I would invest the remainder of your budget in EGGS. Make sure they have the Lion on them. He can then make ''goggelly moggelli'', which is a Jooish invention of mine. Tho it's also a secret recipe. Which i won't share. But EGGS is what you should all be buying. Set the budget from ?1K, and start working your way from there really. If you're lucky, you will find 12 eggs for just ?1!! That's an amazing return for your investment.

Your friend will LOVE his ?29 worth of eggs. He can even draw faces on them all, glue on hair, and make them Kimonos.

I have stopped buying my fiends (and etc) presents, because i ALLWAYS have gone COMPLETELY over the top with extravagant gifts. I LOVE buying people presents, more so than receiving them, especially when i put some thought into it and they love them, which makes me feel really good. BUT i have stopped because i have realised that it probably makes people uncomfortable having a lot of money spent on them, without feeling like they have to reciprocate. AND that i have been spending far more than necessary to make the actual 'gesture', and i should have probably kept the bulk of money for myself. I mean, NO i wouldn't ever attempt to 'buy' someones friendship or affection, but when you do go a little 'Marty crazy' with the generosity, and then you 'lose' your friends (i.e. they just decide not to bother keeping in touch anymore), or get repeatedly snaked by girls (hey THANKS for ending it in a text message after TWO years, i'm SO glad i treated YOU with respect and consideration), you kinda think ''shit, where DOES my money keep going!?'' lmao. Yeah. Watever. Word.

Anyway, now i just give all my friends my ''sexy thick love piss'' as a present, and they ALL go gagga for it.