View Full Version : Hospital's...

Ste L
28-06-08, 08:51 PM
how ****ing depressing are they..

just spent my first night in one, for bloody ages - last time was about 12 or so year's ago, when i was about 14ish iirc

and hospital food crap too :wall:

Jim Mcrae
28-06-08, 08:58 PM
yeah, at my local hospital it was ****e, but i found my self at frencheys in bristol and fook my were there tasty nurses if it wasnt for the pain and morphine and surgery i would have enjoyed it far more

Ste L
28-06-08, 09:01 PM
think i spent more time outside smoking than i did inside lol

28-06-08, 09:01 PM
Hospitals stink! Esspecialy in Eastbourne lol

28-06-08, 09:09 PM
I fooking hate hospitals.

Hope all is well Ste

28-06-08, 09:14 PM
I have a fear of Hospitals lol fcuking hate the places lol

Although i am now tetnus free for another 8 and half years due to a little accident involving a rotating alternator and a finger :D

Ste L
28-06-08, 10:29 PM
Hope all is well Ste

hopefully should be fine...

few daily visit's to the walk-in clinic/seeing district nurse, and lot's of pain killer's and i'll be sorted in a few weeks lol

29-06-08, 03:36 AM
Which hospital was it?

Spent mucho time at crumpsall, wythenshawe and hope lol
Hope (odly enough, for having a bizzare name) is the best for nurses and care, food is rank though :(

What was you in for? if you dont mind sharing?

29-06-08, 04:00 AM
ive never minded the actual hospital and the nurses are very good at there job, the thing i dont like is the doctors of a coloured variety (can i say that?). the reason being i find them very heavy handed and un sympathetic.

Ste L
29-06-08, 07:47 AM
Which hospital was it?

Spent mucho time at crumpsall, wythenshawe and hope lol
Hope (odly enough, for having a bizzare name) is the best for nurses and care, food is rank though :(

What was you in for? if you dont mind sharing?

was at wythenshawe...

had an abscess at the top of the crack of my ar$e lol lol lol

back was killing me in since friday, thought i just hurt my back untill i noticed the lump on thursday, so went a+e then...

wanted to keep me over, said stuff that, as they aint gonna do anything to the next day, so went in early friday, hoping i'd get out same day, but the bugger kept me in over night... :mad:

so i got a nice hole at the top of the crack of my ass, with medical packing in it, as it's quite deep and they cant stich it - bloody great, have to go clinc every day to have it changed and it not that comfy having it done lol

ahh well, could of been more worse if i left it longer guess

29-06-08, 08:11 AM
My brother had the same last year turns out it wasnt an abscess! it very common.

Cant remember what it was called!

29-06-08, 11:32 PM
was at wythenshawe...

had an abscess at the top of the crack of my ar$e lol lol lol

back was killing me in since friday, thought i just hurt my back untill i noticed the lump on thursday, so went a+e then...

wanted to keep me over, said stuff that, as they aint gonna do anything to the next day, so went in early friday, hoping i'd get out same day, but the bugger kept me in over night... :mad:

so i got a nice hole at the top of the crack of my ass, with medical packing in it, as it's quite deep and they cant stich it - bloody great, have to go clinc every day to have it changed and it not that comfy having it done lol

ahh well, could of been more worse if i left it longer guess

Ouch! :(
*resists making joke about "double intrusion"* ;)

Yeah i know the feeling of having a pack dressing changed :( got two 1cm deep holes in my leg atm that have pack dressings. You got aquacel in yours? made with silver :D

30-06-08, 08:54 AM
You got aquacel in yours? made with silver :D
Does that make your leg worth more than a Nova? lol

30-06-08, 09:39 AM
Ste, at least now there'll be lots of work done. No standing around scratching your ****.....

Ugh, I know, that was aweful. Feel free to hit me at Billing.

Burgo, as for the coloured Drs, I broke my nose in a crash one drunken saturday night and i got an African Doctor that took the liberty of having 2 of my mates hold me down while he straightened my nose which was c shaped, with his index fingers at either side and pushed then straight. NO pain killers of locals. It hurt so much I shouted "Ya Black *******" without even thinking. Afterwards I appoligised and had a laugh about it. He said its ok, I got my own back when straightening your nose.

30-06-08, 01:14 PM
Does that make your leg worth more than a Nova? lol

It doesnt take alot to make something more valuable (sp?) than a nova :wtf: lol

30-06-08, 01:35 PM
dod strangely enough it was my nose also which started my hatred for coloured doctors.

i walked into a door which shattered and sliced fook out of my nose. whilst it was being stitched up the pain killer hadnt worked which was bad enough but the doctor kept patting it really hard to soak up the blood where as the fit nurse was dabbing it gently. and 13 stiches in your nose with out any pain relief aint funny

30-06-08, 01:48 PM
I hear ya buddy!! They seem to be a little more agressive with their methods. Can you imagine a Pastey white Doctor doing this, er no!!

30-06-08, 07:20 PM
was at wythenshawe...

had an abscess at the top of the crack of my ar$e lol lol lol

back was killing me in since friday, thought i just hurt my back untill i noticed the lump on thursday, so went a+e then...

similar to what i had, nasty.
Mine was behind my pelvis causing me alot of pain for months, doctor just kept saying i had sciatica (sp).
Had to have an operation in the end to sort it and sort a few other things at the same time.

Feel for you mate :thumb:

Ste L
30-06-08, 07:54 PM

the pain's not too bad - got pain killer's for that lol

main problem is, got f1 at silverstone next weekend, and will need it packing over the weekend.

and got the next 2 weeks off work from wed, and i was gonna make an effort to do some work on the corsa, but cant incase i get it infected etc etc :mad:

30-06-08, 09:08 PM
Xbox mate, you know thats the solution!! :D

30-06-08, 09:13 PM
Xbox mate, you know thats the solution!! :Dcod4 ftw :)