongst users of classified drugs against alcohol related deaths, the statistics will level out further.

nova nick
09-07-08, 02:32 PM
Also the legalistaion of it all would push people who cant afford but are hooked to buy form less scrupulous suppliers and they would get worse product than now (or even you could draw a consipiricy line from the gvot supplying bad stuff to the black market in order to ease the addict burden....

I do agree with Simps's idea that if alcohol was cheaper then less people would be pushed into the "better value" option of drugs. Similar to the concept of "why should I eat healthily when bad food is cheaper"

i totally agree, money is a big facter.

09-07-08, 03:44 PM
I love topics on this because you get so many opinions :)
(Waits for the little chav to come on and talk about drugs being cool lol)

I have zero tolerance to drugs. Manily due to the fact that it was grounded into me when I was younger by my parents.
The problem with drugs I find from hearing from mates is that you could take one amount one night, and the next time you take it it could have the total opposite effect resulting in a waste of money or death?! It's totally unpredictable because people mix in all sorts with it from icing sugar to rat poison. I remember my ex buying "blow" in desperation because he needed it (although he claimed he didn't), it made him violently sick for a week. I had no sympathy at all. If anything I laughed at his stupidity. And he had to lie to his parents that it was "food poisoning". That's low.:roll:

09-07-08, 03:46 PM
legal weed wouldnt give problems imo, here in hollands its legal, in very small portions, and only to 18+, but i cant say that there problems with it.

i smoke it rarely, but i have mates who really depend on it. i also tried speed and cocaine with a mate, and he really is f*cked now, he makes absolutely nothing of his life. just smoke al day and live on the 'harder' drugs the weekend.

for me it was nice to try a few times, had some great times on it, but i dont want to depend on anything of that stuff. for me reason enough not to use any of it on a regular basis.

09-07-08, 04:38 PM
legal weed wouldnt give problems imo, here in hollands its legal, in very small portions, and only to 18+, but i cant say that there problems with it.
Unfortunately, you can't compare the UK population to the rest of Europe - you lot are far more refined and controlled in terms of doing what you're allowed to do than we are. Case in point, look at how excited us Britishers get when we go near an autobahn lol If they removed speed limits over here it would be carnage. Same would probably go for many drug users (note many not all, before anyone takes offence at that).

09-07-08, 06:07 PM
lol is britishers a word? lmao

09-07-08, 06:07 PM
I have zero tolerance to drugs. Manily due to the fact that it was grounded into me when I was younger by my parents.

drug use cannot be blamed on parenting, many factors have to be considered, social crowds, area in which you live an so on.
my mother is not a drug user and never has been, she has always been very 'guiding' through my childhood, yet i still take drugs (socialy).

09-07-08, 06:18 PM
Talking about the difference between weed and Alcohol. There may not be a world of difference in how dangerous either is used in high quantities. But I think the main difference is the effect of excessive use is between the two.

Never have i heard of someone getting vioulent from smoking too much weed. 9 times out of 10 it will force you to sit in a corner and dribble, much like alcohol will, but weed will take you through a 'happy' stage before you go to sleep. With alcohol, some people will go happy before the sleep phase, but most will become more violent and aggressive.

When i was younger, I smoked a lot, and I drank a lot, and I have to say I enjoyed the evenings I smoked more than I did the evenings I drank. And if a group of us were doing either, on smoking nights we would all still be together and having a laugh by the end of it, whereas on drinking nights, half of us would be either injured / locked up or missing lol.

Its food for thought if nothing else. Im not condoning weed at all, but i think it rates lower than alcohol in terms of risk to health used in sensible amounts, as well as the effects on the community from overuse, so why is alcohol legal and weed is not?

As for 'Class A' drugs, ive never tried them and never will. If you cant have a good night out without them, you have a problem IMO.

09-07-08, 06:21 PM
Talking about the difference between weed and Alcohol. There may not be a world of difference in how dangerous either is used in high quantities. But I think the main difference is the effect of excessive use is between the two.

Never have i heard of someone getting vioulent from smoking too much weed. 9 times out of 10 it will force you to sit in a corner and dribble, much like alcohol will, but weed will take you through a 'happy' stage before you go to sleep. With alcohol, some people will go happy before the sleep phase, but most will become more violent and aggressive.

