View Full Version : Wtf :d

18-06-08, 05:00 PM
Well, I guess my account is working again (for the short period of time iv've been registered). Wooo! I love coming on here, even if I have just been browsing for the last year lol
If the admin folk sorted my account issues after a friendly word from Lynz I thank you.
Sorry for the first post from me being a for sale topic lol, but as explained in it I assumed that I (from my IP) would not be able to use this account anymore[/ramble]
Awesome to see so many amazing projects and completed cars, gutted I never made PV, but as you may be able to tell I still keep up with proceedings lol
Also, like many here I do not own a Nova at present, so I guess I fit right in lol

18-06-08, 05:06 PM
oh great, you are back


18-06-08, 05:09 PM
lol Can't keep me away from Novas my friend. I owned myself just bfore though, attempted to change avi. and failed seeing as my premium membership expired lol. I shall rejoin.

BTW Draper *you're[/pedantic] Self apointed spell checkers (and spellbot) make me lol
*waits to be corrected*

18-06-08, 05:10 PM
dunno what your on about ;)

18-06-08, 05:12 PM
haha av knee eye dear...
So what't the deal Draper, do you have a Nova again now, don't recall seeing a WIP under your name mate

18-06-08, 05:13 PM
have a nova and a corsa now, both bare shells lol

18-06-08, 05:13 PM
AHH I allways thought it was Razorjack.

Oh well lets give him more work then.

Such a gud fred dis.

18-06-08, 05:17 PM
Hello! :D Welcome back, better be on your best behaviour now then sir!

18-06-08, 05:19 PM
Hello! :D Welcome back, better be on your best behaviour now then sir!

:thumb: As always Lynz, so did you have a word with Lee then? I are confused. Would have been posting here ages ago if it worked lol

18-06-08, 05:20 PM
have a nova and a corsa now, both bare shells lol

LOL are they WIP or ornaments though? That is the question

18-06-08, 05:21 PM
LOL are they WIP or ornaments though? That is the question

both, im steadily getting the corsa welded up, should be ready for engine in after this weekend :D

and im just collecting parts for the nova at the minute

18-06-08, 05:23 PM
I just told him you'd had trouble logging in :)

18-06-08, 05:26 PM
Sounds like good progress dude :) So no project threads then?
CheeRS lol then Lynz, nice sig BTW, although The beast with a billion backs is SH!T IMO :( Seen it?

18-06-08, 05:26 PM
Sounds like good progress dude :) So no project threads then?
CheeRS lol then Lynz, nice sig BTW, although The beast with a billion backs is SH!T IMO :( Seen it?

not yet, im too susy with the welder to be messing about with the camera ;)

ill get pics up once its done tho

18-06-08, 05:29 PM
Yeah that's the way I tend to do things also, then regret not having any pics
Wear the welding screen and don't just close your eyes and tack like my mate did when he lent my mig to repair the 1/4 on his 205 wip.
Says he has a burned face now, he must be the only that is surprised!

18-06-08, 05:30 PM
Nope, I'm always let down by cartoony films though.

18-06-08, 05:35 PM
I should also apologise for the numerous PM's I left unanswered, when I logged in I could see them but they wouldn't open :S
I think I will pass on the crossflow inlet dj_wudgey (30/05/07) lol

18-06-08, 05:58 PM
Just cause you sold the xrpoo doesnt meen you can top up the elecy card and come back here you know lol