View Full Version : should I be worried...

22-06-08, 07:54 PM
My 1.3SR has a small amount of white smoke coming out of the exhaust. Usually there once it warms up.

I changed the oil and all filters today. Been told it could be oil or water?

Theres' defo a smell of oil about the car when turned on and running however theres no sludge on the oil cap, the head gaskets been done recently and the water levels aren't dropping - the collant tank is nice and blue coloured still. No lights are coming on although I am going through a shed load of fuel (and no I'm not ragging it) and notice that it pinks when I put my foot down.

Also when idling (after warmed up which usually sits at 2000 revs for over 10 mins!) it idles about 1100 and theres an occasional stutter - very minor - almost like theres air in the fuel (carb needs cleaning?)

Any advice?

I am planning on replacing the pieberg with a weber 32/34 and getting it tuned up as a result but the smoke is a tad worrying...


22-06-08, 08:17 PM
do a compression test.

22-06-08, 09:09 PM
White smoke tends to indicate water being burned off. As mentioned i'd do a CT to be on the safe side. It might just be excess condensation.

22-06-08, 09:18 PM
What oil filter was it Ade? As Halfords filters are notorius for causing white smoke :thumb:

22-06-08, 09:35 PM
its a K&N round filter - slots into the existing bin lid and you just clean it using the filter cleaner oil stuff...

Strangely the smoke may have started at the same time I fitted it...

Perhaps I'll purchase another one to check...

How do i do a compession test. I'm sure this was done when the head was done...


22-06-08, 09:37 PM
Just take the filter out and run it, see if your still getting the smoke. if you're not, i would imagine its just clearing any moisture that may be in the filter from storage pal.

22-06-08, 09:45 PM
Sounds like a good idea that i didnt go with the halfords filter then. The idle could be somthing do with it, but if it isnt couldnt it be the idle screw thing lol

22-06-08, 11:16 PM
had the same problem with my gsi a few weeks ago, noticed it was very smokey and wasnt running as good as it should have been.

so done compression test and was dowm on 3 and 4. took head of and had a small blister in head gasket so it is probably your head mate..

23-06-08, 09:19 AM
Mine used to do this a little and it turned out I had a cracked head :cry:

23-06-08, 11:27 PM
head has only recently been done so its defo not head (touch wood)

I did as lee recommended and put old "dirty" filter in - and it's MUCH better. No smoke and its much more responsive!

I've purchased some filter cleaner incase the filter (its a FRAM unit) is clogged up. In the meantime I'll stick with the basic filters...

cheers for the help guys...