When i was younger, I smoked a lot, and I drank a lot, and I have to say I enjoyed the evenings I smoked more than I did the evenings I drank. And if a group of us were doing either, on smoking nights we would all still be together and having a laugh by the end of it, whereas on drinking nights, half of us would be either injured / locked up or missing lol.

Its food for thought if nothing else. Im not condoning weed at all, but i think it rates lower than alcohol in terms of risk to health used in sensible amounts, as well as the effects on the community from overuse, so why is alcohol legal and weed is not?

As for 'Class A' drugs, ive never tried them and never will. If you cant have a good night out without them, you have a problem IMO.

:thumb: :thumb:

09-07-08, 06:32 PM
What I like the most is when some one goes on about how drugs have no long term effects while they are dribbling and having random twitches every few seconds. And the fact that they have never done anything with their lives expect take drugs and wait to die before they reach 40.

I have zero time for heavy drinkers / drug users.

For example only a few weeks ago I went out and on the way home drove past the club and there was a group of lads walking across the road about 500 yards away. But one of them decided he was going to stand in the middle of the road an have a fight with my car with his arms in the air ect..., went to drive past him on the other side of the road and he tried to kick the side of my car but his foot went up in the rear arch an knocked him face down on the floor, I was doing 40mph at the time as well. I carried on only to see him in the my rear view mirror badly limping down the road with a WTF look on his face as to suggest his thought he was going to win the fight.

Drunk people are the worse I just cant be bothered with them. If I knew what the above guy was going to do as I drove past I would have just carried on go right over him. Natural selection strikes again.

Ricky G
09-07-08, 06:34 PM
drugs dont interest me atall, never tried and dont ever intend to start. if you lot want to get off your heads and do whatever it is you do then again it doesnt bother me.
however when i get robbed by some druggie or if anyone ever pushed drug's onto my brother's and sister's then it becomes a different story.

09-07-08, 06:36 PM
What I like the most is when some one goes on about how drugs have no long term effects while they are dribbling and having random twitches every few seconds. And the fact that they have never done anything with their lives expect take drugs and wait to die before they reach 40.

I have zero time for heavy drinkers / drug users.

For example only a few weeks ago I went out and on the way home drove past the club and there was a group of lads walking across the road about 500 yards away. But one of them decided he was going to stand in the middle of the road an have a fight with my car with his arms in the air ect..., went to drive past him on the other side of the road and he tried to kick the side of my car but his foot went up in the rear arch an knocked him face down on the floor, I was doing 40mph at the time as well. I carried on only to see him in the my rear view mirror badly limping down the road with a WTF look on his face as to suggest his thought he was going to win the fight.

Drunk people are the worse I just cant be bothered with them. If I knew what the above guy was going to do as I drove past I would have just carried on go right over him. Natural selection strikes again.

Exactly my point. As RJ said, the drug that made that fool do that is easily availiable everywhere and is legal. And if he got badly hurt, you would have been locked up or heavily fined for it.

09-07-08, 06:36 PM
It does bother my even if they do it out my way as the NHS could be so much better if they didnt waste it all on drunks and druggies, and the same goes for repairing all the damage they do on a weekend.

09-07-08, 06:37 PM
fcuk me guys you never been hyper of coffee(is classed a drug)dont tell me youve not supped a few cups late on a night just to watch the end of top gun or summatlol

09-07-08, 06:39 PM
Coffee makes my guts turn inside out for some reason lol

09-07-08, 06:40 PM
Exactly my point. As RJ said, the drug that made that fool do that is easily availiable everywhere and is legal. And if he got badly hurt, you would have been locked up or heavily fined for it.

The thing that annoyed me the most was if I was a nice person I would habe stopped to see if he was alright ect.. and Iif I had I would have had 6 lads jumping on my face hence why I just carried on home.

Alcohol is one of the worst and if it was invented today it would be illegal doubt about it.

09-07-08, 06:42 PM
fcuk me guys you never been hyper of coffee(is classed a drug)dont tell me youve not supped a few cups late on a night just to watch the end of top gun or summatlol

caffine is different as it doesnt make you punch your best mate for no reason.

09-07-08, 06:44 PM
Had that stoner vs drinker debate many times. At the end of the day when was the last time you seen a stoner out fighting and getting arrested? Stoners generally keep themselves to themselves and dont cause any bother. People on a drink however do.

