Surely it can't be that hard to get replicas, they originally were made 30 years ago for probably naff all and technology has come along now much better that a replica will be better than the originals.
Surely it can't be that hard to get replicas, they originally were made 30 years ago for probably naff all and technology has come along now much better that a replica will be better than the originals.
More to the point, if they are even 0.5mm out its still better than the factory tolerances
success is only limited by a weak mind
Make them from wood Bazil
True but as we know how much money vaux must pay for just one pannel I'm a joiner not a billion pound company and yes its possable for me to get them made because Tec is so much better but cnc would follow spot welds, crap plated steel but I do take on the cost if there no good.
Any ideas on pressing costs for these parts? If have the main panels repro'd im sure you would male a small fortune. Rally lads still prefer the novas but smashing them for **** these days
But yes basils prob correct better that factory
I will speak to cnc guy tomorow
Pressing in nothing compared the dies thats the cost will try to get some figures, anyone got some photos of them like richs ones so I can forward them on?
Ps its a pannel not a leg in short skirt ffs rich
The thing about the legs is there is 3 sections to it, its cant be made in one go as each section is a different thickness,
You have the thinest section which is the longest part
The section that joins onto the inner sill and quarter panel which is thicker
And the thickest part is the spring cup,
Im no expert but id say each part would need to be scanned individually,
Covering up scabbed metal or spotwelds is easy, skim and shape,
success is only limited by a weak mind
Cut into 3 sections then copy each part, for most people out there that build Novas nowadays all are very capable of welding so I reckon you could even sell them on in 3 part kits.
CUT !!!!!!!!!!! WTF ??????
Carefully removed
success is only limited by a weak mind