View Full Version : Please wear your seatbelt!

23-06-08, 11:20 AM
Just got in from being called out at 4.45am to go to a fatal job.....

Heres the series of events from the collision investigator:
Eyewitness report of Yellow car travelling way too quick
Vehicle (57 Leon CupraR) enters bend at 130mph plus
Knocks 30mph off, strikes solid concrete post at 100mph
Post rips off engine, gearbox, hubs, breaks discs and wheels into bits
Engine lands 40foot from point of impact
Car hits engine, gets launched into air
Drivers ejected from car
Car lands on driver after car rolls in air
Car comes to halt about 100foot from point of impact
Passenger unplugs seatbelt and climbs out with a scratched face to find his dead friend on the floor.......

Not nice, especially at the time of the morning!

Wear your seatbelts people, I dont wanna have to see that again and find out its one of you lot............................


23-06-08, 11:31 AM

23-06-08, 11:40 AM
Damn that's bad.

What you work as?


23-06-08, 11:51 AM
RIP my ****, what did he expect trying to corner at >100mph.

I feel sorry for yourself who had to go and pick up the pieces, and his passeger who he also tried to kill.

Harsh, but meh.

23-06-08, 11:54 AM
one less to worry about or to crash into me/my family,
lucky he hit a post and not another car.

glad his passanger survived though

23-06-08, 12:08 PM
drivers own fault for a) driving like a tool and b.)not wearing his seatbelt..... Passengers gets to live and learn, the driver suffered Darwin.

23-06-08, 12:10 PM
Damn that's bad.

What you work as?


Specialist recovery operator :thumb:

23-06-08, 12:10 PM
As above i dont say rip at all. He was putting his own life at risk, its a risk doing 130 even with a seatbelt. I do feel sorry for people like you, who have to clear it up.

23-06-08, 12:11 PM
Forgot to mention, this all occured in a 40mph zone.....

23-06-08, 12:12 PM
oh, and i thought it was ok because it was in a 130mph zone. lol

23-06-08, 12:15 PM
oh, and i thought it was ok because it was in a 130mph zone. lol

lol maybe the guy thought he saw a 1 in front of the 40 sign.

23-06-08, 12:18 PM
Wear your seatbelts people, I dont wanna have to see that again and find out its one of you lot............................


Im pretty sure an impact like that in a Nova would see you spread all over the place like Primula wearing a seatbelt or not!

As said, gene pool mildly purified without any innocent casualtys. Bob on!

23-06-08, 12:20 PM
im pretty sure a nova would have handled its way around the corner ;)

23-06-08, 12:30 PM
im pretty sure a nova would have handled its way around the corner ;)

No chance in a million years!

I reckon I could get round there at about 100 in the Focus, problem is you'd have to be hard on the brakes for the approaching right hander, not even the Leon would have made it...

23-06-08, 12:36 PM
i was joking................

23-06-08, 12:39 PM
not even the Leon would have made it...

Leons handle like a shopping cart with 3 wheels all with loose wheel nuts ;)

23-06-08, 01:26 PM
Whoa thats real bad and for once its the passenger that survived, usually they die and the dick driver survives!

23-06-08, 01:35 PM
Whoa thats real bad and for once its the passenger that survived, usually they die and the dick driver survives!

2nd that.

craig green
23-06-08, 02:52 PM
Wear your seatbelts people, I dont wanna have to see that again and find out its one of you lot............................


As serious as this thread & post is. Some people end up seriously hurt as a result of wearing seat belts. I will still continue to wear mine, however its worth remembering.

Lisa Lefteye' Lopez of TLC died in an accident where all 3 other passengers survived without belts & she was the only fatality but wore her seatbelt.

23-06-08, 04:09 PM
My seatbelt almost strangled me after I'd crashed and was unconscoius.

None of you can say you've not had a daft moment and done something dangerous, with or without passengers.


23-06-08, 04:54 PM
"please wear your seatbelt" not necisarily.. my uncle and my cousin many years ago were in greece on holiday. Abit pissed up decided to drive home lol. not long later and one massive accident with a telagraph pole (thpnk it could have been concrete aswell) both of them not wearing a seat belt, lucky for them tho.

the post actualy ended up where they would have been sitting. if they wore their belts then there would have been no chance they would be still here today. uncle in a long comma aswell ect ect.

ill try n get some of the photo's. they actualy thought my uncle and cousin werent in a related accident due to the distance one of them travelled in the air...

23-06-08, 05:02 PM
i hardly think a hand full of 'freak' accidents where wearing one would have been dangerous goes anyway to justify not wearing one. Considering the VAST number of accidents that result in less injury or preventing a death.
Any one who gets in a car and thinks "hmm, better not put on my seat-belt in case i crash" is a fool.
Even suggesting that it should be practice not to wear one for the reasons already mentioned, is just irresponsible.

