View Full Version : dbilas bodies from regal

22-09-02, 09:16 AM
Fitted them yesterday.

Took about 4 hours or so, few fiddly bits but nothing major, nicely made kit.

Started up first turn of the key and idled smoothly.

Pressed the throttle and was met with a much nicer note than standard, wahoo!

Took it up the road and.............


Completely lost all torque under 5000rpm.

Heres the results for my timed runs:

3K-6K in 3rd on flat:
BEFORE: 6.1, 5.9, 6.2
AFTER: 6.6, 6.6, 6.8

3K-6K in 4th, slight incline (exactly same place both times)
BEFORE: 12.0
AFTER: 13.5

So from 3K-6K im down on power by approximately 10% i would say, and it feels like more in real terms cause the throttle repsosne is nowhere near as punchy now as it was.

Im goign to phone regal and see what they suggest, but i dont see how i have made an error in fitting the kit as its all the standard sensors etc.


The pinciple is great, the kit quality is superb, but for oen reason or another it delivers LESS than the standard setup, which is not good for over a grand!

I will post again with the results of my phone call to regal, but if they cant provide a reason as to how i can sort this out i will taking the kit back to them on the grounds that it does not appear to do what it is advertised to do.

Regal are a good company in my experience so hopefully ill get a satisfactory resolution out of this.


22-09-02, 09:59 AM
:( pissed m8 i thought they where going to be a tight/ not fittable, let me know how it goes m8. how did u use the air flow meter in the end!!?

22-09-02, 12:11 PM
try posting that on mig lol "regal are a good company" see what happens.

can't say i was impressed with those dbilas ones, i'd get your money back and save for the real things.

22-09-02, 01:55 PM

but there real throttle bodies. As i was shamed in another post, so surely this cant happen :o

Ben (lurk75)
22-09-02, 02:00 PM
dosent sound good though does it, i was contemplating getting a set so am quite intrested, dont like what ive heard so far :!:

Would getting the car set up help with this?

Rick Draper
22-09-02, 05:15 PM
lol@regal and good in the same sentence! Must be a mistake surley! lol Rick

22-09-02, 11:36 PM
Im not in the business of rubbishing companies.

DONT buy this kit though, unless you are goign to do what i am now and put stand alone engien managament on it, but if you are doign that anyway, just but a decent kit from SBD.

Lesson learnt, dont go for the cheap option!

Ill be paying dearly for my mistake.

They have picked up a few bhp at the top end, so i guess it is faster, i just did an Accord Type R by enough that he followed me home to aks what was in it!

NOT worth the loss in midrage forthe small gain up top though.


Ben (lurk75)
22-09-02, 11:41 PM

If someone followed me home would jump out with the telescopic wheel brace kept under my seat :!:

(im not paranoid) :roll:

23-09-02, 10:39 AM
Regal reckon not enough fuel pressure is the problem, funny how i need to change this even though they advertise the kit as needing no setting up, LOL!
Will give it a go but doubts its going to make enough difference to pick up what i have lost TBH.


24-09-02, 10:56 PM
I would press for a free run up on their rollers if I were you. If they really care they could sort it on them??

25-09-02, 02:06 AM
Telescopic wheel-brace!:lol: Nice one lurk!

I have this metal rod-thingy that's about 8" long, but if you twist it, it unscrews in the middle and separates into some nunchuckas (two bits of metal joined together with a metal chain)! :lol:

I had some tw@ on a scooter riding up my arse, so i put my foot down and got him to chase me (wasn't a 50cc one), and then slammed the brakes on and watched him shit himself. Thing is, i was sat at a junction later on and he recognised me, pulled up alongside and tried to puch me through the open window before riding off :lol: .

25-09-02, 01:15 PM
I would agree with CP here, talk to them and ask why in their advert it says no setting up is required, yet you have this problem. Ask why they don't mention anything about having to increase fuel pressure and having to buy extra kit. This way they might be more willing to help you as they are not advertising what you fully need to buy. You don't want to come accross as being abusive at all so be careful, just say you want their product to work on your car and feel they should help you out on the above problems encountered. Hope you get somewhere on this cos it's a real bas&*rd spending loads only to be let down and gutted at the end of it.

Ben (lurk75)
25-09-02, 05:01 PM
Chip: still say Regal are a good company :?:

Marty: I used to have a telescopic Kosh but the Police found it on one of there many detailed searches through my car, then they threatened to remove my Doormans license if i was found with another one. So looking in a car spares shop i found a telescopic wheel brace that is legal to carry in a car :D

25-09-02, 10:47 PM
If i were you i'd get ur money bk! Don't take your car on regals rollers as they are the most un-accurate in the country! I've heard of so many people now that have been stitched up by them, i think we should all send e-mails at 1 time and let them know how we really feel!

28-09-02, 06:13 PM
id rather let a blind armless mechanic touch my car than regal bunch of fags who else would put a car on the rollers and not bother to use the fan to aid cooling! :x

28-09-02, 06:30 PM
while we are talking about dedicated vauxhall tuning companies, what does everyone think about Courtenay sport. from my previous experiance i would say they are terrible, heres there list of mess up's so far:

:evil: 4 wrong cams; when rebuilding mine and my mates engine they wouldnt idle (5th time lucky hey) my mate threated them with court action and also having his credit card company take the money off them for a refund before they finaly gave in and sent him a re-fund. Also courtenay cams arnt courtenay cams, they are piper 270's most of the time (they admited this), and their cams for the calibra turbo are standard astra 16v vale cams!

:evil: Wrong exhaust for my sri (i have only just had this re-bent to fit)

:evil: wrong rear springs for my nova (it looke like a drag car for a week until they finally sent me the right ones)

and then there is there prices for fitting stuff they are an absalute joke, so has anybody else had problems with them :?:

01-10-02, 09:21 AM
Have heard that about the cally turbo cams as well.

My mates unlce is chris courtenay, top bloke, but no longer anything to do with the company, they bought the name too when he sold the company.


01-10-02, 09:14 PM
Lurk u need 1 of my 6D maglites i advertised the other week. Its for if i breakdown officer :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
01-10-02, 09:38 PM
Sh*t my boss who i work on the dorrs for has got one of them (for checking peoples id of course) but i thought you were selling the pencil size ones, if i had known what size they were i would have had one, can you get anymore?

01-10-02, 11:22 PM
I've been told that Courtenay cams are made Piper as well. I'm not sure they are straight like for like with the Piper 270's tho?

I have never bought anything from Courtenay so I cant say from direct personal experience about them but just to balance things up a bit...
I have met Jon Shields and seen his Nova go and it flies(used to) It was extremely well prepared. I know someone who got them to do a complete 2.0l conversion on TB's in his Nova and he is very pleased with it apart from the lack of effective swirl pot in the fuel tank :o

So as usual there are 2 sides. I expect most garages have peeps who have had bad experiences with them. You can't win them all. Plus with best will in the world sometimes stuff cocks up and you can't always trace it down and fix it easily or quickly.