View Full Version : new car...

29-06-08, 10:44 AM
well ive finally got a new car.
dont know whether its a good or bad thing..
here are some pics
non sunroof, badged as an sr.
but ive found some rust :(
i poked a few wholes in the passenger side sill
both arches at the bottom
and in the boot right at the back near where the bumper bolts on, which goes through to underneath the car,

dont know whether to weld it all up, or just weigh it in or sell and get my money back....
hmmmm, what you guys think?

on the plus side i picked up my wheels from the powder coaters...
slabs in anthrecite

29-06-08, 11:07 AM
If it were me, I'd try welding it.

29-06-08, 12:19 PM
Weld! There's too many shells that get scrapped for minor reasons IMO, Give it a few more years at this rate and finding any 3dr Nova is going to be quite a task, let alone a decent one!

29-06-08, 12:30 PM
Weld it.... Where are you in witham, im there alot due to family.

29-06-08, 12:31 PM
poast pics of rust - in my experience if its hidden from view you can cut it out and patch it up. sounds like all it needs is a few plates.

Rear 1/4 panels are £15 each - sills are £20 and behind the bumper is just some scrap metal...

29-06-08, 12:33 PM
Weld it.... Where are you in witham, im there alot due to family.

cressing road, just on the main road from braintree

29-06-08, 12:35 PM
ill have a closer look tomorrow after work, get some pics up, the rear chassis, passenger side is a bit scabby aswel, fairly close to the rear spring.

30-06-08, 09:31 AM
Rear 1/4 panels are £15 each - sills are £20 and behind the bumper is just some scrap metal...

Are 1/4's really that cheap!

cressing road, just on the main road from braintree

Ahh i'll keep an eye out for it :)

30-06-08, 09:35 AM
first things first, give it a good wash and a T-cut, its amazing how much more respect youl have for it when its clean.

every time you look at it your thinking 'god what a mess' but once its polished it will only seem like a plate here and there and will give you a boost to carry on and finish it.

30-06-08, 10:08 AM
Agreed. It'll also help identify areas of concern. But to be fair, the places you've described tend to be pretty difficult to work at, but fingers crossed it wont be too bad.

WHen you say its badges as an SR, isnt it one?

craig green
30-06-08, 10:30 AM
Looks OK, rust doesnt sound too bad. What do you expect from an old car....... I've seen far worse tbh.

Wash it, rub it all over with T-CUT & admire!

30-06-08, 10:41 AM
Yeah and when you're cleaning it up, remove the lights, front and rear, both bumpers and the grill. It'll help inspection and you'll be able to get rid of all the green **** on it. This stuff loves corroding Vauxhalls.

30-06-08, 10:42 AM
yes, only then will you see the condition of the headlamp bowls

30-06-08, 07:58 PM
WHen you say its badges as an SR, isnt it one?
got an insurance quote and yeah its a 1400 sr, the badge was wonky which made me think otherwise.

now for the pics of the rust :(
rear chassis...

im prepared to do it, as it goes i picked my welder up today lol

watcha think?

and gave it a clean yesterday, looks alot better..
old vs. new

30-06-08, 08:01 PM
Where can ya get rear quarter panels from BTW.

30-06-08, 08:05 PM
For the time it would take to weld all that up, id be tempted to re-shell it instead.

30-06-08, 08:07 PM
Where can ya get rear quarter panels from BTW.
Sel, beever, hadrian, take your pic. Pretty sure they still stock them.

30-06-08, 08:13 PM
For the time it would take to weld all that up, id be tempted to re-shell it instead.

hmmm if i was going to do that i should have just reshelled my gsi, hmmmmm
i mean theres no rush, ive been without a car for a while now, so a hwile longer wont hurt,

30-06-08, 08:24 PM
Does look pretty far gone but hey,if ya got the time and the patience to do it then give it a crack lad

30-06-08, 09:05 PM
Mate, thats fooked. I'm sorry But it is. I'm assuming ite been parked up for a while? Judging by the shape of the chassis legs if driven daily for a whole they'll completely fail. Best off getting a Base Model or 2 and start reshelling. TBH, it shouldnt take long to do them!

30-06-08, 09:25 PM
i think its to late to get the welder out,(not saying it cant be done)but for the time,money and effort your gonna spend fixing it all up,it would be much simpler to find a good shell for sale(theres one or two generaly pop up on here, ebay etc)as dod says begin to strip every thing possible to to make way for the new shell.will also make a nice project /read aswell:thumb:

01-07-08, 01:01 AM
oooooooooowh i cba to reshell a whole car :( i was prepared to pop the welder out, anyone wana swap :P haha i really dont know what to do now :( a ****ed gsi and sr in me garden :( great!!!!

just vaux trev
01-07-08, 01:44 AM
get it done if you were closer id have both of them off you

01-07-08, 09:08 AM
MAte, get a clean white shell. You'll transplant the whole lot in a weekend easy, or a day if you dont swap the engine. Its not that difficult. Start a WIP thread and any problems you encounter let us know and we'll talk you through it. As for the 2 FKD cars, dont scrap them just yet, its always easier to rebuild something when you've seen it undone.

01-07-08, 09:13 AM
im asuming the smashed one wasnt as bad as that before it was smashed? a lot of panels could be cut out and used as either repair sections/plates, or the chassis legs could be cut and welded in. it would save a lot of time/money hassle.

01-07-08, 11:52 AM
as meritlover says, cut the chassis legs off the GSi :thumb:

dont let another shell be scrapped :( if you're getting a welder, start cutting the rot out and parts from the GSi ready to replace the rotten bits :)


01-07-08, 01:20 PM
As said already cut up the old shell to repair this one, once the rear panel is of it will make it a lot easier to sort the boot corners, what are the front turrets like??

01-07-08, 01:50 PM
If you decide to sell up/scrap let me know as i know someone who would love a sr :)

But i think repair it, Dont waste another nova. (not saying that you already have)

01-07-08, 02:06 PM
Martin, dont be a tart, just weld it, other than the rust in the boot its a blindin shell...

put some effort in lol

01-07-08, 02:08 PM
i say repair it, a few days would see that repaired imo

01-07-08, 03:54 PM
That's pretty shagged, but a new rear panel, replace chassis legs with your rolled GSi etc.
Depends what you're thinking, shouldn't cost much but your time mate.
Need to strip the SR and have a good think first IMO

04-08-08, 12:33 AM
a new sill is on
2 arch repair panels are in the car to be fitted (hopfully this weekend)
hopefully have 2 new wings this week too
wacked some v6 brakes on earlier too.
wheels have tyres on...
i need to start a project thread.....


04-08-08, 07:25 AM

*EDIT: ok, u've decided to keep it..

04-08-08, 06:46 PM
yeah, well, ive got nothing better to do, no car on the road using all my money so thought hey, y not....

04-08-08, 07:17 PM
i was about to send u a PM about ur Gsi shell untill i noticed ur location.

u should weld it. to many novas get scraped