23-06-08, 05:02 PM
Yer my brother had an incident were if he was wearing a seat belt he wouldnt have been able to escape in time. Its all about the govenments figures tho!

edit: Thats what i was trying to get at but he put it so much better lol as per Mr merit.

23-06-08, 05:42 PM
i hardly think a hand full of 'freak' accidents where wearing one would have been dangerous goes anyway to justify not wearing one. Considering the VAST number of accidents that result in less injury or preventing a death.
Any one who gets in a car and thinks "hmm, better not put on my seat-belt in case i crash" is a fool.
Even suggesting that it should be practice not to wear one for the reasons already mentioned, is just irresponsible.

I'm not suggesting anything. Mine did almost strangle me but I don't think I'd have been here now if I wasn't wearing one at all.
I refuse to drive 'til my passengers are belted up.
My AA man was telling me how he never wears his and as we were chatting about my crash he put his on, I bet he always wears it from now on.

23-06-08, 05:51 PM
None of you can say you've not had a daft moment and done something dangerous, with or without passengers.
Yes, but attempting to take a corner at 130mph in a fecking 40 zone is more than a daft moment, thats just pure stupidity.

Isn't the driver responsible for the wearing of seatbelts of the passengers? I'm sure the driver can get points/fine etc if his/her passengers aren't belted up.

Ricky G
23-06-08, 05:57 PM
funny how no one off here has ever driven stupidly or over 100mph. the man died ffs have a little respect. ok if he took other people with him then there's room for anger, but he died in an ACCIDENT.

it is a lesson to be learnt that every now and then you will get caught out. maybe he's driven that road a thousand time's and knew the corner well, but this time he was unlucky.

so i say rest in peace.

p.s yes i do feel for the people that have to clear it up, but if it's that bad then they dont have to do the job.

23-06-08, 06:02 PM
Yes, but attempting to take a corner at 130mph in a fecking 40 zone is more than a daft moment, thats just pure stupidity.


They don't put speed limits up just because they have some surplus signs!

Welsh Dan
23-06-08, 06:02 PM
RJ, anyone over the age of about 14 is responsible for themselves.

Ricky_G, I've driven stupidly, and over 100mph, but never combined.

23-06-08, 06:23 PM
I'm not suggesting anything. Mine did almost strangle me but I don't think I'd have been here now if I wasn't wearing one at all..
i wasnt suggesting you (or any person on here was) :thumb:

I refuse to drive 'til my passengers are belted up.

quite right.

Ricky_G, i dont know how you can call it an 'accident' under the circumstances. the boy was a tool, took a stupid risk=fail.

as the Welsh_Dan suggested, combining speed and stupidity are suicidal. you can be pretty stupid, and as long as your not going fast or drive over a cliff etc you can just walk away.

Mr Jack is right in saying there are speed limits for a reason.

23-06-08, 06:24 PM
amen if i ever roll off a cliff at 120mph i want my balls in a harness

23-06-08, 06:37 PM
funny how no one off here has ever driven stupidly or over 100mph. the man died ffs have a little respect. ok if he took other people with him then there's room for anger, but he died in an ACCIDENT.

it is a lesson to be learnt that every now and then you will get caught out. maybe he's driven that road a thousand time's and knew the corner well, but this time he was unlucky.

so i say rest in peace.

p.s yes i do feel for the people that have to clear it up, but if it's that bad then they dont have to do the job.

I dont think anyone is saying or trying to say theyve never taken risks but tbh there is taking a risk and taking the pi$$ and you will find that according to the feds there is no such thing as a road accident hence changing it from RTA (road traffic accident) to RTC (road traffic collision) as rta implies no blame and in most cases there is usually someone/something to blame.

Not saying its not sh1t that the guys dead ive seen the devastation caused by idiotic driving or the like and its even worse for the families involved to find out their loved ones died through doing something stupid which was clearly their own fault, and there is no way 130 mph in a 40mph zone is an accident.

When alls said and done unlucky that the poor fcuker is now dead but he wont do that again will he!

24-06-08, 01:24 AM
oooopsies! lol bet he`s sorry for driving like a tard now he`s got to live in the world of the dead with a mangled body, and slim chance of pulling some dead flange lol

Incase you havent realised, i have no sympothy for people who take the pi*s on the roads, over 3 times the limit is asking for trouble - unlucky the dead guy lol

*edit, how weird, that was my devil (666`th) post lmao

24-06-08, 01:46 AM
how weird, that was my devil (666`th) post lmao

Oh Noes.