09-07-08, 06:45 PM
Its just the abusers who ruin it for others. Im sat here now with an ice cold can of Magners, and i may have another tonight, but thats it.

The only reason the government havent banned it is because it makes them too much money.

But when the same thing happens with cars IE the occasional fool speeding excessively in a 30 limit, they jump on everyones back and will do you if your a few MPH over the limit.

I firmly believe there should be a hefty drunk and disorderly fine. But that may stop people drinking, which would mean less money for MPs to spend on expenses.

09-07-08, 06:46 PM
caffine is different as it doesnt make you punch your best mate for no reason.it does if you leave him no sugarlol there drugs then theres seeing some tramp do the robot walk pas youlol

09-07-08, 06:47 PM
I would also like the chance to say im not a fan of weed either, people that smoke a few everyday that think they dont have a problem and wont get any effects in the long run from it.

Bring on the mental problems I say.

09-07-08, 06:49 PM
I would also like the chance to say im not a fan of weed either, people that smoke a few everyday that think they dont have a problem and wont get any effects in the long run from it.

Bring on the mental problems I say.

I agree totally

My point was that excessive drink will fook your liver, excessive weed will fook your brain.

But which of the two effects OTHER people negatively as well?

The legal one!

Good old hypocritical government.

09-07-08, 06:55 PM
Going off the topic a bit but I found out the other week that one of the older staff members at work (long time ago) had a bit of a drink problem as was drinking the scientific grade Ethanol, thats 100% pure alcohol to anyone else. He was watering it down with whisky lmfao. We had only found out after they cleared his office out and found it all. He got injured and had a big pay out and had some time off work as a result. He used the time an money to get in some serious drinking, within 6 months he had killed himself just purely from alcohol.

09-07-08, 06:57 PM
i knew a bloke who downed a pint of whiskey one new years eve and dropped dead about an hour later

09-07-08, 06:59 PM
I prefer crack.

09-07-08, 06:59 PM
bum crack?

09-07-08, 07:02 PM
Either does the trick.

09-07-08, 07:02 PM
Fcuk thats bad,all in all they are bad and if abused, destroy lives

09-07-08, 07:23 PM
This is very intresting to see what other people think.

09-07-08, 07:25 PM
Coffee makes my guts turn inside out for some reason lol
A lot of IBS sufferers have issue with coffee. Apparently Kenco gold blend is the worst - something about it that makes people sh!t a tsunami.

I firmly believe there should be a hefty drunk and disorderly fine. But that may stop people drinking, which would mean less money for MPs to spend on expenses.
There already are hefty fines for drunk & disorderly, but it hasn't stopped anyone. A night in the nick might work, but then you'd need to build some very large local jails.

As for drug users not getting violent, I've seen plenty get quite fisty when they realise they can't get ahold of their fix - and that includes weed users.

09-07-08, 07:48 PM
imo the biggest problem with drugs is the addictive side, as it makes it a lot harder to use in moderation/stop them screwing your life up, i have recently given up everything (recreational use that is), and i had to transfer the addiction/need to be wasted into alcohol, then into red bull lol.

be careful out there.

09-07-08, 09:06 PM
i knew a bloke who downed a pint of whiskey one new years eve and dropped dead about an hour later

I know a couple of people who've been doing that for years, one works for us, & the other is my stepdad, he's 66 & just given up hard drink because he is diabetic......

The Simps
09-07-08, 11:24 PM
this has been a good thread. nice open, friendly discussion.

i also now know which lads to hang round with at the next camping show to have a good time lol

09-07-08, 11:29 PM
i remember drinking a bottle of vodka well i don't actually but did happen lmao i think lol

10-07-08, 09:45 AM
If you want to talk about Drugs, forget Frank, come to PNG!!

10-07-08, 01:00 PM
drug use cannot be blamed on parenting, many factors have to be considered, social crowds, area in which you live an so on.
my mother is not a drug user and never has been, she has always been very 'guiding' through my childhood, yet i still take drugs (socialy).

My dad (who's a scary bloke if you get on the wrong side of him) threatened to disown me if I ever did them. And yes it is to do with your upbringing in a way, as your parents should have taught you (by you I don't mean you personally! Just a universal you) to be strong enough to resist peer pressure. I know loads of my mates that smoke weed and I'm never ever tempted to try it. I have to leave the room because it makes me feel ill. I just don't see the fascination with drugs. I think it's because it's illegal.

