View Full Version : Driving age 'rising to 18' with tough new test

20-06-08, 03:21 PM
500 hours seems excessive imho


20-06-08, 03:22 PM
Sucks to be Vaughan & Dave!

20-06-08, 03:41 PM
pmsl , suppose it will cut ou the amount of pubeless d1cks showing how fast thier cars will go y0 , cut amount of deaths on the road etc , also heard the theory test has been increased lol im glad ive got me liscence :D

20-06-08, 03:43 PM
Wernt that for people who were born 1992+ ? Well i hope so!

20-06-08, 03:47 PM
Sucks to be Vaughan & Dave!

i thurt the exact same thing lol unlucky boys

20-06-08, 03:53 PM
Should be raised to 25 IMO

20-06-08, 03:55 PM
Sucks to be Vaughan & Dave!

This isnt the only reason they suck lol.

Umm its from the Daily Fail, and hugely likely to not come to fruition.
The "car" license category does need splitting up into Day, Night, Motorway, passengers though.

20-06-08, 04:03 PM
With regards to thread title, Good. Way to many cockholes on the UK's roads.

20-06-08, 04:07 PM
all this means is toull have more people driving without a licence or insurance!!

Rick Draper
20-06-08, 04:27 PM
Sooner the better, while they are at it they should ban 10+ year old cars from the road as well.

20-06-08, 04:32 PM
old news as usual, they were talking about this on radio 2 about 4 or 5 months ago.

dhdev (Oli)
20-06-08, 05:07 PM
17, 18....might as well make it 70, it's not like we'll be able to afford to run cars soon anyway :mad:

20-06-08, 05:12 PM
i heard about this ages ago now that's why i got my ass in gear and got my licence befor the changes

20-06-08, 05:34 PM
I Hate the way they do all this for young drivers. but im sorry if any OAP's are reading this lol but they are more dangerous than me. i spend too much money and time on my car, too have some old boy who doesnt have the reaction speed to crash into me. i think young drivers are all tarred with the same brush. between all my mates, we all have a thing for cars and feel there is no point in being a **** on the roads?

rannnnt over :D

20-06-08, 09:18 PM
this is just the sort of thing that happens when politicians get together & haven't got anything to talk about.......they think 'what is the BEST way to solve a problem????????'

20-06-08, 10:18 PM
Trust it to happen when I'm less than a year away

More time to have another Nova on the go though lol

20-06-08, 11:44 PM
its bull ****! In november i turn 17 an all.. got my rally car/road car all sorted an all! :( hopefully it comes into action next year lol

20-06-08, 11:49 PM
its bull ****! In november i turn 17 an all.. got my rally car/road car all sorted an all! :( hopefully it comes into action next year lol

hope so too mate!

i am in the same position as you..

20-06-08, 11:57 PM
imho every single person with a license should be tested every year

the amount of people i see nearly casuing accidents/hogging the middle lane/not signalling on island is scary - the test is bollox, drive like a saint for 45mins and have a license to drive like a tool forever

21-06-08, 08:40 AM
actually lowering the driving age would help, but only permit 50bhp in a two seater for the first 2 years or something like that. Get some experience under your belt etc etc

21-06-08, 09:52 AM
i think they should lower the driving age and make the test easier.

21-06-08, 10:23 AM
I am being serious now.

The best way to improve things on the road is this:

1. Ban Parents from insuring their offsprings cars for them, so young drivers HAVE to pay for their own insurance.......the insurers already have trackers/curfew/mileage devices....
2. Make all cars over 10 years old have a 6 monthly mot. the mot should be beefed up to check if the engine is the same size as on the log book & all other mods taken into consideration, like a noise test (they have them at tracks).
3. The actual driver training should be more geared to learning to drive & not learning to pass a test. ie When you take a hgv test, the emergency stop & reversing bits are done in the test centre & only if you are good enough, then you are allowed on the road. the test should also include a technical section to prove you know how to maintain your car, change a wheel, light bulbs etc...
4. the hardest bit is to change peoples attitudes.... Doing 15mph over the speed limit in town is far worse than doing it on the open road. Showing a squashed child on an ad isn't doing the trick, but showing someone getting points & the costs to their insurance etc would be more practical.
5. Keep the 17 age limit, it has worked well for years.

ps. I enjoy driving fast, I always have & always will but I know that fast cars have never been so easy to get hold of, & the current system isn't working

21-06-08, 11:00 AM
17 is quite young, when you get older ad I'm only 23, I see some people behind the wheel who don't even look old enough and can't see over the steering wheel!

The training does need looking at, to include daytime, night time, weather, motorways etc. I worked so could only learn in the evening and it was in winter. Making them have a years experience would enable them to get a feel of many factors of the outside i.e bright sunlight, pouring with rain, snow, dark nights etc.

It is so expensive for younger drivers to get insurance, like someone said it is unfair and they can get tarred with same brush, I know they look at statistics etc but how many of us have seen older people not having a clue out there on the roads, retest at a certain ages would solve this.

I think I will apply to the government for PNG to make a stand at the times they are trying to solve these things lol.

By the way, how much is a provisional now, sure a girl told me not so long ago it was around the £50 mark?? I paid £17 I think :O

21-06-08, 11:41 AM
old news as usual, they were talking about this on radio 2 about 4 or 5 months ago.
They've been talking about it for years. I seem to recall even when I was 17 it was being waivered around, and that was 9 years ago. So don't expect anything to come to fruition for a few years yet lol

General Baxter
21-06-08, 12:02 PM
actually lowering the driving age would help, but only permit 50bhp in a two seater for the first 2 years or something like that. Get some experience under your belt etc etc

most 1L novas then lol

as for the test, why the hell dont they add motorway onto it?
i passed my test, they put me on the insurance at work, the next day i was going down the m6 :roll: talk about panic lol

21-06-08, 01:05 PM
as for the test, why the hell dont they add motorway onto it?

because the Cornish Test centres can't actually get the learner to a motorway inside the test length (45mins) I am sure a lot more counties have the same trouble,

just vaux trev
21-06-08, 01:24 PM
as has already beed said if they make it to hard and to expensive to drive legally there will be more illegal drivers on the rd i got banned and havent drove for years due to having to take a retest wich im in the middle of sorting atm i like to think i have learnt my lesson and i want to be a legal thoughtfull driver, im stuck in the house 24/7 with 3 kids under the age of 3 so you imagine getting 3 kids onto a bus everytime you want to go anywhere if there is 1 more buggy on a bus i cant get on it, i need to be able to drive to have a life if they make it to expensive with stupid x amount of lessons i know i will be one of many illegal drivers on the rd