View Full Version : Meh

07-07-08, 11:14 PM
The economy really is going to the dogs.

This time last year I was working on high profile projects such as the Oil tanker simulator and Microsofts demo room in Dublin to name a few. I had a 1 year old transit, money in my pocket, and a full diary.

Now Im working for less than half my normal daily rate running cables in a set of rat infested cottages which are also nicely infected with cat fleas just to pay the bills. Im driving a clapped out frontera with no fuel guage or speedo cable, I have no money in my pocket, and im begging for work to fill the diary a week in advance if im lucky. Im surprised if i work a full week at the mo, and I work even harder finding more work when Im not actually working!

Depressed much? :cry:

07-07-08, 11:18 PM
Know how you feel. We're trying to sell the house due to wifey getting promoted. Been on the market 4 weeks and had 4 viewers. All but one are saying - nice house but we're still trying to sell ours - no ones in a position to buy! The amount of houses we see go under offer then reappear back on the market a month or so later due to it falling through is scarey. Also seen a sharp increase in fixed prices in Scotland after people are ignoring the "offers over" price because the markets dropped so much!

Land however is mental - last year 1 acre £2k - now it's £10k!

Although is anyone isnt fussed I can highly recommend Lidl or Aldi. lidl do whole lobster for a fiver!

07-07-08, 11:19 PM
at least youve got work. it could be worse trust me

07-07-08, 11:21 PM
at least youve got work. it could be worse trust me

TBH it couldn't lol. if i had absolutely no work, I would go and get a job. But while theres hope it will pick up again, im left in a dilemma wether to keep at it or just give up!

Ive got a week of AV work starting the 14th but thats the first ill have done for over a month!!

07-07-08, 11:23 PM
I've just started work as a valeter for a whopping £5.52 an hour!!

At least your respected a little bit, i'm just 'the idiot that cleans cars' lol

07-07-08, 11:24 PM
ive bin out of work for months now and am skint. i cant even do the things that i like like go billing cos im tagged lol

07-07-08, 11:25 PM
No savings? that's what I did for retro show at the weekend lol

07-07-08, 11:26 PM
its not money thats stopping me. got rock and roll for that

07-07-08, 11:28 PM
ive bin out of work for months now and am skint. i cant even do the things that i like like go billing cos im tagged lol

no what your saying, ive been out of work for 6 months now and its killing me. to think what i left aswell :cry:

07-07-08, 11:29 PM
I was out of work for 6 months and it kills your brain, trying to find work whilst your unemployed is harsh.

But at the same time I turned down several jobs purely because they were utter crap.

07-07-08, 11:30 PM
the worst bit is the getting rejected :( makes you not want to apply for any others but you have to

07-07-08, 11:32 PM
yea im well feed up with that to, so im just about to join the raf. atleast i will always get a wage in there

07-07-08, 11:35 PM
the worst bit is the getting rejected :( makes you not want to apply for any others but you have to
True, but I believe what happens is whats meant to happen, once you get back into a job that you enjoy it won't matter how long you've been unemployed.

Just stay positive and the right job will come along.

07-07-08, 11:41 PM
not all true steve. the longer im unemployed the bigger my depts get

Ricky G
07-07-08, 11:47 PM
jesus lad's i remember losing my job, 3 weeks later i was starting my new job and that was being fussy. i dont see why people wont apply at places like tesco's or asda etc. they all need people with half a brain. i have a friend that is un employed, there are jobs going at my local tesco but it's beneath him to stack shelves.

i left school with no q's whatsoever 4 years ago. longest i have been out of work was 3 weeks.

dont just give up and winge about it.

07-07-08, 11:49 PM
problem with that ricky, is that part of who i am is that if i dont enjoy something or if im not interested in something then i wont do it. simple as

Ricky G
07-07-08, 11:51 PM
thats a fair point, but i enjoy having money and a car to drive so i guess that is what get's me through the rainy day's like today.

07-07-08, 11:57 PM
I kind of agree - when i was last out of work the 1st thing I did was sign up to an agency - okay it was temping but thre were loads of admin jobs about and it paid the rent, filled me with beer and I met some great people.

It's only a stop gap...until summut better comes along...

07-07-08, 11:59 PM
I kind of agree - when i was last out of work the 1st thing I did was sign up to an agency - okay it was temping but thre were loads of admin jobs about and it paid the rent, filled me with beer and I met some great people.

It's only a stop gap...until summut better comes along...thats all very well if you have provable skills and experience

08-07-08, 12:01 AM
dont need skills or experience - I walked into Kelly services and basicaly said giz a job - they made me type a sentence out and I had to operate a computer.
Next day I was working for BT on a 12 month contract. then at British Gas for 12 months and they then took me on permanently...

08-07-08, 12:08 AM
yea im well feed up with that to, so im just about to join the raf. atleast i will always get a wage in there
Go in the Navy instead, its a much better service and at least you won't have the other two hating you quite as much.