And the whole thing about if us Britishers (lol) had it legalised like in Holland, hopefully it would kill off half the monkies that use it. :D

10-07-08, 01:07 PM
the simple truth about drugs & me is that I can get quite tiddled on a bottle of wine, & enjoy it when I am in that state... Why should I try taking something else???? the main argument about drugs vs. alcohol is not simply that the govt taxes one of them... OK, but you don't expect the man at the offy to have an uzi under the counter just in case his supplier falls out with him.

10-07-08, 01:28 PM
supposedly heroin is all the rage these days?

The Simps
10-07-08, 01:34 PM
My dad (who's a scary bloke if you get on the wrong side of him) threatened to disown me if I ever did them. And yes it is to do with your upbringing in a way, as your parents should have taught you (by you I don't mean you personally! Just a universal you) to be strong enough to resist peer pressure. I know loads of my mates that smoke weed and I'm never ever tempted to try it. I have to leave the room because it makes me feel ill. I just don't see the fascination with drugs. I think it's because it's illegal.

And the whole thing about if us Britishers (lol) had it legalised like in Holland, hopefully it would kill off half the monkies that use it. :D

My parents tell me not to speed and binge drink....

craig green
10-07-08, 01:43 PM
Comments about the up bringing etc having an influence is nonsense tbh.

Some of my friends parents etc are the snobbiest, most straight old gimmers you will come accross yet their children are some of the biggest caners I know.

I use drugs & dont have a problem with my decision to tbh. No one influenced me, I chose to at every stage. When I was at school, lots of class mates etc were into ecstacy or speed etc (back in 94/95). I first tried ecstacy in 2003 when I was 26. Grown up enough to make my own decisions I feel.

What makes the difference betweene someone that is better staying off them & someone that can handle the effects is IMO, someone that chooses to save them for weekends etc or doesn't see the 1st high as the ticket to the rest of their wasted life.

Kids that got stoned once & now smoke an 1/8th a day & havent looked back are the idiots that can't handle it.

The Simps
10-07-08, 01:57 PM
I use drugs & dont have a problem with my decision to tbh. No one influenced me, I chose to at every stage. When I was at school, lots of class mates etc were into ecstacy or speed etc (back in 94/95). I first tried ecstacy in 2003 when I was 26. Grown up enough to make my own decisions I feel.

I forgot that you're not that far off getting your bus pass :roll:

10-07-08, 02:51 PM
Parenting has nowt to do with it,imo its purely on these factors 1-How strong willed you are,2-Where you live 3-The sort of folk you see or hang around with.My mam said shed kill me if i ever touched owt,but i still did.I grew up in Hull a not nice area tbh,and you could get hold of anything you wanted at all. people walked around drinking and smoking spliffs-as i was growing up it looked like an everyday part of life.Drugs were available down nearly every street and also had older lads coming to school selling them.I always say its ok saying to people "drugs are bad you will die" they should educate the effects more because as most will know comedowns etc are enough to put anyone off.Also all of this causes the gun and knife crime we are all too familiar with.

10-07-08, 03:37 PM
how popular is beak down south then as i think in the past couple of years up here its a very common thing. to be honest theres not many people i know who dont take it or who havent dabbled in it. and whats people charging down south?

im not saying i approve of them here by the way.. lol

10-07-08, 03:41 PM
ecstacy, speed! Stuff that, ill keep to the home grown lol

10-07-08, 03:45 PM
What I've never understood is; they are going on about making weed a class B drug as apparently it's dangerous. Yet most of the fights, stabbings and muggings etc involve people under the influence of alcohol, yet alcohol is considered fine.
Have you ever seen two stoned people try and have a fight? lol

10-07-08, 03:55 PM
Weed is class B now mate
But yes i agree. im fine on green but MAD on drink.