Jebus is coming.

24-06-08, 08:04 AM
oooopsies! lol bet he`s sorry for driving like a tard now he`s got to live in the world of the dead with a mangled body, and slim chance of pulling some dead flange lol
Mmm, necrophilia. lol I would give you rep for that but I can't as I've already given you some :(

BTW, despite popular belief, the "number of the beast" is 616, not 666

24-06-08, 08:32 AM
Like I said on corsa sport.

Going into a corner at 130mph with no seat belt = FAIL

Natural selection

Oh an also jack thats the kind of nerdy thing I would come out but no one believes me lol

25-06-08, 01:24 AM
Just seen this on another forum, pretty good :cool:

Mmm, necrophilia. lol I would give you rep for that but I can't as I've already given you some :(

BTW, despite popular belief, the "number of the beast" is 616, not 666

dude, no, thats just wrong :(
As is sha*ging an alive person if youre brown bread

I did not know that about the 616/666 thing lol

Rick Draper
25-06-08, 01:40 AM
Not wanting to piss people off but who does not speed ont he roads? I have whipped my nova up to 140+ on a duel carrigeway while mapping it in the middle of the day. I do 100ish on the moterway to and front work once a week (my job is one where i only go to and from work once a week). Yes i drive fast but its the cints around you that cause the issues. Pullling out on the M40 and not thinking what the closing speed of the car behind them is because they are doing 70mph which is the speed limit etc...

25-06-08, 09:56 AM
As serious as this thread & post is. Some people end up seriously hurt as a result of wearing seat belts. I will still continue to wear mine, however its worth remembering.

My mate was in a crash and thrown from the car due to no seat belt. He's not paralised from the waist down since.

Another mate was hit side on by an Astra which crushed the seat leaving it about 9" wide in the end up. He's a big lad, imagine what'd have happened to him if he was wearing his belt?

Its different for every case, you cant say a seat bealt WILL save your life because as clearly stated, they can kill you.

25-06-08, 10:04 AM

Take a look through these. The 1st was played in Cinemas around Ireland a few years ago and upset people that they ran out of the cinema crying. Shock Tactics but its the only way to do it.

25-06-08, 10:15 AM
they are all very good adverts. very shocking and well done.

i like the first one, the cd player doesnt skip a beat!!

25-06-08, 10:34 AM
My mate was in a crash and thrown from the car due to no seat belt. He's not paralised from the waist down since.

Another mate was hit side on by an Astra which crushed the seat leaving it about 9" wide in the end up. He's a big lad, imagine what'd have happened to him if he was wearing his belt?

Its different for every case, you cant say a seat bealt WILL save your life because as clearly stated, they can kill you.

So you would rather not wear a belt on the off chance that you'll have a rare freak accident where a seat belt might kill you as opposed what will happen.

99% of the time the seat belt will save your life and any one that doesnt wear one thinking that it will kill them is a tard. I mean a plane could crash into your house but do you wear anti plane crash clothes just incase it does?

25-06-08, 10:36 AM
Not wanting to piss people off but who does not speed ont he roads?

100mph down the motorway is quite different to 130mph round a corner in a 40 zone.

25-06-08, 10:41 AM
So you would rather not wear a belt on the off chance that you'll have a rare freak accident where a seat belt might kill you as opposed what will happen.

No, if you'd read my post correctly i shared 2 examples, 1 pro seat belt and one anti seat belt. What I was saying was, theres no way of knowing if its gonna kill you or not, its impossible to say for definate and its going to depend on the circumstances.

25-06-08, 10:43 AM
I know that, wasnt aimed at you but there seems to be loads of people that say "oh I dont wear one as my mate got thrown 300ft up in the air in a crash an survived so therefore I dont either"

25-06-08, 10:45 AM
Ok, sorry!! lol

It does depend on different circumstances, but the fact it, up until now tseat belts have saved more people than they've killed. Its never going to be 100% Safe but its over the 50% mark.

25-06-08, 11:01 AM
I still maintain the best car safety feature would be for all vehicles to have a massive steel spike coming out the steering wheel, 6 inches from the drivers chest. Everyone would drive uber-carefully then! lol

25-06-08, 11:04 AM
TBH, i'm going to run the risk of wearing my seatbelt from now on.....seeing patches of blood where the bloke was squashed by his own car has really made me think.

25-06-08, 11:59 AM
My 2 cents:
I've been in an accident where I would have received a mashed face if I didn't have my seatbelt on. My shoulder swolen where the seatbelt dug into me so that shows the force the belt took - that recovered in a day or so. The same force could have been me against the windscreen or my face against the steering wheel.