Plus, naval IT hardware is far far better than the crappy RAF rubbish :p

08-07-08, 12:14 AM
Go in the Navy instead, its a much better service and at least you won't have the other two hating you quite as much.

Plus, naval IT hardware is far far better than the crappy RAF rubbish :p

lol well its already going through. got my training in september and im going in as a fireman so will be a easy job. well easyer then most things in there.

and ive got a few mates in the navy and even they said to go for the raf so tbh thats said it all to me

08-07-08, 09:38 AM
Go in the Navy instead, its a much better service and at least you won't have the other two hating you quite as much.

Plus, naval IT hardware is far far better than the crappy RAF rubbish :p

The Navy, those are the guys you wanna fu.k!!

Lads, you're all worrying over nothing. Ireland in in the middle of a recession which will eventually turn into a Depression. They've increased Mortgage interest rates, VRT on Cars and pretty much everything else on top of that. Its so bad, my mate spent €28k on a brand new Subaru Legacy last year which has dropped €13k in price now due to the VTR thing.

There is more and more poverty appearing in Ireland due to people not being able to pay their mortgages. Best thing to do is get out there and get a job. It doesnt need to be glamourious, it just needs to pay.

I work 30hrs a week by choice and get pretty well paid at the minute, I'm considering a 2nd job however to save money as I have a cunning plan.

08-07-08, 11:44 AM
I've only just found a job, nobody else had the deceny to get back to me. Which I think is so so SO rude. :mad:

08-07-08, 11:56 AM
nobody else had the deceny to get back to me. Which I think is so so SO rude. :mad:

get used to it. I was hung up that they didnt even say "thanks but no thanks", and then simply got used to the fact that Agency staff are scum and should be treated as badly as they treat you :D

China is the way forwards..... erm maybe lmao. I giv eit 18 months till the Far east has all our companies skills and dumps us on our asses. Never mind will get a good redundancy payout then lol

08-07-08, 12:09 PM
It took me 18 months of sending applications in ect... only got replies back from about 2 out the few hundred I did as soon as I managed to get to a interview I got the job but it was getting that far that was the problem.

After I graduated I carried on working nights at a cinema and days at JNC, the night work was crap and paid crap but it was probably the most fun ive had due to the people I worked with.

better off getting a seriously **** job while your looking that way you wont be out of money and it makes you get off your **** to do something about it so much more.

08-07-08, 12:34 PM
IME its also a lot easier to get a (better) job when you already have one, even if its something trivial and low paid, or even vountary work. Prospective employers like candidates who are doing something rather than nothing, which just appears picky or lazy.

08-07-08, 01:04 PM
It always looks bad if you're unemployed for a brief spell as it leaves a big Gap in your working history in your CV.

Poland is the future at the minute, the Olympic games building id kicking off now. Most of the Polacks are gone home and they reckon that people will have to emigrate to Poland for work.

Personally, after working along side Polish people, I wouldnt go out there to work. They work like animals and pay next to nothing as they're so miserable.

Dole FTW.

08-07-08, 02:11 PM
i have just been layed off from a job i started 6 weeks ago (im a window fitter) Prior to that layed off from my previous employer who is now bust,the trade has been killed this year 'cos nobody has money for plastic windows or fascias,and conservatries-in the 4years ive done this job in the last 12months ive never known them to be so sc****.So now im unemployed with a family to support.This country is the epitome of sh1t

08-07-08, 02:12 PM
Dod you sould like my mate "Dole ftw" hehe

And going back to what burgo said on the first page about not enjoying somting (etc) then you wont do it reminds me of me... I would like a job yes but i dont want to go and get one that im bored of after 5mins! And when ive got a job i like i get sacked..... (long story)

I do admit this country is going to ****... I'll be moving to romania soon then, Cheaper and i know some romanian lol

08-07-08, 02:17 PM
a crap jobs wages are better than dole money every time

The Simps
08-07-08, 03:06 PM
All this talk of "if I don't enjoy it I don't want to do it, I'll stay unemployed" boils my blood a bit. I bet you're the 1st ones to moan about foreign workers taking up our jobs!

I'm a Financial Advisor and from Oct thru March was the best 6mths I've had in 6yrs. This last few months I'm lucky if I get to sit infront of 5 people a week where normally its 10-12. Being 75% commission based it hurts :(

Oh and for the record, I don't enjoy my job but it keeps me in a lifestyle I enjoy ;)

08-07-08, 03:19 PM
I dont moan about the foreign workers... In fact my sister-in-law is one.

08-07-08, 03:22 PM
I'd sooner do a job I hate than not have one at all.

during the time between finishing uni and getting a "career" type job I did all sorts.
Waited at posh twunt school proms, Waited in a wannabe poncey restaurant, Worked with a half assed man andvan/constriction outfit, worked in an electronics factory doing the same thing day in day out, did do somethign fun by going to Germany for 3 months as a mechanic for the US Army, messed about again with the one man van place, worked in an engine dyno (fun for 20 mins then dull day in day out baby sitting automated testing). Then got the job I enjoy now.