10-07-08, 04:55 PM
how popular is beak down south then as i think in the past couple of years up here its a very common thing. to be honest theres not many people i know who dont take it or who havent dabbled in it. and whats people charging down south?

im not saying i approve of them here by the way.. lol

And that is? lol:confused:

10-07-08, 05:01 PM
And that is? lol:confused:
coke lol

obviously a northern term for it.... lol

10-07-08, 05:03 PM
Its called coke everywere els lol

10-07-08, 05:05 PM
i think we all call it everything but that... lol

beak, sniff, cheg, ching, cowie... ya get the drift eh lol

10-07-08, 05:11 PM
Mite as well come up with random names then! There is only one of them that make any sence tbh

10-07-08, 05:19 PM
known as ching up here ...

10-07-08, 05:19 PM
2 kinda make sense to me... but yes, mainly random words!
although cowie is a word for anything, like when you forget the name of something and say like ' pass that errr.. thingy over here'

aye that where we get the word ching from, the pals over the border

10-07-08, 05:32 PM
coke lol

obviously a northern term for it.... lol

lol Baz/Sniff/Bung here i.e. Barry White and its about £40/g

Stella, Barry and Stuart lol = Good Weekend (In someones eyes! Ill stick with a bottle of Sambuca and some good music FTW :thumb:)

10-07-08, 05:39 PM
what weight is it for £40? a 0.7 aye?
its £40 for a 0.7 up here
about 120 for a henry ( 8th )
200 for a 1/4
400 for a half
800 an ounce
can get ounces cheaper like but thats usually going rate
and obviously alot cheaper in bulk lol

10-07-08, 05:58 PM
0.7...... 0.7... who the fcuk would sell it as 0.7 :tard: :wtf: :tard:

10-07-08, 06:01 PM
something ive always wondered myself! lol they call it a gram still, but it actually weighs 0.7 of a gram....

is it different from your area?

10-07-08, 06:06 PM
Ahem, this isn't a thread to compare the market and find the cheapest price.

Please bear in mind the majority of drugs are still illegal to use, no matter what people think their effects are, so admitting to usage (or discussion that implies such) may not be wise on a public forum. Especially one that is being considered for VBOA application. If this thread gets purged, don't be surprised.

10-07-08, 06:11 PM
i dont take any drugs, i dont even smoke cigarettes!

just always wondered what sort of money people pay for it in other places, and with this being a topic about drugs thought it would be appropriate to ask a drug related question....

10-07-08, 06:12 PM
Um £40/.8 i believe, couldnt tell you about the bigger amounts tho as i aint got a clue lol

Tbh i think this was a good thread but its lost the meaning abit now. Id say if it didnt start being a serious discusion again, close it.

edit: Thats not dirrected at you Reece as tbh price plays a big part in what people choose to take. Ive always been under the impresion it was cheaper and and of better quality in citys?

10-07-08, 06:14 PM
Ahem, this isn't a thread to compare the market and find the cheapest price.

LMAO, anyone tried www.drugrunner.co.uk (http://www.drugrunner.co.uk) yet to compare the best prices?? lol

Or theres www.moneysupermarket.com/drugs (http://www.moneysupermarket.com/drugs) lol

10-07-08, 06:15 PM
Drugs are for mugs.

10-07-08, 06:18 PM
LMAO, anyone tried www.drugrunner.co.uk (http://www.drugrunner.co.uk) yet to compare the best prices?? lol

Or theres www.moneysupermarket.com/drugs (http://www.moneysupermarket.com/drugs) lol

D'oh :(

clicked it!!

10-07-08, 06:19 PM
Think we have covered everything really and this should end

10-07-08, 07:13 PM
could admin please close this thread as it has got a little out of hand, not what i intended when i started it. thanks

10-07-08, 07:16 PM
good shout, not what png is about.

10-07-08, 07:26 PM
Mugs game. Not my opinion, proven fact. They mess with your head, body and retard your mind!! I now suffer from dementia, mild skiztoprehnia, short term memory loss & insomnia.

I once started washing my car went inside for a brew and came out the next day to find a half washed car wondering what the fcuk was going on and who tried to wash it lol

10-07-08, 07:36 PM
Mugs game. Not my opinion, proven fact.

typical government induced sheep pen thoughts imo

10-07-08, 07:37 PM
Nope. As said, been there done that Mark!

10-07-08, 08:04 PM
I once started washing my car went inside for a brew and came out the next day to find a half washed car wondering what the fcuk was going on and who tried to wash it lol
Why does that not surprise me about you? lol

Time to put this one to bed, as requested.