View Full Version : [important] The forums & usage & HOW TO POST PICS

27-06-08, 09:33 PM
We've taken on board some suggestions and also made some changes that we thought were needed to keep things tidy and running smoothly around the forums.

The following changes have been made as of today:
"Premium Members" is merged with "Club Chat" (members only)
"18+" moved into PNG Club category and renamed to "18+ only" (members only)
"Event Bookings" is now a sub-forum of "Events" (members only)
"General chat" renamed to "General car chat"
New "Electrical" forum added into "Technical" category
"Insurance" forum moved into "General" categoryThe moderators and administrators are always monitoring all of the forums and will make any edits, moves or deletions of threads and posts as needed.
If any posts are posted in an incorrect forum they will be moved to the correct one without warning so please try to read forum descriptions and post in the correct one. (also beware - Dan will be around a lot more soon as he starts an office job and I think he'll have access to a PC thoughout the day!!!!)

Some pointers:
Images can only be posted after 15 total posts have been reached
HOW TO POST IMAGES (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=121587) - please read this guide that Razorjack has put together
Please avoid "txt" typing, try and be clear and conciseIf you need any help please feel free to contact me.

We've noticed recently a fair amount of posts that should be in mechanical and styling, etc. The seperate parts of the forum were created for a purpose, so try post your threads in the relevant sections. I know a lot of people post there questions in gen chat as this part of the forum gets the most traffic, but please be a bit more patient and post your threads in the correct part of the forums.

The site is moderated in our own time, we do not get paid to clean up the forums, so please, pretty please with a Rachel from S Club 7 shaped angel on top, help to make our lives and the forum better