View Full Version : Annoying rattling dash

Mr Dan
23-09-02, 03:59 PM
I know it's a simple one but my dash has started rattling all on its own even without the music on. Is it just a case of locating and tightening up the screws holding it on as it's well annoying. :?


24-09-02, 12:52 PM
It depends which bits are rattling. When put my Mk2 dash into my Mk1 Nova I had quite a few rattles, mostly all over the place - and it is really annoying.
Go around making sure that the dash is located correctly and that all of the screws are firmly in place. If that doesn't stop it then wedge a shed load of foam behind the dash, which worked for me.

24-09-02, 10:08 PM
small foam fixing pads behinf each screw - wd40 - or simply tighten it up.

Where about is it rattling? What dash? (mk1 or ml2).

I took my stereo out the other day and foung ?3 in cash!

shake rattle n roll!


25-09-02, 02:01 AM
lol at Ade! That's funny, man.

With a lot of panels it's to do with resonance. Change the weight/density of it, and it'll stop the vibrations.

Mr Dan
26-09-02, 02:41 PM
It's a mk2 dash, the bit that was rattling was the main bit behind the steering wheel housing the clocks. Tightened it up, seems to have worked. Think I'll get some foam though for other parts because of the vibration from my speakers and sub. Good idea, cheers.