Having done all that I can really appreciate haivng a good job/doing something I enjoy.
If everything went tits up, I'd be in Tescos liek a shot getting a job as its money and gives you something to do (plus looks good as opposed to appearing to be lazy assed mofo)

The Simps
08-07-08, 03:57 PM
One of the most fun jobs I had was bar work during holidays etc. It sheite pay and work but the life that goes with it is ace. Plus you meet loads of people.

08-07-08, 04:20 PM
bar work is great, i couldnt make a career out of it but its a good laugh for 6-8months at a time

08-07-08, 04:20 PM
Yep some of the most fun ive had has been working for £4.21 an hour until 3am and getting abuse from the local chavs who thought it would be cool to smoke drugs in a full cinema in a PG film.

Im the same all the way through uni I worked nights and I was the only one on my course that even had a job let alone did stupid hours. I would rather do somethig crap and get laughed at than sit on my **** getting fat and depressed about it. Lifes what you make of it.

08-07-08, 04:31 PM
IME its also a lot easier to get a (better) job when you already have one, even if its something trivial and low paid, or even vountary work. Prospective employers like candidates who are doing something rather than nothing, which just appears picky or lazy. Agreed 10000%

Its a really difficult question to answer in an interview if the manager asks "well, theres a 12month gap in your history here, what have you done in that time" "errrm, nothing...." Lol

Its so much easier to walk out of one job into another, because a weeks unemployement soon turns into a year(speaking from personal experience)

My jobs toss, and pays toss money, but its cool due to the people i work with :D

08-07-08, 04:52 PM
the economy is well gone down the pan,fcuking politics again:mad: ,we started a large development project phase 1, building posh office units. there is 7 phases to this develoment, its now already been stopped,theres been two lads laid off recently, and a couple more soon to follow!wages wise im stuck on 11.50 an hour waiting for a rise which is highly unlikly!:(.the building side to this matter is going down hill,while the fat cat polititions sit there thinking what else they can do to fcuk the situation up even more,jacks got the right idea join the navy/raf and get the fcuk out the country.:mad:

08-07-08, 05:59 PM
the economy is well gone down the pan,fcuking politics again:mad: ,we started a large development project phase 1, building posh office units. there is 7 phases to this develoment, its now already been stopped,theres been two lads laid off recently, and a couple more soon to follow!wages wise im stuck on 11.50 an hour waiting for a rise which is highly unlikly!:(.the building side to this matter is going down hill,while the fat cat polititions sit there thinking what else they can do to fcuk the situation up even more,jacks got the right idea join the navy/raf and get the fcuk out the country.:mad:

whats your trade if you dont mind me asking?

08-07-08, 08:22 PM
Hhhhmmmm, intersting read to say the least.

For me, yes im still several kazillion pounds in debt, and have been for the last 4 years or so. However, Im now self employed, myself & two childhood mates work together as very sucessfull painters & decorators doing work for a multi million pound local company (G P Construction) things are thick and fast, money is there, work is there. My debt is still there too :( gutted.

Im just plodding along paying 20% tax on what i earn, more then most of you lot, fuel prices are crippling i know, but its a case of "get over it".

If all else fails turn to the goverment for rock & roll. Claim your tax back you paid whilst in employment lol

09-07-08, 02:11 AM
bar work is great, i couldnt make a career out of it but its a good laugh for 6-8months at a timebar work yes but running a pub noooo. which is a shame cos its putting me off doing anymore bar work

09-07-08, 08:29 AM
How come? Running a pub seems like one of those jobs that ought to be really cool :D

09-07-08, 08:44 AM
RJ, you get next to zero time to yourself, work starts early as fook. get crap all day from dunk folks etc lol
I ran a pub for a couple of weeks while the landlord had heart surgery, twas ok but I'd not want to do it for more than 3 months.

09-07-08, 04:21 PM
jobs are overated, just play xbox all day

09-07-08, 05:19 PM
How come? Running a pub seems like one of those jobs that ought to be really cool :D
put it this way i did monday to thursday by myself. so thats up at 10, bed at 2. the friday up at 10 finish at about 7 but have to stay up to lock up at about 3, saturday up at 9 to get ready for opening then have till 7ish off, then on by myself till close at 3ish. sunday up at 9 again then rest of the day off after 12 but have to be back to lock up again. then it all starts again. plus we had 10 rooms accomdation i had to do aswell so it wasnt simply running a bar

plus theres the guarenteed fights on friday and saturday to sort as well as the drug problem

09-07-08, 05:21 PM
jobs are overated, just play xbox all dayits what ive been doing since midnight lastnight :thumb:. burgo90 is my gamertag ;)

11-07-08, 01:11 PM
Im just plodding along paying 20% tax on what i earn, more then most of you lot, fuel prices are crippling i know, but its a case of "get over it".

If all else fails turn to the goverment for rock & roll. Claim your tax back you paid whilst in employment lol

Ah so you're a sub contractor then. CIS approved?

Is your company Ltd Mike?? If so I'd have a look into dividends :thumb: